namespace :pl do namespace :remote do # These hacky bits execute a pre-existing rake task on the Pkg::Config.apt_host # The rake task takes packages in a specific directory and freights them # to various target yum and apt repositories based on their specific type # e.g., final vs devel vs PE vs FOSS packages desc "Update '#{Pkg::Config.repo_name}' yum repository on '#{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}'" task update_yum_repo: 'pl:fetch' do command = Pkg::Config.yum_repo_command || 'rake -f /opt/repository/Rakefile mk_repo' $stdout.puts "Really run remote repo update on '#{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}'? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Repo.update_repo(Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server, command, { :repo_name => Pkg::Paths.yum_repo_name, :repo_path => Pkg::Config.yum_repo_path, :repo_host => Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server }) end end desc "Update all final yum repositories on '#{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}'" task update_all_final_yum_repos: 'pl:fetch' do command = Pkg::Config.yum_repo_command || 'rake -f /opt/repository/Rakefile mk_repo' $stdout.puts "Really run remote repo update on '#{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}'? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Repo.update_repo(Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server, command, { :repo_name => '', :repo_path => Pkg::Config.yum_repo_path, :repo_host => Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server }) end end desc "Update '#{Pkg::Config.nonfinal_repo_name}' nightly yum repository on '#{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}'" task update_nightlies_yum_repo: 'pl:fetch' do command = Pkg::Config.yum_repo_command || 'rake -f /opt/repository-nightlies/Rakefile mk_repo' $stdout.puts "Really run remote repo update on '#{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}'? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Repo.update_repo(Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server, command, { :repo_name => Pkg::Config.nonfinal_repo_name, :repo_path => Pkg::Config.nonfinal_yum_repo_path, :repo_host => Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server }) end end desc "Update all nightly yum repositories on '#{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}'" task update_all_nightlies_yum_repos: 'pl:fetch' do command = Pkg::Config.yum_repo_command || 'rake -f /opt/repository-nightlies/Rakefile mk_repo' $stdout.puts "Really run remote repo update on '#{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}'? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Repo.update_repo(Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server, command, { :repo_name => '', :repo_path => Pkg::Config.nonfinal_yum_repo_path, :repo_host => Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server }) end end task freight: :update_apt_repo desc "Update remote apt repository on '#{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server}'" task update_apt_repo: 'pl:fetch' do $stdout.puts "Really run remote repo update on '#{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server}'? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Repo.update_repo(Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server, Pkg::Config.apt_repo_command, { :repo_name => Pkg::Paths.apt_repo_name, :repo_path => Pkg::Config.apt_repo_path, :repo_host => Pkg::Config.apt_host, :repo_url => Pkg::Config.apt_repo_url }) end end desc "Update nightlies apt repository on '#{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server}'" task update_nightlies_apt_repo: 'pl:fetch' do $stdout.puts "Really run remote repo update on '#{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server}'? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Repo.update_repo(Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server, Pkg::Config.nonfinal_apt_repo_command, { :repo_name => Pkg::Config.nonfinal_repo_name, :repo_path => Pkg::Config.nonfinal_apt_repo_path, :repo_host => Pkg::Config.apt_host, :repo_url => Pkg::Config.apt_repo_url }) end end desc "Update apt and yum repos" task :update_foss_repos => "pl:fetch" do Rake::Task['pl:remote:update_apt_repo'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:update_yum_repo'].invoke end desc "Update nightlies apt and yum repos" task :update_nightly_repos => "pl:fetch" do Rake::Task['pl:remote:update_nightlies_apt_repo'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:update_nightlies_yum_repo'].invoke end desc "Update remote ips repository on #{Pkg::Config.ips_host}" task :update_ips_repo => 'pl:fetch' do if Dir['pkg/ips/pkgs/**/*'].empty? && Dir['pkg/solaris/11/**/*'].empty? $stdout.puts "There aren't any p5p packages in pkg/ips/pkgs or pkg/solaris/11. Maybe something went wrong?" else if !Dir['pkg/ips/pkgs/**/*'].empty? source_dir = 'pkg/ips/pkgs/' else source_dir = 'pkg/solaris/11/' end tmpdir, _ = Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.ips_host, 'mktemp -d -p /var/tmp', true) tmpdir.chomp! Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to(source_dir, Pkg::Config.ips_host, tmpdir) remote_cmd = %(for pkg in #{tmpdir}/*.p5p; do sudo pkgrecv -s $pkg -d #{Pkg::Config.ips_path} '*'; done) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.ips_host, remote_cmd) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.ips_host, "sudo pkgrepo refresh -s #{Pkg::Config.ips_path}") Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.ips_host, "sudo /usr/sbin/svcadm restart svc:/application/pkg/server:#{Pkg::Config.ips_repo || 'default'}") end end desc "Move dmg repos from #{Pkg::Config.dmg_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.dmg_host}" task deploy_dmg_repo: 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run remote rsync to deploy OS X repos from #{Pkg::Config.dmg_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.dmg_host}? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do cmd = Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_cmd(Pkg::Config.dmg_path, target_host: Pkg::Config.dmg_host, extra_flags: ['--update']) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.dmg_staging_server, cmd) end end end desc "Move swix repos from #{Pkg::Config.swix_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.swix_host}" task deploy_swix_repo: 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run remote rsync to deploy Arista repos from #{Pkg::Config.swix_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.swix_host}? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do cmd = Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_cmd(Pkg::Config.swix_path, target_host: Pkg::Config.swix_host, extra_flags: ['--update']) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.swix_staging_server, cmd) end end end desc "Move tar repos from #{Pkg::Config.tar_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.tar_host}" task deploy_tar_repo: 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run remote rsync to deploy source tarballs from #{Pkg::Config.tar_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.tar_host}? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no files = Dir.glob("pkg/#{Pkg::Config.project}-#{Pkg::Config.version}.tar.gz*") if files.empty? puts 'There are no tarballs to ship' else Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do cmd = Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_cmd(Pkg::Config.tarball_path, target_host: Pkg::Config.tar_host, extra_flags: ['--update']) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.tar_staging_server, cmd) end end end end desc "Move MSI repos from #{Pkg::Config.msi_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.msi_host}" task deploy_msi_repo: 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run remote rsync to deploy source MSIs from #{Pkg::Config.msi_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.msi_host}? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no files = Dir.glob('pkg/windows/**/*.msi') if files.empty? puts 'There are no MSIs to ship' else Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do cmd = Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_cmd(Pkg::Config.msi_path, target_host: Pkg::Config.msi_host, extra_flags: ['--update']) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.msi_staging_server, cmd) end end end end desc "Move signed deb repos from #{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server} to #{Pkg::Config.apt_host}" task deploy_apt_repo: 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run remote rsync to deploy Debian repos from #{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server} to #{Pkg::Config.apt_host}? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do Pkg::Deb::Repo.deploy_repos( Pkg::Config.apt_repo_path, Pkg::Config.apt_repo_staging_path, Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server, Pkg::Config.apt_host, ENV['DRYRUN'] ) end end end desc "Copy signed deb repos from #{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server} to AWS S3" task :deploy_apt_repo_to_s3 => 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run S3 sync to deploy Debian repos from #{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server} to AWS S3? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do command = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/' Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server, command) end end end desc "Copy rpm repos from #{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.yum_host}" task deploy_yum_repo: 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run remote rsync to deploy yum repos from #{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server} to #{Pkg::Config.yum_host}? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do Pkg::Rpm::Repo.deploy_repos( Pkg::Config.yum_repo_path, Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server, Pkg::Config.yum_host, ENV['DRYRUN'] ) end end end desc "Copy signed RPM repos from #{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server} to AWS S3" task :deploy_yum_repo_to_s3 => 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run S3 sync to deploy RPM repos from #{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server} to AWS S3? