#!/usr/bin/ruby # # = newsdown # # Format one or more text files with the newsdown formatter. # Typedown is a dialect of markdown optimized for typing on mobile devices. # # = Synopsis # # newsdown [OPTIONS] [FILES] # # # $: << "lib" require 'typedown' require 'optparse' DocumentWrapper = %{ %s %s } def main fragment = false ARGV.options do |oparser| oparser.banner = "Usage: #$0 [OPTIONS] FILES" # Debug mode oparser.on( "--debug", "-d", TrueClass, "Turn debugging output on" ) { $DEBUG = true } # 'Fragment' mode oparser.on( "--fragment", "-f", TrueClass, "Output HTML fragments instead of whole documents" ) { fragment = true } oparser.parse! end # Filter mode if no arguments ARGV.push( "-" ) if ARGV.empty? ARGV.each {|file| if file == '-' contents = $stdin.read else contents = File::read( file ) end nd = Typedown::Document.new( contents ) $stderr.puts "Using Typedown version #{Typedown::VERSION}" if fragment $stdout.puts nd.to_html else $stdout.puts DocumentWrapper % [ file, nd.to_html ] end } rescue => err $stderr.puts "Aborting: Fatal error: %s" % err.message exit 255 end main