FROM ruby:2.3-slim # Docker images can start off with nothing, but it's extremely # common to pull in from a base image. In our case we're pulling # in from the slim version of the official Ruby 2.3 image. # # Details about this image can be found here: # # # Slim is pulling in from the official Debian Jessie image. # # You can tell it's using Debian Jessie by clicking the # Dockerfile link next to the 2.3-slim bullet on the Docker hub. # # The Docker hub is the standard place for you to find official # Docker images. Think of it like GitHub but for Docker images. MAINTAINER Nick Janetakis # It is good practice to set a maintainer for all of your Docker # images. It's not necessary but it's a good habit. RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qq -y --no-install-recommends \ build-essential nodejs libpq-dev # Ensure that our apt package list is updated and install a few # packages to ensure that we can compile assets (nodejs) and # communicate with PostgreSQL (libpq-dev). ENV INSTALL_PATH /my_dockerized_app # The name of the application is my_dockerized_app and while there # is no standard on where your project should live inside of the Docker # image, I like to put it in the root of the image and name it # after the project. # # We don't even need to set the INSTALL_PATH variable, but I like # to do it because we're going to be referencing it in a few spots # later on in the Dockerfile. # # The variable could be named anything you want. RUN mkdir -p $INSTALL_PATH # This just creates the folder in the Docker image at the # install path we defined above. WORKDIR $INSTALL_PATH # We're going to be executing a number of commands below, and # having to CD into the /my_dockerized_app folder every time would be # lame, so instead we can set the WORKDIR to be /my_dockerized_app. # # By doing this, Docker will be smart enough to execute all # future commands from within this directory. COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./ # This is going to copy in the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock from our # work station at a path relative to the Dockerfile to the # my_dockerized_app/ path inside of the Docker image. # # It copies it to /my_dockerized_app because of the WORKDIR being set. # # We copy in our Gemfile before the main app because Docker is # smart enough to cache "layers" when you build a Docker image. # # You see, each command we have in the Dockerfile is going to be # ran and then saved as a separate layer. Docker is smart enough # to only re-build pieces that change, in order from top to bottom. # # This is an advanced concept but it means that we'll be able to # cache all of our gems so that if we make an application code # change, it won't re-run bundle install unless a gem changed. RUN bundle install --binstubs # We want binstubs to be available so we can directly call sidekiq and # potentially other binaries as command overrides without depending on # bundle exec. # This is mainly due for production compatibility assurance. COPY . . # This might look a bit alien but it's copying in everything from # the current directory relative to the Dockerfile, over to the # /my_dockerized_app folder inside of the Docker image. # # We can get away with using the . for the second argument because # this is how the unix command cp (copy) works. It stands for the # current directory. RUN bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=production DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:pass@ ACTION_CABLE_ALLOWED_REQUEST_ORIGINS=foo,bar SECRET_TOKEN=dummytoken assets:precompile # Provide a dummy DATABASE_URL and more to Rails so it can pre-compile # assets. The values do not need to be real, just valid syntax. # # If you're saving your assets to a CDN and are working with multiple # app instances, you may want to remove this step and deal with asset # compilation at a different stage of your deployment. VOLUME ["$INSTALL_PATH/public"] # In production you will very likely reverse proxy Rails with nginx. # This sets up a volume so that nginx can read in the assets from # the Rails Docker image without having to copy them to the Docker host. CMD puma -C config/puma.rb # This is the command that's going to be ran by default if you run the # Docker image without any arguments. # # In our case, it will start the Puma app server while passing in # its config file.