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do command = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/' Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server, command) end end end desc "Sync from #{Pkg::Config.staging_server} to AWS S3" task :deploy_downloads_to_s3 => 'pl:fetch' do puts "Really run S3 sync to sync from #{Pkg::Config.staging_server} to AWS S3? [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do command = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/' Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.staging_server, command) end end end desc "Sync apt, yum, and to AWS S3" task :deploy_final_builds_to_s3 => "pl:fetch" do Rake::Task['pl:remote:deploy_apt_repo_to_s3'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:deploy_yum_repo_to_s3'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:deploy_downloads_to_s3'].invoke end desc "Sync from #{Pkg::Config.staging_server} to AWS S3" task :deploy_nightlies_to_s3 => 'pl:fetch' do puts "Deploying nightly builds from #{Pkg::Config.staging_server} to AWS S3..." Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do command = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/' Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.staging_server, command) end end desc "Sync yum and apt from #{Pkg::Config.staging_server} to rsync servers" task :deploy_to_rsync_server => 'pl:fetch' do # This task must run after the S3 sync has run, or else /opt/repo-s3-stage won't be up-to-date puts "Really run rsync to sync apt and yum from #{Pkg::Config.staging_server} to rsync servers? Only say yes if the S3 sync task has run. [y,n]" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do Pkg::Config.rsync_servers.each do |rsync_server| ['apt', 'yum'].each do |repo| # Don't --delete so that folks using archived packages can continue to do so command = "sudo su - rsync --command 'rsync --verbose -a --exclude '*.html' /opt/repo-s3-stage/repositories/#{repo} rsync@#{rsync_server}:/opt/repository/#{repo}'" Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.staging_server, command) end end end end end desc "Remotely link nightly shipped gems to latest versions on #{Pkg::Config.gem_host}" task link_nightly_shipped_gems_to_latest: 'pl:fetch' do Pkg::Config.gemversion = Pkg::Util::Version.extended_dot_version remote_path = Pkg::Config.nonfinal_gem_path gems = FileList['pkg/*.gem'].map! { |path| path.gsub!('pkg/', '') } command = %(cd #{remote_path}; ) command +=! do |gem_name| %(sudo ln -sf #{gem_name} #{gem_name.gsub(Pkg::Config.gemversion, 'latest')}) end.join(';') command += %(; sync) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.gem_host, command) end end desc "Ship mocked rpms to #{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}" task ship_rpms: 'pl:fetch' do Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_rpms('pkg', Pkg::Config.yum_repo_path) end desc "Ship nightly rpms to #{Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server}" task ship_nightly_rpms: 'pl:fetch' do Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_rpms('pkg', Pkg::Config.nonfinal_yum_repo_path, nonfinal: true) end desc "Ship cow-built debs to #{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server}" task ship_debs: 'pl:fetch' do Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_debs('pkg', Pkg::Config.apt_repo_staging_path, chattr: false) end desc "Ship nightly debs to #{Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server}" task ship_nightly_debs: 'pl:fetch' do Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_debs('pkg', Pkg::Config.nonfinal_apt_repo_staging_path, chattr: false, nonfinal: true) end desc 'Ship built gem to, internal Gem mirror, and public file server' task ship_gem: 'pl:fetch' do # We want to ship a Gem only for projects that build gems, so # all of the Gem shipping tasks are wrapped in an `if`. if Pkg::Config.build_gem # Even if a project builds a gem, if it uses the odd_even or zero-based # strategies, we only want to ship final gems because otherwise a # development gem would be preferred over the last final gem if FileList['pkg/*.gem'].each do |gem_file| puts 'This will ship to an internal gem mirror, a public file server, and' puts "Do you want to start shipping the rubygem '#{gem_file}'?" next unless Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no Rake::Task['pl:ship_gem_to_rubygems'].execute(file: gem_file) end Rake::Task['pl:ship_gem_to_downloads'].invoke else $stderr.puts 'Not shipping development gem using odd_even strategy for the sake of your users.' end end end desc 'Ship built gem to internal Gem mirror and public nightlies file server' task ship_nightly_gem: 'pl:fetch' do # We want to ship a Gem only for projects that build gems, so # all of the Gem shipping tasks are