Bob = require "./bob" describe "Bob", -> bob = new Bob() it "stating something", -> result = bob.hey "Tom-ay-to, tom-aaaah-to." expect(result).toEqual "Whatever." xit "shouting", -> result = bob.hey "WATCH OUT!" expect(result).toEqual "Whoa, chill out!" xit "asking a question", -> result = bob.hey "Does this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?" expect(result).toEqual "Sure." xit "talking forcefully", -> result = bob.hey "Let's go make out behind the gym!" expect(result).toEqual "Whatever." xit "using acronyms in regular speech", -> result = bob.hey "It's OK if you don't want to go to the DMV." expect(result).toEqual "Whatever." xit "forceful questions", -> result = bob.hey "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" expect(result).toEqual "Whoa, chill out!" xit "shouting numbers", -> result = bob.hey "1, 2, 3 GO!" expect(result).toEqual "Whoa, chill out!" xit "only number", -> result = bob.hey "1, 2, 3" expect(result).toEqual "Whatever." xit "shouting with special characters", -> result = bob.hey "ZOMG THE %^*@#$(*^ ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!11!!1!" expect(result).toEqual "Whoa, chill out!" xit "shouting with no exclamation mark", -> result = bob.hey "I HATE YOU" expect(result).toEqual "Whoa, chill out!" xit "statement containing question mark", -> result = bob.hey "Ending with a ? means a question." expect(result).toEqual "Whatever." xit "prattling on", -> result = bob.hey "Wait! Hang on. Are you going to be OK?" expect(result).toEqual "Sure." xit "silence", -> result = bob.hey "" expect(result).toEqual "Fine. Be that way!" xit "prolonged silence", -> result = bob.hey " " expect(result).toEqual "Fine. Be that way!"