require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "Sequel::Plugins::TacticalEagerLoading" do before do class ::TacticalEagerLoadingModel < Sequel::Model plugin :tactical_eager_loading columns :id, :parent_id many_to_one :parent, :class=>self one_to_many :children, :class=>self, :key=>:parent_id dataset._fetch = proc do |sql| if sql !~ /WHERE/ [{:id=>1, :parent_id=>101}, {:id=>2, :parent_id=>102}, {:id=>101, :parent_id=>nil}, {:id=>102, :parent_id=>nil}] elsif sql =~ /WHERE.*\bid = (\d+)/ [{:id=>$1.to_i, :parent_id=>nil}] elsif sql =~ /WHERE.*\bid IN \(([\d, ]*)\)/ $1.split(', ').map{|x| {:id=>x.to_i, :parent_id=>nil}} elsif sql =~ /WHERE.*\bparent_id IN \(([\d, ]*)\)/ $1.split(', ').map{|x| {:id=>x.to_i - 100, :parent_id=>x.to_i} if x.to_i > 100}.compact end end end @c = ::TacticalEagerLoadingModel @ds = TacticalEagerLoadingModel.dataset DB.reset end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :TacticalEagerLoadingModel) end it "Dataset#all should set the retrieved_by and retrieved_with attributes" do ts = @c.all{|x| [x.retrieved_by, x.retrieved_with]}.should == [[@ds,ts], [@ds,ts], [@ds,ts], [@ds,ts]] end it "Dataset#all shouldn't raise an error if a Sequel::Model instance is not returned" do proc{@c.naked.all}.should_not raise_error end it "association getter methods should eagerly load the association if the association isn't cached" do DB.sqls.length.should == 0 ts = @c.all DB.sqls.length.should == 1{|x| x.parent}.should == [ts[2], ts[3], nil, nil] DB.sqls.length.should == 1{|x| x.children}.should == [[], [], [ts[0]], [ts[1]]] DB.sqls.length.should == 1 end it "association getter methods should not eagerly load the association if the association is cached" do DB.sqls.length.should == 0 ts = @c.all DB.sqls.length.should == 1{|x| x.parent}.should == [ts[2], ts[3], nil, nil] @ds.should_not_receive(:eager_load){|x| x.parent}.should == [ts[2], ts[3], nil, nil] end it "should handle case where an association is valid on an instance, but not on all instances" do c = c.many_to_one :parent2, :class=>@c, :key=>:parent_id @c.dataset.row_proc = proc{|r| (r[:parent_id] == 101 ? c : @c).call(r)} @c.all{|x| x.parent2 if x.is_a?(c)} end it "association getter methods should not eagerly load the association if an instance is frozen" do ts = @c.all ts.first.freeze DB.sqls.length.should == 1{|x| x.parent}.should == [ts[2], ts[3], nil, nil] DB.sqls.length.should == 2{|x| x.children}.should == [[], [], [ts[0]], [ts[1]]] DB.sqls.length.should == 2{|x| x.parent}.should == [ts[2], ts[3], nil, nil] DB.sqls.length.should == 1{|x| x.children}.should == [[], [], [ts[0]], [ts[1]]] DB.sqls.length.should == 1 end it "#marshallable should make marshalling not fail" do proc{Marshal.dump({|x| x.marshallable!})}.should_not raise_error end end