wrapped in an `if`. if Pkg::Config.build_gem fail 'Value `Pkg::Config.gem_host` not defined, skipping nightly ship' unless Pkg::Config.gem_host fail 'Value `Pkg::Config.nonfinal_gem_path` not defined, skipping nightly ship' unless Pkg::Config.nonfinal_gem_path FileList['pkg/*.gem'].each do |gem_file| Pkg::Gem.ship_to_internal_mirror(gem_file) end Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_gem('pkg', Pkg::Config.nonfinal_gem_path, platform_independent: true) end end end desc 'Ship built gem to' task :ship_gem_to_rubygems, [:file] => 'pl:fetch' do |_t, args| puts "Do you want to ship #{args[:file]} to" if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no puts "Shipping gem #{args[:file]} to" Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do Pkg::Gem.ship_to_rubygems(args[:file]) end end end desc "Ship built gems to public Downloads server (#{Pkg::Config.gem_host})" task :ship_gem_to_downloads => 'pl:fetch' do if Pkg::Config.gem_host && Pkg::Config.gem_path Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_gem('pkg', Pkg::Config.gem_path, platform_independent: true) end else warn 'Value `Pkg::Config.gem_host` not defined; skipping shipping to public Download server' end end desc "Ship svr4 packages to #{Pkg::Config.svr4_host}" task :ship_svr4 do Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do if"pkg/solaris/10") Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_svr4('pkg', Pkg::Config.svr4_path) end end end desc "Ship p5p packages to #{Pkg::Config.p5p_host}" task :ship_p5p do Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do if"pkg/solaris/11") Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_p5p('pkg', Pkg::Config.p5p_path) end end end desc "ship apple dmg to #{Pkg::Config.dmg_staging_server}" task ship_dmg: 'pl:fetch' do path = Pkg::Paths.remote_repo_base(package_format: 'dmg') Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_dmg('pkg', path) end desc "ship nightly apple dmgs to #{Pkg::Config.dmg_staging_server}" task ship_nightly_dmg: 'pl:fetch' do path = Pkg::Paths.remote_repo_base(package_format: 'dmg', nonfinal: true) Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_dmg('pkg', path, nonfinal: true) end desc "ship Arista EOS swix packages and signatures to #{Pkg::Config.swix_staging_server}" task ship_swix: 'pl:fetch' do path = Pkg::Paths.remote_repo_base(package_format: 'swix') Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_swix('pkg', path) end desc "ship nightly Arista EOS swix packages and signatures to #{Pkg::Config.swix_staging_server}" task ship_nightly_swix: 'pl:fetch' do path = Pkg::Paths.remote_repo_base(package_format: 'swix', nonfinal: true) Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_swix('pkg', path, nonfinal: true) end desc "ship tarball and signature to #{Pkg::Config.tar_staging_server}" task ship_tar: 'pl:fetch' do if Pkg::Config.build_tar Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_tar('pkg', Pkg::Config.tarball_path, excludes: ['signing_bundle', 'packaging-bundle'], platform_independent: true) end end desc "ship Windows nuget packages to #{Pkg::Config.nuget_host}" task ship_nuget: 'pl:fetch' do packages = Dir['pkg/**/*.nupkg'] if packages.empty? $stdout.puts "There aren't any nuget packages in pkg/windows. Maybe something went wrong?" else Pkg::Nuget.ship(packages) end end desc "Ship MSI packages to #{Pkg::Config.msi_staging_server}" task ship_msi: 'pl:fetch' do path = Pkg::Paths.remote_repo_base(package_format: 'msi') Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_msi('pkg', path, excludes: ["#{Pkg::Config.project}-x(86|64).msi"]) end desc "Ship nightly MSI packages to #{Pkg::Config.msi_staging_server}" task ship_nightly_msi: 'pl:fetch' do path = Pkg::Paths.remote_repo_base(package_format: 'msi', nonfinal: true) Pkg::Util::Ship.ship_msi('pkg', path, excludes: ["#{Pkg::Config.project}-x(86|64).msi"], nonfinal: true) end desc "Add #{Pkg::Config.project} version #{Pkg::Config.ref} to release-metrics" task :update_release_metrics => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Metrics.update_release_metrics end desc 'UBER ship: ship all the things in pkg' task uber_ship: 'pl:fetch' do if Pkg::Util.confirm_ship(FileList['pkg/**/*']) Rake::Task['pl:ship_rpms'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:ship_debs'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:ship_dmg'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:ship_swix'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:ship_nuget'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:ship_tar'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:ship_svr4'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:ship_p5p'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:ship_msi'].invoke add_shipped_metrics(pe_version: ENV['PE_VER'], is_rc: ! if Pkg::Config.benchmark post_shipped_metrics if Pkg::Config.benchmark else puts 'Ship canceled' exit end end desc 'Test out the ship requirements' task ship_check: 'pl:fetch' do errs = [] ssh_errs = [] gpg_errs = [] if ENV['TEAM'] unless ENV['TEAM'] == 'release' errs << "TEAM environment variable is #{ENV['TEAM']}. It should be 'release'" end else errs << 'TEAM environment variable is not set. This should be set to release' end # Check SSH access to the staging servers ssh_errs << Pkg::Util::Net.check_host_ssh(Pkg::Util.filter_configs('staging_server').values.uniq) # Check SSH access to the signing servers, with some windows special-ness ssh_errs << Pkg::Util::Net.check_host_ssh(Pkg::Util.filter_configs('signing_server').values.uniq - [Pkg::Config.msi_signing_server]) ssh_errs << Pkg::Util::Net.check_host_ssh("Administrator@#{Pkg::Config.msi_signing_server}") # Check SSH access to the final shipped hosts ssh_errs << Pkg::Util::Net.check_host_ssh(Pkg::Util.filter_configs('^(?!.