# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'json' require 'openstudio-standards' require 'yaml' require 'date' require 'matrix' require 'time' $J_to_KWH = OpenStudio.convert(1, 'J', 'kWh').get $WH_to_KWH = OpenStudio.convert(1, 'Wh', 'kWh').get $W_to_KW = OpenStudio.convert(1, 'W', 'kW').get $M3S_to_CFM = OpenStudio.convert(1, 'm^3/s', 'cfm').get $M3S_to_GPM = 15850.32314 # US Liquid volume flow rate conversion $M3_to_GALLON = 264.172 # US Liquid volume flow rate conversion module OsLib_Reporting # setup - get model, sql, and setup web assets path def self.setup(runner) results = {} # get the last model model = runner.lastOpenStudioModel if model.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last model.') return false end model = model.get # get the last idf workspace = runner.lastEnergyPlusWorkspace if workspace.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last idf file.') return false end workspace = workspace.get # get the last sql file sqlFile = runner.lastEnergyPlusSqlFile if sqlFile.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last sql file.') return false end sqlFile = sqlFile.get model.setSqlFile(sqlFile) # populate hash to pass to measure results[:model] = model # results[:workspace] = workspace results[:sqlFile] = sqlFile return results end def self.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil sqlFile.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = sqlFile.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized if env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod') ann_env_pd = env_pd end end end return ann_env_pd end def self.create_xls require 'rubyXL' book = ::RubyXL::Workbook.new # delete initial worksheet return book end def self.save_xls(book) file = book.write 'excel-file.xlsx' return file end # write an Excel file from table data # the Excel Functions are not currently being used, left in as example # Requires ruby Gem which isn't currently supported in OpenStudio GUIs. # Current setup is simple, creates new workbook for each table # Could be updated to have one section per workbook def self.write_xls(table_data, book) worksheet = book.add_worksheet table_data[:title] row_cnt = 0 # write the header row header = table_data[:header] header.each_with_index do |h, i| worksheet.add_cell(row_cnt, i, h) end worksheet.change_row_fill(row_cnt, '0ba53d') # loop over data rows data = table_data[:data] data.each do |d| row_cnt += 1 d.each_with_index do |c, i| worksheet.add_cell(row_cnt, i, c) end end return book end # cleanup - prep html and close sql def self.cleanup(html_in_path) # TODO: - would like to move code here, but couldn't get it working. May look at it again later on. return html_out_path end # clean up unkown strings used for runner.registerValue names def self.reg_val_string_prep(string) # replace non alpha-numberic characters with an underscore string = string.gsub(/[^0-9a-z]/i, '_') # snake case string string = OpenStudio.toUnderscoreCase(string) return string end ########################################################### # Utility functions ########################################################### def self.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq = 'Zone Timestep', get_datetime = false) hash_result = {} v_datetimes = [] ann_env_pd = OsLib_Reporting.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) runner.registerInfo("= = =>Getting #{var_k_name} timeseries at #{freq} frequency from #{ann_env_pd}") if ann_env_pd keys = sqlFile.availableKeyValues(ann_env_pd, freq, var_k_name) # runner.registerInfo("Key length is #{keys.length}") keys.each do |key| # runner.registerInfo("SWH key = #{key}") output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, freq, var_k_name, key) if output_timeseries.is_initialized v_datetimes = output_timeseries.get.dateTimes output_timeseries = output_timeseries.get.values else runner.registerWarning("Didn't find data for #{var_k_name}") end v_temp = [] for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) v_temp << output_timeseries[i] end hash_result[key] = v_temp end end if get_datetime return [hash_result, v_datetimes] else return hash_result end end def self.get_ts_by_var(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq = 'Zone Timestep', get_datetime = false) # OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var(runner, base_sqlFile, 'Facility Net Purchased Electricity Rate', 'Timestep') hash_result = {} v_datetimes = [] ann_env_pd = OsLib_Reporting.