# Runnable A Ruby gem that allow programmer to control UNIX system commands as a Ruby class. # Usage All you have to do is to create a class named exactly as command and make it inherit from class Runnable. class LS include Runnable end That gives you the basics to control the execution of ```ls``` command. You can overwrite the name of the command by using the ```executes``` macro: class MyLs include Runnable executes :ls end Now you can create an instance like this: my_command = LS.new And run the command as follows my_command.run Many other options are available; you can stop the command, kill it or look for some important information about the command and its process. Entire documentation of this gem can be generated using ```yardoc```. To do this use ```rake doc```. ## Custom output and exceptions Runnable parse a set of user defined regular expresion to set up the command return values. This is an example of how we can receive the return value of a command: class Nmap include Runnable executes :nmap define_command( :scan, :blocking => true ) { |ip, subnet| "-sP #{ip}/#{subnet}" } scan_processors( :exceptions => { /^Illegal netmask value/ => ArgumentError }, :outputs => { /Nmap scan report for (.*)/ => :ip } ) end Nmap.new.scan("", "24") # should return an array with the ips Runnable can also raise custom exceptions, using the previously Nmap defined class: Nmap.new.scan("", "1000") Will raise an ArgumentError exception. Note that Runnable will also raise an exception if the command returned value is not 0. ## Background usage Runnable can be used with background process: class Ping include Runnable define_command( :goping, :blocking => false) { "-c5 www.google.es" } goping_processors( :outputs => { /64 bytes from .* time=(.*) ms/ => :time } ) end p = Ping.new p.goping while p.running? p p.output[:time] sleep 1 end # About Runnable is a gem developed by [NoSoloSoftware](http://nosolosoftware.biz). # License Runnable is Copyright 2011 NoSoloSoftware, it is free software. Runnable is distributed under GPLv3 license. More details can be found at COPYING file.