require 'spec_helper' require 'lumberg/whm' module Lumberg describe Whm::Account do before(:each) do @login = { host: @whm_host, hash: @whm_hash } @server = @account = @server.dup) end describe "#create" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/createacct" it "creates the account with proper params" do result = @account.create(username: 'valid', password: 'hummingbird123', domain: '') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Account Creation Ok/i) result[:params].should_not be_empty result[:params].should have_key(:options) result[:params][:options].should include(:nameserver4, :nameserver, :nameserverentry2, :nameserverentry3, :nameserverentry4, :nameserverentry, :ip, :nameservera2, :nameservera3, :package, :nameservera4, :nameserver2, :nameservera, :nameserver3) end it "returns an error on duplicate accounts" do result = @account.create(username: 'invalid', password: 'hummingbird123', domain: '') result[:success].should be(false) result[:message].should match(/username already exists/i) end end describe "#remove" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/removeacct" it "removes a user and keeps DNS by default" do result = @account.remove(username: 'removeme') result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:rawout].should match(/Removing DNS Entries/i) end it "removes a user and DNS when asked" do result = @account.remove(username: 'removeme', keepdns: false) result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:rawout].should match(/Removing DNS Entries/i) end it "removes a user but keep DNS" do result = @account.remove(username: 'removeme', keepdns: true) result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:rawout].should_not match(/Removing DNS Entries/i) end it "returns an error when the user doesn't exist" do result = @account.remove(username: 'notreal') result[:success].should be(false) result[:message].should match(/notreal does not exist/i) end end describe "#change_password" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/passwd" it "changes the password" do result = @account.change_password(username: 'changeme', password: 'superpass') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Password changed for user changeme/i) end it "isn't successful when the user doesn't exist" do result = @account.change_password(username: 'dontchangeme', password: 'superpass') result[:success].should be(false) result[:message].should match(/dontchangeme does not exist/i) end end describe "#limit bandwidth" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/limitbw" it "sets the bandwidth limit" do result = @account.limit_bandwidth(username: 'changeme', bwlimit: 99999) result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Bandwidth Limit for changeme set to 99999/i) result[:params][:bwlimit][:bwlimitenable].should equal(false) result[:params][:bwlimit][:unlimited].should equal(true) end it "isn't successful when the user doesn't exist" do expect { @account.limit_bandwidth(username: 'notexists', bwlimit: 99999) }.to raise_error(WhmInvalidUser, /User notexists does not exist/i) end end describe "#list" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/listaccts" it "lists all accounts" do result = @account.list result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:acct].should have(10).accounts result[:params][:acct].first[:ip].should_not be_false end it "returns data for the account" do result = @account.list(searchtype: 'user', search: 'changeme') result[:success].should be_true account = result[:params][:acct].first account[:email].should == "*unknown*" account[:shell].should == "/usr/local/cpanel/bin/noshell" account[:theme].should == "x3" account[:plan].should == "default" account[:suspended].should equal(false) end it "lists accounts that match a regex search for the user" do result = @account.list(searchtype: 'user', search: 'changeme') result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:acct].should have(1).account end it "lists accounts that match a regex search for the ip" do result = @account.list(searchtype: 'ip', search: '192\..*?\.1\.20') result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:acct].should have(6).accounts end it "lists accounts that match a regex search for the domain" do result = @account.list(searchtype: 'domain', search: 'ch.*?') result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:acct].should have(1).account end end describe "#modify" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/modifyacct" it "allows domain modification" do result = @account.modify(username: 'changeme', domain: '') result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:newcfg][:cpuser][:DOMAIN].should == '' end it "returns an error for an invalid user" do result = @account.modify(username: 'notexists') result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/Unable to fetch the cPanel user file for notexists/) end it "returns the bandwidth limit" do result = @account.modify(username: 'changeme') result[:params][:newcfg][:cpuser][:BWLIMIT].should == "unlimited" end it "returns the primary contact email" do result = @account.modify(username: 'changeme') result[:params][:newcfg][:cpuser][:CONTACTEMAIL].should == "" end it "returns the secondary contact email" do result = @account.modify(username: 'changeme') result[:params][:newcfg][:cpuser][:CONTACTEMAIL2].should == "" end it "returns the main domain" do result = @account.modify(username: 'changeme') result[:params][:newcfg][:cpuser][:DOMAIN].should == "" end it "returns whether or not the domain has CGI access" do result = @account.modify(username: 'changeme') result[:params][:newcfg][:cpuser][:HASCGI].should be_true end end describe "#editquota" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/editquota" it "returns an error for an invalid user" do result = @account.edit_quota(username: 'notexists', quota: 500) result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/Invalid User\. Cannot set quota\./i) end it "changes the user's disk space usage quota" do result = @account.edit_quota(username: 'changeme', quota: 500) result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Set quota for user./i) end it "returns an error if a negative usage quota is passed" do result = @account.edit_quota(username: 'changeme', quota: -1) result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/Failed to set quota for user\./i) end end describe "#summary" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/accountsummary" it "returns an error for invalid users" do result = @account.summary(username: 'notexists') result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/does not exist/i) end it "returns a summary" do result = @account.summary(username: 'summary') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/ok/i) end end describe "#suspend" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/suspend" it "returns an error for invalid users" do result = @account.suspend(username: 'notexists') result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/does not exist/i) end it "suspends" do result = @account.suspend(username: 'suspendme') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/has been suspended/i) end it "suspends with a reason" do @account.server.should_receive(:perform_request).with('suspendacct', hash_including(user: 'suspendme', reason: 'abusive user')) @account.suspend(username: 'suspendme', reason: 'abusive user') end end describe "#unsuspend" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/unsuspend" it "returns an error for invalid users" do result = @account.unsuspend(username: 'notexists') result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/does not exist/i) end it "unsuspends" do result = @account.unsuspend(username: 'asdfasdf') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/unsuspending .* account/i) end end describe "#list_suspended" do use_vcr_cassette 'whm/account/listsuspended' it "returns non-empty result" do # empty isn't a real param. VCR Hacks result = @account.list_suspended(empty: true) result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:accts].should_not be_empty result[:params][:accts].first.should include(user: 'removeme') end it "returns empty result" do result = @account.list_suspended result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:accts].should be_empty end end describe "#change package" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/changepackage" it "returns an error for an invalid user" do result = @account.change_package(username: 'notexists', pkg: 'default') result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/user notexists does not exist/i) end it "fails if the package was not found" do result = @account.change_package(username: 'changeme', pkg: 'fakepackage') result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/package does not exist/i) end it "changes the package" do result = @account.change_package(username: 'changeme', pkg: 'gold') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/Account Upgrade\/Downgrade Complete for changeme/i) end end describe "#privs" do use_vcr_cassette 'whm/account/myprivs' it "has a result" do result = @account.privs(username: 'privs') result[:success].should be_true params = result[:params] expected = { kill_dns: false, edit_dns: false, edit_mx: false, add_pkg: false, suspend_acct: false, add_pkg_shell: false, viewglobalpackages: false, resftp: false, list_accts: false, all: true, passwd: false, quota: false, park_dns: false, rearrange_accts: false, allow_addoncreate: false, demo: false, news: false, edit_account: false, allow_unlimited_disk_pkgs: false, allow_parkedcreate: false, frontpage: false, restart: false, ssl_gencrt: false, allow_unlimited_pkgs: false, add_pkg_ip: false, disallow_shell: false, res_cart: false, ssl_buy: false, kill_acct: false, allow_unlimited_bw_pkgs: false, create_dns: false, mailcheck: false, clustering: false, ssl: false, edit_pkg: false, locale_edit: false, show_bandwidth: false, upgrade_account: false, thirdparty: false, limit_bandwidth: false, create_acct: false, demo_setup: false, stats: false} params.should include(expected) end end describe "#domainuserdata" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/domainuserdata" it "returns an error for an unknown domain" do result = @account.domain_user_data(domain: '') result[:success].should_not be_true result[:message].should match(/Unable to determine account owner for domain\./i) end it "returns the correct data" do result = @account.domain_user_data(domain: '') result[:success].should be_true result[:params][:documentroot].should == "/home/changeme/public_html" result[:params][:group].should == "changeme" result[:params][:hascgi].should_not be_true result[:params][:homedir].should == "/home/changeme" result[:params][:ip].should == "" result[:params][:owner].should == "root" result[:params][:port].should == "80" result[:params][:scriptalias].first[:path].should == "/home/changeme/public_html/cgi-bin" result[:params][:scriptalias].first[:url].should == "/cgi-bin/" result[:params][:serveradmin].should == "" result[:params][:serveralias].should == "" result[:params][:servername].should == "" result[:params][:user].should == "changeme" end end describe "#setsiteip" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/setsiteip" it "accepts a username for the account to use" do result = @account.set_site_ip(ip: '', username: 'changeme') result[:success].should be_true end it "accepts a domain for the account to use" do result = @account.set_site_ip(ip: '', domain: '') result[:success].should be_true end it "sets the site ip" do result = @account.set_site_ip(ip: '', username: 'changeme') result[:success].should be_true result[:message].should match(/OK/i) end end describe "#restore" do # 11.27/11.28+ only use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/restoreaccount" it "returns an error if it can't find the backup" do result = @account.restore_account("api.version".to_sym => 1, username: 'notexists', type: 'daily', all: false, ip: false, mail: false, mysql: false, subs: false) result[:params][:result].to_i.should == 0 result[:params][:reason].should match(/Unable to find archive/i) end it "restores the account" do result = @account.restore_account("api.version".to_sym => 1, username: 'changeme', type: 'daily', all: false, ip: false, mail: false, mysql: false, subs: false) result[:params][:result].to_i.should == 1 result[:params][:reason].should == "OK" result[:params][:output][:raw].should match(/Account Restore Complete/i) end end describe "#verify_user" do use_vcr_cassette "whm/account/accountsummary" before(:each) { @something = double() } it "does not call the block if the user doesn't exist" do @something.should_not_receive(:gold) expect { @account.send(:verify_user, 'notexists') do end }.to raise_error(WhmInvalidUser) end it "calls the block if the user does exist" do @something.should_receive(:gold) @account.send(:verify_user, 'summary') do end end end end end