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) puts "ann_env_pd: #{ann_env_pd.inspect}" puts "availableReportingFrequencies: #{sqlFile.availableReportingFrequencies(ann_env_pd)}" puts "availableTimeSeries: #{sqlFile.availableTimeSeries}" # puts "availableVariableNames: #{sqlFile.availableVariableNames(ann_env_pd, )}" runner.registerInfo("= = =>Getting #{var_k_name} timeseries at #{freq} frequency from #{ann_env_pd}") if ann_env_pd output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, freq, var_k_name) puts "output_timeseries: #{output_timeseries.inspect}" if output_timeseries.is_initialized v_datetimes = output_timeseries.get.dateTimes output_timeseries = output_timeseries.get.values else runner.registerWarning("Didn't find data for #{var_k_name}") end v_temp = [] for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) v_temp << output_timeseries[i] end hash_result['key'] = v_temp end if get_datetime return [hash_result, v_datetimes] else return hash_result end end def self.get_zone_area(model, runner) source_units_area = "m^2" target_units_area = "ft^2" target_units_area = "m^2" # Space area hash_zone_area = {} spaces = model.getSpaces spaces.each do |space| area = OpenStudio.convert(space.floorArea, source_units_area, target_units_area).get key = space.thermalZone.get.name.to_s.upcase hash_zone_area[key] = area # runner.registerInfo("Space = #{space.thermalZone.get.name}, Area = #{hash_zone_area[key]}") end hash_zone_area end def self.arr_mean(v_val) v_val.inject { |sum, ele| sum + ele }.to_f / v_val.size end def self.arr_sum(v_val) v_val.inject(0) { |sum, ele| sum + ele.to_f } end def self.arr_conditional_mean(v_val, v_cond, positive = true) sum = 0 length = 0 v_val.each_with_index do |val, index| if positive if v_cond[index] > 0 && val > 0 sum += val length += 1 end else if v_cond[index] > 0 && val < 0 sum += val length += 1 end end end sum / length end def self.thermal_unsatisfied_occ_hour_by_month(v_val, v_weight, v_datetimes, step_per_h, threshold = [0, 20], pct_weight = true) v_results = [] current_month_number = 1 current_month_sum = 0 v_val.each_with_index do |val, index| if pct_weight # If weight is percentage current_month_sum += val * (v_weight[index] / 100) / step_per_h else current_month_sum += val * v_weight[index] / step_per_h end if DateTime.parse(v_datetimes[index]).strftime('%m').to_i > current_month_number # puts "Month #{current_month_number}'s sum is done..." v_results << current_month_sum current_month_sum = 0 current_month_number += 1 end end v_results << current_month_sum # last month's sum v_results end def self.arr_conditional_sum(v_val, v_cond) sum = 0 v_val.each_with_index do |val, index| v_cond[index] > 0 ? (sum += val) : (sum = sum) end sum end def self.exceedance_hour_count(v_val, v_cond, step_per_h, threshold = [0, 20]) sum = 0 v_val.each_with_index do |val, index| (val < threshold[0] || val > threshold[1]) && (v_cond[index] > 0) ? (sum += 1) : (sum = sum) end sum / step_per_h end def self.arr_mean_diffs(v_val, v_cond, val_ref) sum_diff = 0 time_steps_count = 0 v_val.each_with_index do |val, index| if v_cond[index] > 0 # Count only when occupied sum_diff += val - val_ref time_steps_count += 1 end end sum_diff / time_steps_count end def self.hash_sum(hash_k_arr) # This method sum all the array values for a hash of key:array OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_k_arr.map { |k, v| OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(v) }) end def self.