require File.expand_path('spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path('model_factory', File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe "atom feed" do include ConfigSpecHelper include ModelFactory include RequestSpecHelper before(:each) do stub_configuration stub_config_key("author", { "name" => "Fred Bloggs", "uri" => "", "email" => "" }) get "/articles.xml" end after(:each) do remove_fixtures end it "should render successfully" do last_response.should be_ok end it "should use Atom's XML namespace" do body.should have_tag("/feed[@xmlns=]") end it "should have an ID element" do body.should have_tag("/feed/id", ",2009:/") end it "should have an alternate link element" do body.should have_tag("/feed/link[@rel=alternate][@href='']") end it "should have a self link element" do body.should have_tag( "/feed/link[@rel=self][@href='']") end it "should have title and subtitle" do body.should have_tag("/feed/title[@type=text]", "My blog") body.should have_tag("/feed/subtitle[@type=text]", "about stuff") end it "should include the author details" do body.should have_tag("/feed/author/name", "Fred Bloggs") body.should have_tag("/feed/author/uri", "") body.should have_tag("/feed/author/email", "") end describe "for article" do before(:each) do @heading = "Heading" @articles = [] @category = create_category 11.times do |i| @articles << create_article( :heading => "Article #{i + 1}", :path => "article-#{i + 1}", :metadata => { "categories" => @category.path, "date" => "#{i + 1} January 2009" }, :content => "Blah blah\n\n## #{@heading}\n\n[link](/foo)" ) end @article = @articles.last get "/articles.xml" end it "should set title" do body.should have_tag("entry/title", "Article 11") end it "should link to the HTML version" do url = "{@article.path}" body.should have_tag( "entry/link[@href='#{url}'][@rel=alternate][@type='text/html']") end it "should define unique ID" do body.should have_tag( "entry/id", ",2009-01-11:#{@article.abspath}") end it "should specify date published" do body.should have_tag("entry/published", "2009-01-11T00:00:00+00:00") end it "should specify article categories" do body.should have_tag("category[@term=#{@category.permalink}]") end it "should have article content" do body.should have_tag( "entry/content[@type=html]", /]*>#{@heading}<\/h2>/) end it "should include hostname in URLs" do body.should have_tag("entry/content", /href="http:\/\/\/foo/) end it "should not include article heading in content" do body.should_not have_tag("entry/summary", /#{@article.heading}/) end it "should list the latest 10 articles" do body.should have_tag("entry", :count => 10) body.should_not have_tag("entry/title", @articles.first.heading) end end describe "page with no date" do before(:each) do create_category(:path => "no-date") get "/articles.xml" end it "should not appear in feed" do body.should_not have_tag("entry/id", /tag.*no-date/) end end describe "article with atom ID" do it "should use pre-defined ID" do create_article(:metadata => { "date" => "1 January 2009", "atom id" => "use-this-id" }) get "/articles.xml" body.should have_tag("entry/id", "use-this-id") end end end