require File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/spec_helper.rb" describe "Rserve::Connection on unix" do if !Rserve::ON_WINDOWS before do end it "method eval_void should raise an error with an incorrect expression" do lambda {@r.void_eval("x<-")}.should raise_exception(Rserve::Connection::EvalError) {|e| e.request_packet.stat.should==2} lambda {@r.void_eval("as.stt(c(1))")}.should raise_exception(Rserve::Connection::EvalError) {|e| e.request_packet.stat.should==127} end it "method eval should raise an error with an incorrect expression" do lambda {@r.eval("x<-")}.should raise_exception(Rserve::Connection::EvalError) {|e| e.request_packet.stat.should==2} lambda {@r.eval("as.stt(c(1))")}.should raise_exception(Rserve::Connection::EvalError) {|e| e.request_packet.stat.should==127} end it "should raise ServerNotAvailable if started another instance on another port" do lambda {>6700)}.should raise_exception(Rserve::Connection::ServerNotAvailable) end it "should create different session on *nix" do @r.assign("a", 1) s.assign("a",2) @r.eval('a').to_i.should==1 s.eval('a').to_i.should==2 s.close end it "should eval_void_detach correctly" do s=@r.void_eval_detach("x<-c(TRUE,FALSE)") @r.should_not be_connected s.should be_instance_of(Rserve::Session) s.key.size.should==32 end it "should detach correctly" do x=rand(100) @r.void_eval("x<-#{x}") s=@r.detach @r.should_not be_connected s.should be_instance_of(Rserve::Session) s.key.size.should==32 r=s.attach r.eval("x").to_ruby==x end else it "shouldn't crash server with an incorrect expression as Windows version does" it "shouldn't raise ServerNotAvailable if started another instance on another port as Windows version does" it "shouldn't create a different session. On Windows, every new connection closes previously open session" it "shouldn't eval_void_detach correctly" it "shouldn't detach correctly" end end