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_ts) true_key = zone_name hash_ts.each do |hash_key, ts| if (hash_key.include? zone_name) || (hash_key.split(' ')[0] == zone_name.split(' ')[0]) true_key = hash_key end end return true_key end def self.get_degree_days(model, hdd_base = 18, cdd_base = 10) weather_file = model.getWeatherFile.file weather_file = weather_file.get data = weather_file.data cdd = 0.0 # degreeDays hdd = 0.0 # degreeDays data.each do |epw_data_point| temperature = epw_data_point.dryBulbTemperature.get # degreeCelsius cdd += [temperature - cdd_base, 0].max / 24 # degreeDays hdd += [hdd_base - temperature, 0].max / 24 # degreeDays end return [hdd, cdd] end def self.get_non_zero_avg_2ts(arr_ts_1, arr_ts_2, conversion_ts_1 = 1, conversion_ts_2 = 1) # two arrays should have the same length val_sum = 0 count = 0 arr_ts_1.each_with_index do |val, i| unless val == 0 count += 1 val_sum += (val * conversion_ts_1).to_f / (arr_ts_2[i] * conversion_ts_2) end end val_sum / count end def self.co2_exceedance_by_month(v_co2_ppm, v_occ, v_datetimes, s_per_h, co2_threshold_1 = 800, co2_threshold_2 = 5000, risk_weight = 5) v_results = [] current_month_number = 1 current_month_sum = 0 v_co2_ppm.each_with_index do |val, index| n_occ = v_occ[index] if n_occ > 0 if val >= co2_threshold_1 && val < co2_threshold_2 current_month_sum += (val - co2_threshold_1) / co2_threshold_1 * n_occ / s_per_h elsif val >= co2_threshold_2 current_month_sum += (val - co2_threshold_2) / co2_threshold_2 * n_occ * risk_weight / s_per_h # can change this weight end end if DateTime.parse(v_datetimes[index]).strftime('%m').to_i > current_month_number # puts "Month #{current_month_number}'s sum is done..." v_results << current_month_sum current_month_sum = 0 current_month_number += 1 end end v_results << current_month_sum # last month's sum v_results end def self.get_hourly_average(v_val, v_datetimes, s_per_h) hash_hour_sums = {} hash_hour_counts = {} v_val.each_with_index do |val, index| hour = DateTime.parse(v_datetimes[index].to_s).strftime('%H').to_i # Sum each "hour of day" values if hash_hour_sums.has_key? "#{hour}" hash_hour_sums["#{hour}"] += val else hash_hour_sums["#{hour}"] = 0 end # Count the "hour of day" appearance if hash_hour_counts.has_key? "#{hour}" hash_hour_counts["#{hour}"] += 1 else hash_hour_counts["#{hour}"] = 0 end end # Calculate the average value for each hour v_results = [] (0..23).each do |key| v_results << (hash_hour_sums[key.to_s] / (hash_hour_counts[key.to_s] * s_per_h)).round(0) end v_results end def self.get_lux_setpoint(model, space_name) v_setpoints = [] d_lgth_ctrls = model.getDaylightingControls d_lgth_ctrls.each do |d_lgth_ctrl| if d_lgth_ctrl.space.get.name.to_s == space_name v_setpoints << d_lgth_ctrl.illuminanceSetpoint end end arr_mean(v_setpoints) end def self.get_overall_lux(v_lux, v_lght_w, lux_sp) v_overall_lux = [] v_lux.each_with_index do |lux, index| if v_lght_w[index] > 0 && lux < lux_sp # When the light is on and daylighting lux is smaller than the setpoint v_overall_lux << lux_sp.round(1) else v_overall_lux << lux.round(1) end end v_overall_lux end def self.geb_metrics_section(model, sqlFile, base_sqlFile, event_date, runner, name_only = false, args = nil, is_ip_units = true, shed_start=nil, shed_end=nil, take_start=nil, take_end=nil) # Initial setup @geb_metrics_section = {} @geb_metrics_section[:title] = 'GEB metrics' @geb_metrics_section[:tables] = [] @geb_metrics_section[:bldg_demand_charts] = [] @geb_metrics_section[:bldg_demand_chg_chart] = [] # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only return @geb_metrics_section end base_results = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, base_sqlFile, 'Facility Net Purchased Electricity Rate', 'Zone Timestep', true) base_demand_ts_annual = base_results[0].values[0] datetimes = base_results[1].map { |date| Time.parse(date.to_s) } geb_results = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, 'Facility Net Purchased Electricity Rate', 'Zone Timestep', false) geb_demand_ts_annual = geb_results.values[0] # initialize the result vars