require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require 'erb' require 'util' class Create < Thor include Thor::Actions include DockerMgr::Util def self.source_root File.expand_path('../templates',__dir__) end class_option :base, :type => :string, :desc => "the image which the app is based on.", :aliases => 'b', :default => "base:1.0" class_option :env, :type => :array, :desc => 'additional environment variables', :aliases => 'e', :default => [] class_option :packages, :type => :array, :desc => 'additional packages to install', :aliases => 'p', :default => [] desc "app APP_NAME", "create a new app." option :dockerfile,:type => :boolean, :desc => 'create a dockerfile for the app',:aliases => 'd' option :volumes,:type => :array, :desc => 'the volumes your data-container will mount',:aliases => 'v', :default => ["/var"] option :cert,:desc => "creates a ssl certificate for this app",:aliases =>'c' option :subdomain,:desc => "the subdomain for this app",:type => :string def app(app_name) subdomain = options.fetch(subdomain,app_name.gsub(/\s/,"-").downcase) @domain = "#{subdomain}.#{config[:host]}" @app_name = app_name @user_email,@user_name = config.values_at(:email,:name) @base = options[:base] app_path = "#{apps_dir}/#{@app_name}" template "docker-compose.yml.erb","#{app_path}/docker-compose.yml" empty_directory "#{app_path}/administration/installation" empty_directory "#{app_path}/administration/hooks/backup.d" empty_directory "#{app_path}/administration/hooks/restore.d" template "Dockerfile.erb","#{app_path}/Dockerfile" if options[:dockerfile] add_packages(app_path,options[:packages]) unless options[:packages].empty? append_to_file "#{routine_dir}/backup_routine", "dockersitter backup_app #{app_name}" create_file "#{vhost_dir}/#{@domain}" if options[:cert] "#{admin_dir}/ca" do puts `./ #{@domain}` end chmod "#{proxy_dir}/certs/#{@domain}.key",0600 end end desc "runner RUNNER_NAME", "create a new runner." option :dockerfile,:type => :boolean, :desc => 'create a dockerfile for the app',:aliases => 'd' option :volumes,:type => :array, :desc => 'the volumes your data-container will mount',:aliases => 'v', :default => ["./data:/data"] option :base, :type => :string, :desc => "the image which the runner is based on.", :aliases => 'b', :default => "runner_base:1.0" option :server_name, :type => :string, :desc => 'the ci-server, the runner belongs to', :aliases => 's' #:default => "gitlab.#{config[:host]}/ci" option :token, :type => :string, :desc => 'the token to register this runner', :aliases => 't', :required => true def runner(runner_name,token) @app_name = runner_name @user_email,@user_name = config.values_at(:email,:name) @base = options[:base] runner_path = "#{runner_dir}/#{@app_name}" template "docker-compose.yml.erb","#{runner_path}/docker-compose.yml" empty_directory "#{runner_path}/administration/installation" template "Dockerfile.erb","#{app_path}/Dockerfile" if options[:dockerfile] add_packages(runner_path,options[:packages]) unless options[:packages].empty? do command = %Q(register --non-interactive --url "https://#{options['server_name']}" --registration-token "#{options['token']}" --description "multi-runner" --executor "shell") puts `docker-compose run service #{command}` end end desc "image IMAGE_NAME","creates a new image." def image(image_name) @user_email,@user_name = config.values_at(:email,:name) @base = options[:base] image_path = "#{base_images_dir}/#{image_name}/v1.0" empty_directory "#{image_path}/administration/installation" template "Dockerfile.erb","#{image_path}/Dockerfile" add_packages(image_path) unless options[:packages].empty? add_trust(image_path) @image_name = image_name @version = "1.0" template "build.erb", "#{image_path}/" FileUtils.chmod 0755, "#{image_path}/" end end