*(?=build|internal)).*_host$').values.uniq) ssh_errs.flatten! unless ssh_errs.empty? ssh_errs.each do |host| errs << "Unable to ssh to #{host}" end end # Check for GPG on linux-y systems gpg_errs << Pkg::Util::Net.check_host_gpg(Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server, Pkg::Util::Gpg.key) gpg_errs << Pkg::Util::Net.check_host_gpg(Pkg::Config.distribution_server, Pkg::Util::Gpg.key) gpg_errs.flatten! # ignore gpg errors for hosts we couldn't ssh into gpg_errs -= ssh_errs unless gpg_errs.empty? gpg_errs.each do |host| errs << "Secret key #{Pkg::Util::Gpg.key} not found on #{host}" end end # For windows and solaris it looks like as long as you have ssh access # to the signers you should be able to sign. If this changes in the future # we should add more checks here, but for now it should be fine. # Check for ability to sign OSX. Should just need to be able to unlock keychain begin unless ssh_errs.include?(Pkg::Config.osx_signing_server) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.osx_signing_server, %(/usr/bin/security -q unlock-keychain -p "#{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_keychain_pw}" "#{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_keychain}"), false, '-oBatchMode=yes') end rescue errs << "Unlocking the OSX keychain failed! Check the password in your .bashrc on #{Pkg::Config.osx_signing_server}" end if Pkg::Config.build_gem # Do we have rubygems access set up if Pkg::Util::File.file_exists?("#{ENV['HOME']}/.gem/credentials") # Do we have permissions to publish this gem on rubygems unless Pkg::Util::Misc.check_rubygems_ownership(Pkg::Config.gem_name) errs << "You don't own #{Pkg::Config.gem_name} on" end else errs << "You haven't set up your .gem/credentials file for access" end end puts "\n\n" if errs.empty? puts 'Hooray! You should be good for shipping!' else puts "Found #{errs.length} issues:" errs.each do |err| puts " * #{err}" end end desc 'Create the rolling repo links' task create_repo_links: 'pl:fetch' do Pkg::Util::Ship.create_rolling_repo_links end desc 'Create rolling repo links for nightlies' task create_nightly_repo_links: 'pl:fetch' do Pkg::Util::Ship.create_rolling_repo_links(true) end end # It is odd to namespace this ship task under :jenkins, but this task is # intended to be a component of the jenkins-based build workflow even if it # doesn't interact with jenkins directly. The :target argument is so that we # can invoke this task with a subdirectory of the standard distribution # server path. That way we can separate out built artifacts from # signed/actually shipped artifacts e.g. $path/shipped/ or $path/artifacts. namespace :jenkins do desc 'ship pkg directory contents to artifactory' task :ship_to_artifactory, :local_dir do |_t, args| Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task('pl:fetch') unless Pkg::Config.project fail "You must set the 'project' in build_defaults.yaml or with the 'PROJECT_OVERRIDE' environment variable." end artifactory =, Pkg::Config.ref) local_dir = args.local_dir || 'pkg' Dir.glob("#{local_dir}/**/*").reject { |e| e }.each do |artifact| if File.extname(artifact) == ".yaml" || File.extname(artifact) == ".json" artifactory.deploy_package(artifact) elsif artifactory.package_exists_on_artifactory?(artifact) warn "Attempt to upload '#{artifact}' failed. Package already exists!" else artifactory.deploy_package(artifact) end end end desc 'Ship pkg directory contents to distribution server' task :ship, :target, :local_dir do |_t, args| Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task('pl:fetch') unless Pkg::Config.project fail "You must set the 'project' in build_defaults.yaml or with the 'PROJECT_OVERRIDE' environment variable." end target = || 'artifacts' local_dir = args.local_dir || 'pkg' project_basedir = "#{Pkg::Config.jenkins_repo_path}/#{Pkg::Config.project}/#{Pkg::Config.ref}" artifact_dir = "#{project_basedir}/#{target}" # For EZBake builds, we also want to include the ezbake.manifest file to # get a snapshot of this build and all dependencies. We eventually will # create a yaml version of this file, but until that point we want to # make the original ezbake.manifest available # ezbake_manifest = File.join('ext', 'ezbake.manifest') if File.exist?