event_month = event_date.split('-')[0].to_i event_day = event_date.split('-')[1].to_i event_day_times = [] event_day_base_values = [] event_day_geb_values = [] summer_month_start = 6 summer_month_end = 9 summer_demand_base_values = [] summer_demand_geb_values = [] winter_demand_base_values = [] winter_demand_geb_values = [] step_per_h = model.getTimestep.numberOfTimestepsPerHour.to_f floor_area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(model.building.get.floorArea.to_f, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get puts "*************step 1*************" datetimes.each_with_index do |time, idx| # get results for the event day if time.month == event_month && time.day == event_day event_day_times << time.strftime("%H:%M") event_day_base_values << base_demand_ts_annual[idx] event_day_geb_values << geb_demand_ts_annual[idx] end # gather summer and winter demand values if time.month >= summer_month_start && time.month <= summer_month_end summer_demand_base_values << base_demand_ts_annual[idx] summer_demand_geb_values << geb_demand_ts_annual[idx] else winter_demand_base_values << base_demand_ts_annual[idx] winter_demand_geb_values << geb_demand_ts_annual[idx] end end # Check model's daylight saving period, if event date is within daylight saving period, # for visualization purpose, shift the profile one hour later eventDate = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(event_month), event_day) if model.getObjectsByType('OS:RunPeriodControl:DaylightSavingTime'.to_IddObjectType).size >= 1 runperiodctrl_daylgtsaving = model.getRunPeriodControlDaylightSavingTime daylight_saving_startdate = runperiodctrl_daylgtsaving.startDate daylight_saving_enddate = runperiodctrl_daylgtsaving.endDate if eventDate >= OpenStudio::Date.new(daylight_saving_startdate.monthOfYear, daylight_saving_startdate.dayOfMonth, eventDate.year) && eventDate <= OpenStudio::Date.new(daylight_saving_enddate.monthOfYear, daylight_saving_enddate.dayOfMonth, eventDate.year) event_day_base_values = event_day_base_values.rotate(-4) # shift the load profile one hour later, 15min output so rotate the last four to the front event_day_geb_values = event_day_geb_values.rotate(-4) end end puts "event_day_times: #{event_day_times.inspect}" puts "event_day_base_values: #{event_day_base_values.inspect}" puts "event_day_geb_values: #{event_day_geb_values.inspect}" puts "summer_demand_base_values.size: #{summer_demand_base_values.size}" puts "summer_demand_geb_values.size: #{summer_demand_geb_values.size}" puts "winter_demand_base_values.size: #{winter_demand_base_values.size}" puts "winter_demand_geb_values.size: #{winter_demand_geb_values.size}" if (shed_start.is_a?Time) && (shed_end.is_a?Time) shed_range = [shed_start.strftime("%H:%M"), shed_end.strftime("%H:%M")] demand_decrease_shed_period = [] demand_base_shed_period = [] event_day_times.each_with_index do |time, idx| if time >= shed_range[0] && time <= shed_range[1] demand_decrease_shed_period << event_day_base_values[idx] - event_day_geb_values[idx] demand_base_shed_period << event_day_base_values[idx] end end # take period only exists with shed period if (take_start.is_a?Time) && (take_end.is_a?Time) take_range = [take_start.strftime("%H:%M"), take_end.strftime("%H:%M")] demand_increase_take_period = [] demand_base_take_period = [] event_day_times.each_with_index do |time, idx| if (take_range[0] < take_range[1]) && (time >= take_range[0] && time <= take_range[1]) demand_increase_take_period << event_day_geb_values[idx] - event_day_base_values[idx] demand_base_take_period << event_day_base_values[idx] elsif (take_range[0] > take_range[1]) && ((time >= take_range[1] && time <= "23:59") || (time >= "00:00" && time <= take_range[1])) demand_increase_take_period << event_day_geb_values[idx] - event_day_base_values[idx] demand_base_take_period << event_day_base_values[idx] end end end end puts "demand_base_shed_period: #{demand_base_shed_period.inspect}" puts "demand_decrease_shed_period: #{demand_decrease_shed_period.inspect}" puts "demand_base_take_period: #{demand_base_take_period.inspect}" puts "demand_increase_take_period: #{demand_increase_take_period.inspect}" # table: list all the primary DF metrics demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table = {} demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:title] = 'Demand Decrease (Shed) Primary Metrics' demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:header] = ['P1-Base: Summer Peak Demand Intensity - baseline', 'P1-GEB: Summer Peak Demand Intensity - GEB measures', 'P2-Base: Winter Peak Demand Intensity - baseline', 'P2-GEB: Winter Peak Demand Intensity - GEB measures', 'E1: Net Building Consumption Change Percentage (24 hours)'] demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:units] = ['W/ft2', 'W/ft2', 'W/ft2', 'W/ft2', '%'] demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:data] = [] demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:Metric_descriptions] = [ '* Test description.' ] demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:data] << [ (summer_demand_base_values.max/floor_area_ft2).round(2), (summer_demand_geb_values.max/floor_area_ft2).round(2), (winter_demand_base_values.max/floor_area_ft2).round(2), (winter_demand_geb_values.max/floor_area_ft2).round(2), ((event_day_geb_values.sum - event_day_base_values.sum)/event_day_base_values.sum * 100).round(2) # % ] if (shed_start.is_a?Time) && (shed_end.is_a?Time) demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:header].concat(['D1: Demand Decrease During Shed Period', 'D2: Demand Decrease Intensity During Shed Period', 'D3: Demand Decrease Percentage During Shed Period']) demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:units].concat(['kW', 'W/ft2', '%']) demand_decrease_shed = demand_decrease_shed_period.sum/demand_decrease_shed_period.size/1000.0 # kW demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:data][0].concat([demand_decrease_shed.round(2), # kW (demand_decrease_shed*1000/floor_area_ft2).round(2), ((demand_decrease_shed_period.sum/demand_base_shed_period.sum) * 100).round(2)]) # % if (take_start.is_a?Time) && (take_end.is_a?Time) demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:header].concat(['I1: Demand Increase During Take Period', 'I2: Demand Increase Intensity During Take Period', 'I3: Demand Increase Percentage During Take Period']) demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:units].concat(['kW', 'W/ft2', '%']) demand_increase_take = demand_increase_take_period.sum/demand_increase_take_period.size/1000.0 # kW demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:data][0].concat([demand_increase_take.round(2), # kW (demand_increase_take*1000/floor_area_ft2).round(2), ((demand_increase_take_period.sum/demand_base_take_period.sum) * 100).round(2)]) # % end end puts "demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:data]: #{demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table[:data].inspect}" # plot: event day timestep demand profiles of baseline and GEB measures bldg_demand_chart = {} bldg_demand_chart[:title] = 'Whole Building Net Electricity Consumption on selected day (W)' bldg_demand_chart[:chart_div] = 'bldg_demand_chart' bldg_demand_chart[:xaxis_label] = 'Time' bldg_demand_chart[:yaxis_label] = 'W' bldg_demand_chart[:chart_data] = [] bldg_demand_chart[:date_range] = [event_day_times[0], event_day_times[-1]] if (shed_start.is_a?Time) && (shed_end.is_a?Time) bldg_demand_chart[:shed_range] = [shed_start.strftime("%H:%M"), shed_end.strftime("%H:%M")] # take period only exists with shed period if (take_start.is_a?Time) && (take_end.is_a?Time) bldg_demand_chart[:take_range] = [take_start.strftime("%H:%M"), take_end.strftime("%H:%M")] end end bldg_demand_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( type: "scatter", mode: "lines", name: 'Baseline', x: event_day_times, y: event_day_base_values ) bldg_demand_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( type: "scatter", mode: "lines", name: 'GEB measures', x: