spring: profiles: active: development --- spring: profiles: development data: rest: basePath: / #root URI for Spring Data REST defaultPageSize: 20 #change default number of items served in a single page maxPageSize: 100 #change maximum number of items in a single page #pageParamName: #change name of the query parameter for selecting pages #limitParamName: #change name of the query parameter for number of items to show in a page #sortParamName: #change name of the query parameter for sorting #defaultMediaType: #change default media type to use when none is specified returnBodyOnCreate: false #change if a body should be returned on creating a new entity returnBodyOnupdate: false #change if a body should be returned on updating an entity <%if @repository_technique == "jpa"%> jpa: open-in-view: true show-sql: true repositories.enabled: true # if spring data repository support is enabled <%elsif @repository_technique == "mongodb"%> mongodb host: localhost # the db host port: 27017 # the connection port (defaults to 27107) uri: mongodb://localhost/test # connection URL database: test #authentication-database: #grid-fs-database: username: test password: test repositories.enabled: true # if spring data repository support is enabled <%elsif @repository_technique == "neo4j"%> <%end%> --- spring: profiles: production data: rest: basePath: / #root URI for Spring Data REST defaultPageSize: 20 #change default number of items served in a single page maxPageSize: 100 #change maximum number of items in a single page #pageParamName: #change name of the query parameter for selecting pages #limitParamName: #change name of the query parameter for number of items to show in a page #sortParamName: #change name of the query parameter for sorting #defaultMediaType: #change default media type to use when none is specified returnBodyOnCreate: false #change if a body should be returned on creating a new entity returnBodyOnupdate: false #change if a body should be returned on updating an entity <%if @repository_technique == "jpa"%> jpa: open-in-view: true show-sql: true repositories.enabled: true # if spring data repository support is enabled datasource: initialize: true # populate using data.sql sql-script-encoding: UTF-8 # a charset for reading SQL scripts separator: ; # statement separator in SQL initialization scripts #driver-class-name: # JDBC Settings... #url: #username: #password: #jndi-name: # For JNDI lookup (class, url, username & password are ignored when set) #max-active:100 # Advanced configuration... #max-idle:8 #min-idle:8 #initial-size:10 #validation-query: <%elsif @repository_technique == "mongodb"%> mongodb host: localhost # the db host port: 27017 # the connection port (defaults to 27107) uri: mongodb://localhost/production # connection URL database: production #authentication-database: #grid-fs-database: username: production password: production repositories.enabled: true # if spring data repository support is enabled <%elsif @repository_technique == "neo4j"%> <%end%> eureka: client: serviceUrl: defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/