(function(global) { global.S3MP = (function() { // Wrap this into underscore library extension _.mixin({ findIndex : function (collection, filter) { for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) { if (filter(collection[i], i, collection)) { return i; } } return -1; } }); // S3MP Constructor function S3MP(options) { var files , progress_timer = [] , S3MP = this; // User defined options + callbacks options = options || { fileSelector: null, bucket: null, onStart: function(upload) { console.log("File "+upload.num+" has started uploading") }, onComplete: function(upload) { console.log("File "+upload.num+" successfully uploaded") }, onPause: function(num) { console.log("File "+num+" has been paused") }, onCancel: function(num) { console.log("File upload "+num+" was canceled") }, onError: function(num) { console.log("There was an error") }, onProgress: function(num, size, done, percent, speed) { console.log("File %d is %f percent done (%f of %f total) and uploading at %s", num, percent, done, size, speed); } } _.extend(this, options); this.uploadList = []; // Handles all of the user input, success/failure events, and // progress notifiers this.handler = { // utility function to return an upload object given a file _returnUploadObj: function(file) { var uploadObj = _.find(S3MP.fileList, function(uploadObj) { return uploadObj.file === file; }); return uploadObj; }, // Activate an appropriate number of parts (number = pipes) // when all of the parts have been successfully initialized beginUpload: function() { var i = []; function beginUpload(pipes, uploadObj) { var key = uploadObj.key , num_parts = uploadObj.parts.length if (typeof i[key] === "undefined") { i[key] = 0; } i[key]++; if (i[key] === num_parts) { for (var j=0; j 1000000000) { // size greater than 1gb num_segs = 100; pipes = 10; } else if (this.size > 500000000) { // greater than 500mb num_segs = 50; pipes = 5; } else if (this.size > 100000000) { // greater than 100 mb num_segs = 20; pipes = 5; } else if (this.size > 10000000) { // greater than 10 mb num_segs = 2; pipes = 2; } else { // Do not use multi-part uploader num_segs = 10; pipes = 3; } chunk_segs = _.range(num_segs + 1); chunk_lens = _.map(chunk_segs, function(seg) { return Math.round(seg * (file.size/num_segs)); }); this.parts = _.map(chunk_lens, function(len, i) { blob = upload.sliceBlob(file, len, chunk_lens[i+1]); return new UploadPart(blob, i+1, upload); }); this.parts.pop(); // Remove the empty blob at the end of the array // init function will initiate the multipart upload, sign all the parts, and // start uploading some parts in parallel this.init = function() { upload.initiateMultipart(upload, function(obj) { console.log('Multipart initiation successful'); var id = upload.id = obj.id , upload_id = upload.upload_id = obj.upload_id , object_name = upload.object_name = obj.name , parts = upload.parts; upload.signPartRequests(id, object_name, upload_id, parts, function(response) { _.each(parts, function(part, key) { var xhr = part.xhr; xhr.open('PUT', 'http://'+upload.bucket+'.s3.amazonaws.com/'+object_name+'?partNumber='+part.num+'&uploadId='+upload_id, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('x-amz-date', response[key].date); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', response[key].authorization); // Notify handler that an xhr request has been opened upload.handler.beginUpload(pipes, upload); }); }); }); } }; // Inherit the properties and prototype methods of the S3MP instance object Upload.prototype = o; return new Upload(); } // Upload part constructor function UploadPart(blob, key, upload) { var part, xhr; part = this; this.size = blob.size; this.blob = blob; this.num = key; this.xhr = xhr = upload.createXhrRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { upload.handler.onPartSuccess(upload, part); }; xhr.onerror = function() { upload.handler.onError(upload, part); }; xhr.upload.onprogress = _.throttle(function(e) { upload.inprogress[key] = e.loaded; }, 1000); }; UploadPart.prototype.activate = function() { this.status = "active"; this.xhr.send(this.blob); }; S3MP.prototype.initiateMultipart = function(upload, cb) { var url, body, request, response; url = '/s3_multipart/uploads'; body = JSON.stringify({ object_name : upload.name, content_type : upload.type }); request = this.createXhrRequest('POST', url, function(xhr) { if (this.readyState !== 4) { return false; } if (this.status !== 200) { throw { name: "ServerResponse", message: "The server responded with an error" }; } response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); cb(response); }); request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); request.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')); request.send(body); }; S3MP.prototype.signPartRequests = function(id, object_name, upload_id, parts, cb) { var content_lengths, url, body, request, response; content_lengths = _.reduce(_.rest(parts), function(memo, part) { return memo + "-" + part.size; }, parts[0].size); url = "s3_multipart/uploads/"+id; body = JSON.stringify({ object_name : object_name, upload_id : upload_id, content_lengths : content_lengths }); request = this.createXhrRequest('PUT', url, function(xhr) { if (this.readyState !== 4) { // Retry this chunk and give an error message return false; } if (this.status !== 200) { // Retry this chunk and give an error message return false; } response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); cb(response); }); request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); request.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')); request.send(body); }; S3MP.prototype.completeMultipart = function(uploadObj, cb) { var url, body, request, response; url = 's3_multipart/uploads/'+uploadObj.id; body = JSON.stringify({ object_name : uploadObj.object_name, upload_id : uploadObj.upload_id, content_length : uploadObj.size, parts : uploadObj.Etags }); request = this.createXhrRequest('PUT', url, function(xhr) { if (this.readyState !== 4) { // Retry this chunk and give an error message return false; } if (this.status !== 200) { // Retry this chunk and give an error message return false; } response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); cb(response); }) request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); request.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')); request.send(body); }; S3MP.prototype.createXhrRequest = function() { var xhrRequest; // Sniff for xhr object if (typeof XMLHttpRequest.constructor === "function") { xhrRequest = XMLHttpRequest; } else if (typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined") { xhrRequest = XDomainRequest; } else { xhrRequest = null; // Error out to the client } return function(method, url, cb, open) { // open defaults to true var args, xhr, open = true; args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if (typeof args[0] === "undefined") { cb = null; open = false; } xhr = new xhrRequest(); if (open) { // open the request unless specified otherwise xhr.open(method, url, true); } xhr.onreadystatechange = cb; return xhr; }; }(); S3MP.prototype.sliceBlob = function() { var test_blob = new Blob(); if (test_blob.slice) { return function(blob, start, end) { return blob.slice(start, end); } } else if (test_blob.mozSlice) { return function(blob, start, end) { return blob.mozSlice(start, end); } } else if (test_blob.webkitSlice) { return function(blob, start, end) { return blob.webkitSlice(start, end); } } else { throw new Error("File API not supported"); } }(); return S3MP; }()); }(this));