# Use this helper to declare which javascript should be loaded in which views # Internally, it relies on include_javascript_for_#{controller}_#{action} helper methods # These helper methods will usually append their includes to the controller's javascript_includes array # # @example Within your views (or in your controllers), call the helper like this # include_javascript_for "hydrangea_articles", "edit" # # To declare your own array of includes for a specific content type or action, define a helper method in your host application or plugin like this # @example Declaring the javascript includes for hydrangea_datasets show view while reusing the includes from catalog_edit # def include_javascript_for_hydrangea_datasets_show # include_javascript_for_catalog_edit # javascript_includes << ['hydrangeaArticleBehaviors.js', {:plugin=>:hydrangea_articles}] # end module Hydra::JavascriptIncludesHelperBehavior # Add the appropriate javascripts for the specified content type & action into the Controller's javascript_includes array # If you have defined custom javascript includes for that content_type & action, they will be used. # @param [String or Symbol] content_type # @param [String or Symbol] action # @example This will rely on the include_javascript_for_hydranea_articles_edit helper method if it's defined. Defaults to calling include_default_javascript("edit") # include_javascript_for "hydrangea_articles", "edit" def include_javascript_for(content_type, action, opts={}) begin method_name = "include_javascript_for_#{content_type.to_s}_#{action.to_s}" logger.debug "attempting to include #{method_name}" self.send(method_name.to_sym) rescue logger.debug "... no specific includes defined for #{content_type.to_s}. Using defaults for #{action.to_s} views" include_default_javascript( action ) end end # Add the default javascript to the controller's javascript_includes # Takes a method argument (ie. show or edit) to decide which defaults to use. # Currently configured to use the javascript includes for catalog show / edit. # @param [String or Symbol] method Currently only "show" and "edit" have defaults set def include_default_javascript(method) case method.to_s when "show" include_javascript_for_catalog_show when "edit" include_javascript_for_catalog_edit else logger.debug "No default javascript includes defined for #{method} views. Doing nothing." end end # # Helpers for Catalog Show & Edit Javascript Includes # # Adds the appropriate javascripts to javascript_includes for CatalogController show views # Override this if you want to change the set of javascript_includes for CatalogController show views def include_javascript_for_catalog_show javascript_includes << ['custom', {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] # This file contains the page initialization scripts for catalog show views javascript_includes << ["catalog/show", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] end # Adds the appropriate javascripts to javascript_includes for CatalogController edit views # Override this if you want to change the set of javascript_includes for CatalogController edit views def include_javascript_for_catalog_edit # This _would_ include the fluid infusion javascripts, but we don't want them # javascript_includes << infusion_javascripts(:default_no_jquery, :extras=>[:inline_editor_integrations], :debug=>true, :render_html=>false) javascript_includes << ["jquery.jeditable.mini.js", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] javascript_includes << ["jquery.form.js", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] javascript_includes << ['custom', {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] javascript_includes << ["jquery.hydraMetadata.js", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] javascript_includes << ["jquery.notice.js", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] javascript_includes << ["jquery.jeditable.mini.js", "date-picker/js/datepicker", "jquery.form.js", 'custom', "catalog/edit", "jquery.hydraMetadata.js", "jquery.notice.js", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] # For DatePicker javascript_includes << ["jquery.ui.widget.js","jquery.ui.datepicker.js", "mediashelf.datepicker.js", {:plugin=>"hydra-head" }] # For Fancybox javascript_includes << ["fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.1.pack.js", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] stylesheet_links << ["/javascripts/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.1.css", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] # For slider controls javascript_includes << ["select_to_ui_slider/selectToUISlider.jQuery.js", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] stylesheet_links << ["/javascripts/select_to_ui_slider/css/ui.slider.extras.css", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] stylesheet_links << ["slider", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] # This file contains the page initialization scripts for catalog edit views javascript_includes << ["catalog/edit", {:plugin=>"hydra-head"}] end end