.section.bg-orange .wrapper .row .col.col-6 h2 Install p code npm install flatpickr br code bower install flatpickr-calendar p | Otherwise: br a.btn(href='https://github.com/chmln/flatpickr/archive/gh-pages.zip', type='white', outline) span Download  i.icon-angle-double-down p.nomargin | Then code require('flatpickr') | , use wiredep, or otherwise load the necessary files. .col.col-6 h2 Use p | There are multiple ways to create a Flatpickr instance. In all cases, config is optional. The return value will be the Flatpickr instance, or an array of instances. pre.prettyprint.lang-js. flatpickr(".selector", {}); document.getElementById("myID").flatpickr({}); $(".calendar").flatpickr({}); // jQuery p Or pass in a node directly. pre.prettyprint.lang-js. new Flatpickr(HTMLElement, [options]);