require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'letsencrypt_webfaction/args_parser/field' require 'letsencrypt_webfaction/args_parser/string_validator' require 'letsencrypt_webfaction/args_parser/defined_values_validator' require 'letsencrypt_webfaction/args_parser/array_validator' module LetsencryptWebfaction class ArgsParser BANNER = 'Usage: get_cert [options]'.freeze DEFAULTS_PATH = 'config.defaults.yml'.freeze VALID_KEY_SIZES = [2048, 4096].freeze FIELDS = [, 'Size of private key (e.g. 4096)', []),, 'ACME endpoint (e.g.', []),, 'Email address to notify on renewal', []),, 'Comma separated list of domains. The first one will be the common name.', []),, 'Location on the filesystem served by the desired site (e.g. ~/webapps/myapp/public_html)', []),, 'Location on the filesystem to which the certs will be saved.', []) ].freeze # Set up getters. do |field| attr_reader field end def initialize(options) @options = options @errors = {} # Set defaults from default config file. file_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../', DEFAULTS_PATH) load_config!(File.expand_path(file_path)) # TODO: Rework this to not exit on instantiation due to help text. parse! end def errors errors = {} FIELDS.each do |field| val = instance_variable_get("@#{field.identifier}") next if field.valid? val errors[field.identifier] ||= [] errors[field.identifier] << "Invalid #{field.identifier} '#{val}'" end errors end def valid? errors.empty? end private def load_config!(config_path) config = YAML.load_file(config_path) FIELDS.each do |field| instance_variable_set("@#{field.identifier}", config[field.identifier.to_s]) end end def handle_config(opts) opts.on('--config=CONFIG', 'Path to config file. Arguments passed to the program will override corresponding directives in the config file.') do |c| # Set defaults. load_config!(c) end end def handle_help(opts) opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Prints this help') do puts opts exit end end def handle_field(opts, field) opts.on("--#{field.identifier}=#{field.identifier.upcase}", field.description) do |val| instance_variable_set("@#{field.identifier}", field.sanitize(val)) end end def opt_parser do |opts| opts.banner = BANNER handle_config(opts) handle_help(opts) FIELDS.each { |field| handle_field(opts, field) } end end def parse! opt_parser.parse!(@options) end end end