Feature: Configure the home directory to be used with aruba As a developer I want to configure the home directory In order to have a better isolation of tests Be careful to set the HOME-variable aka `config.home_directory` to something else than `/tmp/aruba`. This is a dance with the devil and violates the isolation of your test suite. Thus will be not supported from aruba as of 1.0.0. Background: Given I use the fixture "cli-app" And the default feature-test Scenario: Default value Given a file named "features/support/aruba.rb" with: """ Aruba.configure do |config| puts %(The default value is "#{config.home_directory}") end """ When I successfully run `cucumber` Then the output should contain: """ The default value is "/home/ """ Scenario: Set to current working directory Given a file named "features/support/aruba.rb" with: """ Aruba.configure do |config| # use current working directory config.home_directory = '.' end Aruba.configure do |config| puts %(The default value is "#{config.home_directory}") end """ Then I successfully run `cucumber` Then the output should contain: """ The default value is "." """ Scenario: Set to aruba's working directory Given a file named "features/support/aruba.rb" with: """ Aruba.configure do |config| # Use aruba working directory config.home_directory = File.join(config.root_directory, config.working_directory) end Aruba.configure do |config| puts %(The default value is "#{config.home_directory}") end """ Then I successfully run `cucumber` Then the output should contain: """ The default value is "/home/ """ Scenario: Set to some other path (deprecated) Given a file named "features/support/aruba.rb" with: """ Aruba.configure do |config| # use current working directory config.home_directory = '/tmp/home' end Aruba.configure do |config| puts %(The default value is "#{config.home_directory}") end """ Then I successfully run `cucumber` Then the output should contain: """ The default value is "/tmp/home" """