<%- snippet = capture do %> Some Link With Tip <%- end %>

We are using bootstrap's tooltip library with the class .with-tip as a trigger.

<%= snippet %>

<%= escape_once snippet %>

<%- info_tooltip = capture do %> <%- end %>
Type Example Code
Info tooltips These are used to add supplementary information to form labels. The info icon is the coverable area for this tooltip and should be placed at the right side of the form label. <%= info_tooltip %>
<%= escape_once info_tooltip %>
Adding icon tooltips These are used to add textual context to the action icons used with tabular data like edit, delete, and clone. They are styled with a similar colour to the icon that they’re attached to. <%= link_to_edit_url('#', title: 'edit', no_text: true) %>
<%= escape_once link_to_edit_url('#', title: 'edit', no_text: true) %>