require_relative 'helper' require 'open3' require 'security' module FastlaneCore class KeychainImporter def self.import_file(path, keychain_path, keychain_password: nil, certificate_password: "", output: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?) UI.user_error!("Could not find file '#{path}'") unless File.exist?(path) command = "security import #{path.shellescape} -k '#{keychain_path.shellescape}'" command << " -P #{certificate_password.shellescape}" command << " -T /usr/bin/codesign" # to not be asked for permission when running a tool like `gym` (before Sierra) command << " -T /usr/bin/security" command << " -T /usr/bin/productbuild" # to not be asked for permission when using an installer cert for macOS command << " 1> /dev/null" unless output UI.command(command) if output Open3.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, thrd| UI.command_output( if output # Set partition list only if success since it can be a time consuming process if a lot of keys are installed if thrd.value.success? keychain_password ||= resolve_keychain_password(keychain_path) set_partition_list(path, keychain_path, keychain_password: keychain_password, output: output) else # Output verbose if file is already installed since not an error otherwise we will show the whole error err = if err.include?("SecKeychainItemImport") && err.include?("The specified item already exists in the keychain") UI.verbose("'#{File.basename(path)}' is already installed on this machine") else UI.error(err) end end end end def self.set_partition_list(path, keychain_path, keychain_password: nil, output: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?) # When security supports partition lists, also add the partition IDs # See if Helper.backticks('security -h | grep set-key-partition-list', print: false).length > 0 command = "security set-key-partition-list" command << " -S apple-tool:,apple:" command << " -s" # This is a needed in Catalina to prevent "security: SecKeychainItemCopyAccess: A missing value was detected." command << " -k #{keychain_password.to_s.shellescape}" command << " #{keychain_path.shellescape}" command << " 1> /dev/null" # always disable stdout. This can be very verbose, and leak potentially sensitive info # Showing loading indicator as this can take some time if a lot of keys installed Helper.show_loading_indicator("Setting key partition list... (this can take a minute if there are a lot of keys installed)") UI.command(command) if output Open3.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, thrd| unless thrd.value.success? err = # Inform user when no/wrong password was used as its needed to prevent UI permission popup from Xcode when signing if err.include?("SecKeychainItemSetAccessWithPassword") keychain_name = File.basename(keychain_path, ".*") Security::InternetPassword.delete(server: server_name(keychain_name)) UI.important("") UI.important("Could not configure imported keychain item (certificate) to prevent UI permission popup when code signing\n" \ "Check if you supplied the correct `keychain_password` for keychain: `#{keychain_path}`\n" \ "#{err}") UI.important("") UI.important("Please look at the following docs to see how to set a keychain password:") UI.important(" -") UI.important(" -") else UI.error(err) end end end # Hiding after Open3 finishes Helper.hide_loading_indicator end end # # Keychain password is needed to set the partition list to # prevent Xcode from prompting dialog for keychain password when signing # 1. Uses keychain password from login keychain if found # 2. Prompts user for keychain password and stores it in login keychain for user later def self.resolve_keychain_password(keychain_path) keychain_name = File.basename(keychain_path, ".*") server = server_name(keychain_name) # Attempt to find password in keychain for keychain item = Security::InternetPassword.find(server: server) if item keychain_password = item.password UI.important("Using keychain password from keychain item #{server} in #{keychain_path}") end if keychain_password.nil? if UI.interactive? UI.important("Enter the password for #{keychain_path}") UI.important("This passphrase will be stored in your local keychain with the name #{server} and used in future runs") UI.important("This prompt can be avoided by specifying the 'keychain_password' option or 'MATCH_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD' environment variable") keychain_password = FastlaneCore::Helper.ask_password(message: "Password for #{keychain_name} keychain: ", confirm: true) Security::InternetPassword.add(server, "", keychain_password) else UI.important("Keychain password for #{keychain_path} was not specified and not found in your keychain. Specify the 'keychain_password' option to prevent the UI permission popup when code signing") keychain_password = "" end end return keychain_password end # server name used for accessing the macOS keychain def self.server_name(keychain_name) ["fastlane", "keychain", keychain_name].join("_") end private_class_method :server_name end end