require 'addressable/uri' require 'bigdecimal' require 'bigdecimal/util' require 'date' require 'pathname' require 'set' require 'time' require 'yaml' begin # Prefer active_support require 'active_support/core_ext/kernel/singleton_class' require 'active_support/core_ext/class/inheritable_attributes' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/except' require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access' require 'active_support/inflector' Mash = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess require 'dm-core/core_ext/hash' require 'dm-core/core_ext/object' require 'dm-core/core_ext/string' rescue LoadError # Default to extlib require 'extlib/inflection' require 'extlib/mash' require 'extlib/string' require 'extlib/class' require 'extlib/hash' require 'extlib/object' require 'extlib/blank' class Object unless respond_to?(:singleton_class) def singleton_class class << self; self end end end end module ActiveSupport Inflector = Extlib::Inflection end end begin require 'fastthread' rescue LoadError # fastthread not installed end require 'dm-core/core_ext/pathname' require 'dm-core/core_ext/module' require 'dm-core/core_ext/array' require 'dm-core/support/chainable' require 'dm-core/support/deprecate' require 'dm-core/support/equalizer' require 'dm-core/support/assertions' require 'dm-core/support/lazy_array' require 'dm-core/support/local_object_space' require 'dm-core/support/hook' require 'dm-core/support/subject' require 'dm-core/model' require 'dm-core/model/descendant_set' require 'dm-core/model/hook' require 'dm-core/model/is' require 'dm-core/model/scope' require 'dm-core/model/relationship' require 'dm-core/model/property' require 'dm-core/collection' require 'dm-core/type' require 'dm-core/types/boolean' require 'dm-core/types/discriminator' require 'dm-core/types/text' require 'dm-core/types/object' require 'dm-core/types/serial' require 'dm-core/property' require 'dm-core/property/object' require 'dm-core/property/string' require 'dm-core/property/binary' require 'dm-core/property/text' require 'dm-core/property/numeric' require 'dm-core/property/float' require 'dm-core/property/decimal' require 'dm-core/property/boolean' require 'dm-core/property/integer' require 'dm-core/property/serial' require 'dm-core/property/date' require 'dm-core/property/date_time' require 'dm-core/property/time' require 'dm-core/property/class' require 'dm-core/property/discriminator' require 'dm-core/property_set' require 'dm-core/adapters' require 'dm-core/adapters/abstract_adapter' require 'dm-core/associations/relationship' require 'dm-core/associations/one_to_many' require 'dm-core/associations/one_to_one' require 'dm-core/associations/many_to_one' require 'dm-core/associations/many_to_many' require 'dm-core/identity_map' require 'dm-core/property' require 'dm-core/property_set' require 'dm-core/query' require 'dm-core/query/conditions/operation' require 'dm-core/query/conditions/comparison' require 'dm-core/query/operator' require 'dm-core/query/direction' require 'dm-core/query/path' require 'dm-core/query/sort' require 'dm-core/repository' require 'dm-core/resource' require 'dm-core/resource/state' require 'dm-core/resource/state/transient' require 'dm-core/resource/state/immutable' require 'dm-core/resource/state/persisted' require 'dm-core/resource/state/clean' require 'dm-core/resource/state/deleted' require 'dm-core/resource/state/dirty' require 'dm-core/support/logger' require 'dm-core/support/naming_conventions' require 'dm-core/version' require 'dm-core/core_ext/kernel' # TODO: do not load automatically require 'dm-core/core_ext/symbol' # TODO: do not load automatically # A logger should always be present. Lets be consistent with DO, :fatal) unless defined?(Infinity) Infinity = 1.0/0 end # == Setup and Configuration # DataMapper uses URIs or a connection hash to connect to your data-store. # URI connections takes the form of: # DataMapper.setup(:default, 'protocol://username:password@localhost:port/path/to/repo') # # Breaking this down, the first argument is the name you wish to give this # connection. If you do not specify one, it will be assigned :default. If you # would like to connect to more than one data-store, simply issue this command # again, but with a different name specified. # # In order to issue ORM commands without specifying the repository context, you # must define the :default database. Otherwise, you'll need to wrap your ORM # calls in repository(:name) { }. # # Second, the URI breaks down into the access protocol, the username, the # server, the password, and whatever path information is needed to properly # address the data-store on the server. # # Here's some examples # DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite3://path/to/your/project/db/development.db') # DataMapper.setup(:default, 'mysql://localhost/dm_core_test') # # no auth-info # DataMapper.setup(:default, 'postgres://root:supahsekret@') # # with auth-info # # # Alternatively, you can supply a hash as the second parameter, which would # take the form: # # DataMapper.setup(:default, { # :adapter => 'adapter_name_here', # :database => 'path/to/repo', # :username => 'username', # :password => 'password', # :host => 'hostname' # }) # # === Logging # To turn on error logging to STDOUT, issue: # #$stdout, :debug) # # You can pass a file location ("/path/to/log/file.log") in place of $stdout. # see DataMapper::Logger for more information. # module DataMapper extend DataMapper::Assertions class RepositoryNotSetupError < StandardError; end class IncompleteModelError < StandardError; end class PluginNotFoundError < StandardError; end class UnknownRelationshipError < StandardError; end class ObjectNotFoundError < RuntimeError; end class PersistenceError < RuntimeError; end class UpdateConflictError < PersistenceError; end class SaveFailureError < PersistenceError; end class ImmutableError < RuntimeError; end class ImmutableDeletedError < ImmutableError; end # Raised on attempt to operate on collection of child objects # when parent object is not yet saved. # For instance, if your article object is not saved, # but you try to fetch or scope down comments (1:n case), or # publications (n:m case), operation cannot be completed # because parent object's keys are not yet persisted, # and thus there is no FK value to use in the query. class UnsavedParentError < PersistenceError; end # @api private def self.root @root ||= Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.parent.expand_path.freeze end # Setups up a connection to a data-store # # @param [Symbol] name # a name for the context, defaults to :default # @param [Hash(Symbol => String), Addressable::URI, String] uri_or_options # connection information # # @return [DataMapper::Adapters::AbstractAdapter] # the resulting setup adapter # # @raise [ArgumentError] "+name+ must be a Symbol, but was..." # indicates that an invalid argument was passed for name[Symbol] # @raise [ArgumentError] "+uri_or_options+ must be a Hash, URI or String, but was..." # indicates that connection information could not be gleaned from # the given uri_or_options[Hash, Addressable::URI, String] # # @api public def self.setup(*args) adapter = args.first unless adapter.kind_of?(Adapters::AbstractAdapter) adapter =*args) end Repository.adapters[] = adapter end # Block Syntax # Pushes the named repository onto the context-stack, # yields a new session, and pops the context-stack. # # Non-Block Syntax # Returns the current session, or if there is none, # a new Session. # # @param [Symbol] args the name of a repository to act within or return, :default is default # # @yield [Proc] (optional) block to execute within the context of the named repository # # @api public def self.repository(name = nil) context = Repository.context current_repository = if name name = name.to_sym context.detect { |repository| == name } else name = Repository.default_name context.last end current_repository ||= if block_given? current_repository.scope { |*block_args| yield(*block_args) } else current_repository end end end