Then /^I should( not)? see the scope "([^"]*)"( selected)?$/ do |negate, name, selected| should = "I should#{' not' if negate}" scope = ".scopes#{' .selected' if selected}" step %{#{should} see "#{name}" within "#{scope}"} end Then /^I should see the scope "([^"]*)" not selected$/ do |name| step %{I should see the scope "#{name}"} expect(page).to_not have_css '.scopes .selected', text: name end Then /^I should see the scope "([^"]*)" with the count (\d+)$/ do |name, count| name =' ', '').underscore.downcase step %{I should see "#{count}" within ".scopes .#{name} .count"} end Then /^I should see the scope with label "([^"]*)"$/ do |label| expect(page).to have_link(label) end Then /^I should see the current scope with label "([^"]*)"$/ do |label| expect(page).to have_css '.current_scope_name', text: label end Then /^I should see the scope "([^"]*)" with no count$/ do |name| name =" ", "").underscore.downcase expect(page).to have_css ".scopes .#{name}" expect(page).to_not have_css ".scopes .#{name} .count" end