(ezbake_manifest) cp(ezbake_manifest, File.join(local_dir, "#{Pkg::Config.ref}.ezbake.manifest")) end ezbake_yaml = File.join("ext", "ezbake.manifest.yaml") if File.exists?(ezbake_yaml) cp(ezbake_yaml, File.join(local_dir, "#{Pkg::Config.ref}.ezbake.manifest.yaml")) end # Inside build_metadata*.json files there is additional metadata containing # information such as git ref and dependencies that are needed at build # time. If these files exist, copy them downstream. # Typically these files are named 'ext/build_metadata...json' build_metadata_json_files = Dir.glob('ext/build_metadata*.json') build_metadata_json_files.each do |source_file| target_file = File.join(local_dir, "#{Pkg::Config.ref}.#{File.basename(source_file)}") cp(source_file, target_file) end # Sadly, the packaging repo cannot yet act on its own, without living # inside of a packaging-repo compatible project. This means in order to # use the packaging repo for shipping and signing (things that really # don't require build automation, specifically) we still need the project # clone itself. Pkg::Util::Git.bundle('HEAD', 'signing_bundle', local_dir) # While we're bundling things, let's also make a git bundle of the # packaging repo that we're using when we invoke pl:jenkins:ship. We can # have a reasonable level of confidence, later on, that the git bundle on # the distribution server was, in fact, the git bundle used to create the # associated packages. This is because this ship task is automatically # called upon completion each cell of the pl:jenkins:uber_build, and we # have --ignore-existing set below. As such, the only git bundle that # should possibly be on the distribution is the one used to create the # packages. # We're bundling the packaging repo because it allows us to keep an # archive of the packaging source that was used to create the packages, # so that later on if we need to rebuild an older package to audit it or # for some other reason we're assured that the new package isn't # different by virtue of the packaging automation. if defined?(PACKAGING_ROOT) packaging_bundle = '' cd PACKAGING_ROOT do packaging_bundle = Pkg::Util::Git.bundle('HEAD', 'packaging-bundle') end mv(packaging_bundle, local_dir) end # This is functionality to add the project-arch.msi links that have no # version. The code itself looks for the link (if it's there already) # and if the source package exists before linking. Searching for the # packages has been restricted specifically to just the pkg/windows dir # on purpose, as this is where we currently have all windows packages # building to. Once we move the Metadata about the output location in # to one source of truth we can refactor this to use that to search # -Sean P. M. 08/12/16 { 'windows' => ['x86', 'x64'], 'windowsfips' => ['x64'] }.each_pair do |platform, archs| packages = Dir["#{local_dir}/#{platform}/*"] archs.each do |arch| package_version ='-', '.') package_filename = File.join(local_dir, platform, "#{Pkg::Config.project}-#{package_version}-#{arch}.msi") link_filename = File.join(local_dir, platform, "#{Pkg::Config.project}-#{arch}.msi") next unless !packages.include?(link_filename) && packages.include?(package_filename) # Dear future code spelunkers: # Using symlinks instead of hard links causes failures when we try # to set these files to be immutable. Also be wary of whether the # linking utility you're using expects the source path to be relative # to the link target or pwd. # FileUtils.ln(package_filename, link_filename) end end Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(times: 3) do Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.distribution_server, "mkdir --mode=775 -p #{project_basedir}") Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(Pkg::Config.distribution_server, "mkdir -p #{artifact_dir}") Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to("#{local_dir}/", Pkg::Config.distribution_server, "#{artifact_dir}/", extra_flags: ['--ignore-existing', '--exclude repo_configs']) end # In order to get a snapshot of what this build looked like at the time # of shipping, we also generate and ship the params file # Pkg::Config.config_to_yaml(local_dir) Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to("#{local_dir}/#{Pkg::Config.ref}.yaml", Pkg::Config.distribution_server, "#{artifact_dir}/", extra_flags: ["--exclude repo_configs"]) end # If we just shipped a tagged version, we want to make it immutable files = Dir.glob("#{local_dir}/**/*").select { |f| File.file?(f) and !f.include? "#{Pkg::Config.ref}.yaml" }.map do |file| "#{artifact_dir}/#{file.sub(/^#{local_dir}\//, '')}" end Pkg::Util::Net.remote_set_ownership(Pkg::Config.distribution_server, 'root', 'release', files) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_set_permissions(Pkg::Config.distribution_server, '0664', files) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_set_immutable(Pkg::Config.distribution_server, files) end desc 'Ship generated repository configs to the distribution server' task :ship_repo_configs do Pkg::Deb::Repo.ship_repo_configs Pkg::Rpm::Repo.ship_repo_configs end end end