'Default', 'loose' => 'Loose DOM Fragment', 'xml' => 'XML Document'); $special = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['special'])) { if (array_key_exists($_REQUEST['special'], $special_list)) { $special = $_REQUEST['special']; } else { $valid = false; } } $css_list = array('' => 'Default', 'simple' => 'Simple', 'extended' => 'Extended', 'yahoo' => 'Yahoo (via ejohn)', 'crazy' => 'Just crazy'); $css = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['css'])) { if (array_key_exists($_REQUEST['css'], $css_list)) { $css = $_REQUEST['css']; } else { $valid = false; } } if (!$valid) { header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); exit; } $link = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if (!$valid) { header('Location: ' . $link); exit; } if ($css || $special) { $build = array(); if ($css) $build['css'] = $css; if ($special) $build['special'] = $special; $link = $link . '?' . http_build_query($build, '', '&'); } if (count($_POST)) { header('Location: ' . $link); exit; } $file = 'selectors.list.css'; if ($css) $file = 'selectors.list.' . $css . '.css'; $selectors = file_get_contents($file); ?> SlickSpeed Selectors Test
stop tests start tests
$properties){ $time = time(); $query = http_build_query(array( 'include' => $properties['file'], 'function' => $properties['function'], 'initialize' => isset($properties['initialize']) ? $properties['initialize'] : '', 'special' => $special, 'css' => $css, 'nocache' => $time ), '', '&'); echo ''; } ?> $properties){ echo ""; } ?> "; $selector = str_replace('%', '', $selector); echo ""; foreach ($frameworks as $framework){ echo ""; } echo ""; } ?> 0"; } ?>
selectors $framework
final ops/ms (more is better)


the faster the slower exception thrown or zero elements found different returned elements
SlickSpeed Selectors Test
stop tests start tests
$properties){ $include = $properties['file']; $function = $properties['function']; $time = time(); echo "\n\n"; } ?> $properties){ echo ""; } ?> "; $selector = str_replace('%', '', $selector); echo ""; foreach ($frameworks as $framework){ echo ""; } echo ""; } ?> 0"; } ?>
selectors $framework
final time (less is better)


the faster the slower exception thrown or zero elements found different returned elements
*/ ?>