= 2.0.2

* Bugs fixed
  * Email class reloading issue in development mode causing AR email class defaults to be lost when cached

= 2.0.1

* Added option to use smtp setting of :tls => false to disable TLS auto start in Ruby 1.8.7+
* Removed some cruft which can be handled by ActiveSupport

= 2.0.0

* Removed need to use ARMailer subclass. Just set the delivery method and you are ready to go. Backwards compatible with a deprecation notice if you subclass old ARMailer class.
* Only include SMTP TLS patch if Ruby version < 1.8.7 as it has an alternative. Changes based on Calvin Yu's [cyu] fork.
* Renamed default migration name to the modern Rails default
* Only authenticate if emails waiting to be sent
* Added --version switch to ar_sendmail binary
* Created a lighthouse account for this project (adzap fork only). See README.

= 1.4.4

* Exit init.d script with message if no mailers defined.

= 1.4.3

* Bugs fixed
  * Replaced mistaken call to log when removing pid file artifact for 
    non-running daemon

= 1.4.2

* New Features
  * Added Ruby based linux init.d script for handling daemon startup using yaml
    config file. See files share/linux/ar_sendmail and ar_sendmail.conf
* Bugs fixed
  * Proper handling for relative and absolute paths for the pid file
* Removed hoe dependency since we need the explicit gemspec file for github and 
  not deploying to RubyForge its not as useful.
* Moved old BSD rc.d script to share/bsd folder 
* Updated README with github gem install, docs and init script info
= 1.4.1

* Bugs fixed
  * Daemon failed on startup fixed with expanding full path of pid file

= 1.4.0

* Forked gem and published on GitHub (gem sources -a http://gems.github.com)
* New Features
  * Added pid file creation on daemonize with command line option to specify pid filename [Dylan Egan]

= 1.3.1

* Fix bug #12530, gmail causes SSL errors.  Submitted by Kyle Maxwell
  and Alex Ostleitner.
* Try ActionMailer::Base::server_settings then ::smtp_settings.  Fixes
  bug #12516.  Submitted by Alex Ostleitner.

= 1.3.0

* New Features
  * Added automatic mail queue cleanup.
    * MAY CAUSE LOSS OF DATA.  If you haven't run ar_sendmail within
      the expiry time, set it to 0.
* Bugs fixed
  * Authentication errors are now handled by retrying once.

= 1.2.0

* Bugs fixed
  * Handle SMTPServerBusy by backing off @delay seconds then re-queueing
  * Allow email delivery class to be set in ARMailer.
  * ar_sendmail --mailq works with --table-name now.
* Miscellaneous Updates
  * Added documentation to require 'action_mailer/ar_mailer' in
  * Moved to ZSS p4 repository
  * Supports TLS now.  Requested by Dave Thomas. smtp_tls.rb from Kyle
    Maxwell & etc.

= 1.1.0

* Features
  * Added --chdir to set rails directory
  * Added --environment to set RAILS_ENV
  * Exits cleanly on TERM or INT signals
  * Added FreeBSD rc.d script
  * Exceptions during SMTP sending are now logged
  * No longer waits if sending email took too long
* Bugs fixed
  * Fixed last send attempt in --mailq
  * Better SMTP error handling
    * Messages are removed from the queue on 5xx errors
    * Added Net::SMTP.reset to avoid needing to recreate the connection

= 1.0.1

* Bugs fixed
  * From and to of email destination were swapped

= 1.0.0

* Birthday