require 'brakeman/processors/base_processor' #Processes the Sexp from routes.rb. Stores results in tracker.routes. # #Note that it is only interested in determining what methods on which #controllers are used as routes, not the generated URLs for routes. class Brakeman::Rails2RoutesProcessor < Brakeman::BaseProcessor include Brakeman::RouteHelper attr_reader :map, :nested, :current_controller def initialize tracker super @map =, :map) @nested = nil #used for identifying nested targets @prefix = [] #Controller name prefix (a module name, usually) @current_controller = nil @with_options = nil #For use inside map.with_options end #Call this with parsed route file information. # #This method first calls RouteAliasProcessor#process_safely on the +exp+, #so it does not modify the +exp+. def process_routes exp process end #Looking for mapping of routes def process_call exp target = if target == map or (not target.nil? and target == nested) process_map exp else process_default exp end exp end #Process a map.something call #based on the method used def process_map exp args = exp.args case exp.method when :resource process_resource args when :resources process_resources args when :connect, :root process_connect args else process_named_route args end exp end #Look for map calls that take a block. #Otherwise, just do the default processing. def process_iter exp target = if target == map or target == nested method = exp.block_call.method case method when :namespace process_namespace exp when :resources, :resource process_resources exp.block_call.args process_default exp.block if exp.block when :with_options process_with_options exp end exp else super end end #Process # map.resources :x, :controller => :y, :member => ... #etc. def process_resources exp controller = check_for_controller_name exp if controller self.current_controller = controller process_resource_options exp[-1] else exp.each do |argument| if node_type? argument, :lit self.current_controller = exp.first.value add_resources_routes process_resource_options exp.last end end end end #Process all the options that might be in the hash passed to #map.resource, et al. def process_resource_options exp if exp.nil? and @with_options exp = @with_options elsif @with_options exp = exp.concat @with_options[1..-1] end return unless exp.node_type == :hash hash_iterate(exp) do |option, value| case option[1] when :controller, :requirements, :singular, :path_prefix, :as, :path_names, :shallow, :name_prefix, :member_path, :nested_member_path #should be able to skip when :collection, :member, :new process_collection value when :has_one save_controller = current_controller process_resource value[1..-1] #Verify this is proper behavior self.current_controller = save_controller when :has_many save_controller = current_controller process_resources value[1..-1] self.current_controller = save_controller when :only process_option_only value when :except process_option_except value else Brakeman.notify "[Notice] Unhandled resource option: #{option}" end end end #Process route option :only => ... def process_option_only exp routes = @tracker.routes[@current_controller] [:index, :new, :create, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy].each do |r| routes.delete r end if exp.node_type == :array exp[1..-1].each do |e| routes << e.value end end end #Process route option :except => ... def process_option_except exp return unless exp.node_type == :array routes = @tracker.routes[@current_controller] exp[1..-1].each do |e| routes.delete e.value end end # map.resource :x, .. def process_resource exp controller = check_for_controller_name exp if controller self.current_controller = controller process_resource_options exp.last else exp.each do |argument| if node_type? argument, :lit self.current_controller = pluralize(exp.first.value.to_s) add_resource_routes process_resource_options exp.last end end end end #Process # map.connect '/something', :controller => 'blah', :action => 'whatever' def process_connect exp controller = check_for_controller_name exp self.current_controller = controller if controller #Check for default route if string? exp.first if exp.first.value == ":controller/:action/:id" @tracker.routes[:allow_all_actions] = exp.first elsif exp.first.value.include? ":action" @tracker.routes[@current_controller] = [:allow_all_actions, exp.line] return end end #This -seems- redundant, but people might connect actions #to a controller which already allows them all return if @tracker.routes[@current_controller].is_a? Array and @tracker.routes[@current_controller][0] == :allow_all_actions exp.last.each_with_index do |e,i| if symbol? e and e.value == :action @tracker.routes[@current_controller] << exp.last[i + 1].value.to_sym return end end end # map.with_options :controller => 'something' do |something| # something.resources :blah # end def process_with_options exp @with_options = exp.block_call.args.last @nested =, exp.block_args.lhs) self.current_controller = check_for_controller_name exp.block_call.args #process block process exp.block @with_options = nil @nested = nil end # map.namespace :something do |something| # something.resources :blah # end def process_namespace exp call = exp.block_call formal_args = exp.block_args block = exp.block @prefix << camelize(call.first_arg.value) if formal_args @nested =, formal_args.lhs) end process block @prefix.pop end # map.something_abnormal '/blah', :controller => 'something', :action => 'wohoo' def process_named_route exp process_connect exp end #Process collection option # :collection => { :some_action => :http_actions } def process_collection exp return unless exp.node_type == :hash routes = @tracker.routes[@current_controller] hash_iterate(exp) do |action, type| routes << action.value end end private #Checks an argument list for a hash that has a key :controller. #If it does, returns the value. # #Otherwise, returns nil. def check_for_controller_name args args.each do |a| if hash? a and value = hash_access(a, :controller) return value.value if string? value or symbol? value end end nil end end #This is for a really specific case where a hash is used as arguments #to one of the map methods. class Brakeman::RouteAliasProcessor < Brakeman::AliasProcessor #This replaces # { :some => :hash }.keys #with # [:some] def process_call exp process_default exp if hash? and exp.method == :keys keys = get_keys exp.clear keys.each_with_index do |e,i| exp[i] = e end end exp end #Returns an array Sexp containing the keys from the hash def get_keys hash keys = hash_iterate(hash) do |key, value| keys << key end keys end end