#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "file_format.h" #include "mmap.h" #include "value_access.h" #include "utils.h" static int open_and_extend_file(mm_ipc *i_mm, size_t len, int *fd_p) { int fd; if ((fd = open(i_mm->t->path, i_mm->t->smode)) == -1) { return with_exception(rb_eArgError, "Can't open %s", i_mm->t->path); } if (lseek(fd, len - i_mm->t->len - 1, SEEK_END) == -1) { close(fd); return with_exception(rb_eIOError, "Can't lseek %zu", len - i_mm->t->len - 1); } if (write(fd, "\000", 1) != 1) { close(fd); return with_exception(rb_eIOError, "Can't extend %s", i_mm->t->path); } *fd_p = fd; return SUCCESS; } static int perform_munmap(mm_ipc *i_mm) { if (i_mm->t->addr != NULL && munmap(i_mm->t->addr, i_mm->t->len)) { i_mm->t->addr = NULL; return with_exception(rb_eArgError, "munmap failed"); } i_mm->t->addr = NULL; i_mm->t->len = 0; i_mm->t->real = 0; return SUCCESS; } static int perform_mmap(mm_ipc *i_mm, int fd, size_t len) { MMAP_RETTYPE addr = mmap(0, len, i_mm->t->pmode, i_mm->t->vscope, fd, i_mm->t->offset); if (addr == MAP_FAILED) { return with_exception(rb_eArgError, "mmap failed"); } i_mm->t->addr = addr; i_mm->t->len = len; i_mm->t->real = len; return SUCCESS; } static int expand(mm_ipc *i_mm, size_t len) { if (len < i_mm->t->len) { return with_exception(rb_eArgError, "Can't reduce the size of mmap"); } if (!perform_munmap(i_mm)) { return FAILURE; } int fd = 0; if (!open_and_extend_file(i_mm, len, &fd)) { return FAILURE; } if (!perform_mmap(i_mm, fd, len)) { close(fd); return FAILURE; } if (close(fd) == -1) { return with_exception(rb_eArgError, "Can't close %s", i_mm->t->path); } if ((i_mm->t->flag & MM_LOCK) && mlock(i_mm->t->addr, len) == -1) { return with_exception(rb_eArgError, "mlock(%d)", errno); } return SUCCESS; } static void save_entry(mm_ipc *i_mm, size_t offset, VALUE key, VALUE value) { uint32_t key_length = (uint32_t)RSTRING_LEN(key); char *pos = (char *)i_mm->t->addr + offset; memcpy(pos, &key_length, sizeof(uint32_t)); pos += sizeof(uint32_t); memmove(pos, StringValuePtr(key), key_length); pos += key_length; memset(pos, ' ', padding_length(key_length)); // TODO: considder padding with /0 pos += padding_length(key_length); double val = NUM2DBL(value); memcpy(pos, &val, sizeof(double)); } static void save_value(mm_ipc *i_mm, VALUE _offset, VALUE value) { Check_Type(_offset, T_FIXNUM); size_t offset = NUM2UINT(_offset); if ((i_mm->t->real + sizeof(double)) <= offset) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "offset %zu out of string", offset); } if (i_mm->t->flag & MM_FROZEN) { rb_error_frozen("mmap"); } char *pos = (char *)i_mm->t->addr + offset; double val = NUM2DBL(value); memcpy(pos, &val, sizeof(double)); } static VALUE load_value(mm_ipc *i_mm, VALUE _offset) { Check_Type(_offset, T_FIXNUM); size_t offset = NUM2UINT(_offset); if ((i_mm->t->real + sizeof(double)) <= offset) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "offset %zu out of string", offset); } char *pos = (char *)i_mm->t->addr + offset; double value; memcpy(&value, pos, sizeof(double)); return DBL2NUM(value); } uint32_t load_used(mm_ipc *i_mm) { uint32_t used = *((uint32_t *)i_mm->t->addr); if (used == 0) { used = START_POSITION; } return used; } void save_used(mm_ipc *i_mm, uint32_t used) { *((uint32_t *)i_mm->t->addr) = used; } static VALUE initialize_entry(mm_ipc *i_mm, VALUE positions, VALUE key, VALUE value) { if (i_mm->t->flag & MM_FROZEN) { rb_error_frozen("mmap"); } if (RSTRING_LEN(key) > INT32_MAX) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "string length gt %d", INT32_MAX); } uint32_t key_length = (uint32_t)RSTRING_LEN(key); uint32_t value_offset = sizeof(uint32_t) + key_length + padding_length(key_length); uint32_t entry_length = value_offset + sizeof(double); uint32_t used = load_used(i_mm); while (i_mm->t->len < (used + entry_length)) { if (!expand(i_mm, i_mm->t->len * 2)) { raise_last_exception(); } } save_entry(i_mm, used, key, value); save_used(i_mm, used + entry_length); return rb_hash_aset(positions, key, INT2NUM(used + value_offset)); } VALUE method_fetch_entry(VALUE self, VALUE positions, VALUE key, VALUE default_value) { Check_Type(positions, T_HASH); Check_Type(key, T_STRING); mm_ipc *i_mm; GET_MMAP(self, i_mm, MM_MODIFY); VALUE position = rb_hash_lookup(positions, key); if (position != Qnil) { return load_value(i_mm, position); } position = initialize_entry(i_mm, positions, key, default_value); return load_value(i_mm, position); } VALUE method_upsert_entry(VALUE self, VALUE positions, VALUE key, VALUE value) { Check_Type(positions, T_HASH); Check_Type(key, T_STRING); mm_ipc *i_mm; GET_MMAP(self, i_mm, MM_MODIFY); VALUE position = rb_hash_lookup(positions, key); if (position != Qnil) { save_value(i_mm, position, value); return load_value(i_mm, position); } position = initialize_entry(i_mm, positions, key, value); return load_value(i_mm, position); } VALUE method_load_used(VALUE self) { mm_ipc *i_mm; GET_MMAP(self, i_mm, MM_MODIFY); return UINT2NUM(load_used(i_mm)); } VALUE method_save_used(VALUE self, VALUE value) { Check_Type(value, T_FIXNUM); mm_ipc *i_mm; GET_MMAP(self, i_mm, MM_MODIFY); if (i_mm->t->flag & MM_FROZEN) { rb_error_frozen("mmap"); } if (i_mm->t->len < INITIAL_SIZE) { if (!expand(i_mm, INITIAL_SIZE)) { raise_last_exception(); } } save_used(i_mm, NUM2UINT(value)); return value; }