event_day_times, y: event_day_geb_values ) puts "demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table: #{demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table.inspect}" puts "bldg_demand_chart: #{bldg_demand_chart.inspect}" @geb_metrics_section[:tables] << demand_decrease_primary_metrics_table @geb_metrics_section[:bldg_demand_charts] << bldg_demand_chart # @geb_metrics_section[:tables] << demand_increase_primary_metrics_table return @geb_metrics_section end ############################################################################## # create visual_kpi_section def self.visual_kpi_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, args = nil, is_ip_units = true) # Initial setup @visual_kpi_section = {} @visual_kpi_section[:title] = 'Visual KPIs' @visual_kpi_section[:tables] = [] @visual_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_ts_charts] = [] @visual_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_heatmaps] = [] # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only return @visual_kpi_section end # Average lux heatmap hash_hourly_mean_lux_heatmap = {} hash_hourly_mean_lux_heatmap[:title] = 'Hourly Average Daylighting Illuminance Level (lux)' hash_hourly_mean_lux_heatmap[:chart_div] = 'visual_KPI_2' hash_hourly_mean_lux_heatmap[:chart_data] = [] hash_hourly_mean_lux_heatmap[:xaxis_label] = 'Hour' ############################################################################ # Get raw space information and timeseries results freq = 'Zone Timestep' s_per_h = model.getTimestep.numberOfTimestepsPerHour.to_f hash_zone_area = OsLib_Reporting.get_zone_area(model, runner) var_k_name = 'Zone Lights Electric Energy' hash_elec_j_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Zone Lights Electric Power' hash_elec_w_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Zone People Occupant Count' hash_occ_v_ts, v_datetimes = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq, true) v_datetimes = v_datetimes.map { |date| DateTime.parse(date.to_s).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') } var_k_name = 'Daylighting Reference Point 1 Illuminance' hash_lux_1_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Daylighting Reference Point 2 Illuminance' hash_lux_2_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) # Time-series overall lux (daylighting + artificial lighting) hash_ts_lux_chart = {} hash_ts_lux_chart[:title] = 'Illuminance Level at Zone Centers (lux)' hash_ts_lux_chart[:chart_div] = 'visual_KPI_1' hash_ts_lux_chart[:chart_data] = [] hash_ts_lux_chart[:date_range] = [v_datetimes[0], v_datetimes[-1]] ############################################################################ runner.registerInfo("---> Calculating non-occupant-related lighting system KPIs.") visual_kpi_table_01 = {} visual_kpi_table_01[:title] = 'Lighting System & Visual KPIs' visual_kpi_table_01[:header] = ['Zone', 'Annual Electricity Consumption', 'Annual Electricity Use Intensity', 'Peak Power Density', 'Useful Daylight Illuminance*' ] visual_kpi_table_01[:units] = ['', 'kWh', 'kWh/m^2', 'W/m^2', '%' ] visual_kpi_table_01[:data] = [] visual_kpi_table_01[:KPI_descriptions] = [ '* The percent of time when the zone has comfortable illuminance level (between 300 and 3000 lux) without any artificial lighting or shading device.' ] v_zone_names = [] v_zone_mean_lux = [] hash_zone_area.each do |zone_name, area| begin lght_j_key = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_elec_j_ts) lght_w_key = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_elec_w_ts) lght_lux_key = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_lux_1_ts) occ_key_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_occ_v_ts) visual_kpi_table_01[:data] << [ zone_name, (OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_elec_j_ts[lght_j_key]) * $J_to_KWH).to_i, (OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_elec_j_ts[lght_j_key]) * $J_to_KWH / area).to_i, (hash_elec_w_ts[lght_w_key].max / area).round(1), OsLib_Reporting.get_annual_useful_daylight(hash_lux_1_ts[lght_lux_key]).round(1), ] thermal_zone = model.getThermalZoneByName(zone_name).get space_name = thermal_zone.spaces[0].name.to_s lux_setpoint = OsLib_Reporting.get_lux_setpoint(model, space_name) v_overall_lux = OsLib_Reporting.get_overall_lux(hash_lux_1_ts[lght_lux_key], hash_elec_w_ts[lght_w_key], lux_setpoint) v_overall_lux[0] v_datetimes[0] v_datetimes[0] hash_occ_v_ts[occ_key_name][0] hash_ts_lux_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( type: "scatter", mode: "lines", name: zone_name, x: v_datetimes, y: v_overall_lux ) v_zone_mean_lux << OsLib_Reporting.get_hourly_average(hash_lux_1_ts[lght_lux_key], v_datetimes, s_per_h) v_zone_names << zone_name rescue runner.registerInfo("No lighting & visual time series data found for #{zone_name}.") end end hash_hourly_mean_lux_heatmap[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( x: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], y: v_zone_names, z: v_zone_mean_lux, type: 'heatmap', hoverongaps: false ) ############################################################################ # add table to array of tables @visual_kpi_section[:tables] << visual_kpi_table_01 @visual_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_ts_charts] << hash_ts_lux_chart @visual_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_heatmaps] << hash_hourly_mean_lux_heatmap return @visual_kpi_section end def self.get_annual_useful_daylight(v_lux, lower_lux=300, upper_lux=3000) total_useful_timestamps = 0 v_lux.each_with_index do |lux, index| if lux >= lower_lux && lux <=upper_lux total_useful_timestamps += 1 end end return total_useful_timestamps.to_f/v_lux.length*100 end # create thermal_kpi section def self.thermal_kpi_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, args = nil, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables thermal_kpi_tables = [] # gather data for section @thermal_kpi_section = {} @thermal_kpi_section[:title] = 'Thermal KPIs' @thermal_kpi_section[:tables] = thermal_kpi_tables @thermal_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_ts_charts] = [] @thermal_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_stacked_bar_charts] = [] # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @thermal_kpi_section end ########################################################################### # Get the total end uses for each fuel type bldg_area = model.getBuilding.floorArea runner.registerInfo("Building area = #{bldg_area}") ########################################################################### freq = 'Zone Timestep' step_per_h = model.getTimestep.numberOfTimestepsPerHour.to_f hash_zone_area = OsLib_Reporting.get_zone_area(model, runner) v_outdoor_t = get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, 'Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature', freq)['Environment'] # create table thermal_kpi_table_01 = {} thermal_kpi_table_01[:title] = 'Fanger Comfort Model' thermal_kpi_table_01[:header] = [ 'Zone', 'Area', 'Average Negative PMV (when occupied)', 'Average Positive PMV (when occupied)', 'Annual Average PPD (when occupied)', 'Annual Exceedance hours (when occupied and PPD>20%)', 'Annual Overcooling Degree-hours*', 'Annual Overheating Degree-hours*', ] thermal_kpi_table_01[:units] = ['', 'm^2', '', '', '%', 'hours', '°C*hour', '°C*hour'] thermal_kpi_table_01[:data] = [] thermal_kpi_table_01[:KPI_descriptions] = [ "* When the space is too cool (warm) when it's under cooling (heating) condition which indicate uncomfortable thermal condition and energy waste, reference: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109539.", ] var_k_name = 'Zone Air Temperature' hash_zone_t_v_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PMV' hash_zone_pmv_v_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PPD' hash_zone_ppd_v_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Zone People Occupant Count' hash_occ_v_ts, v_datetimes = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq, true) v_datetimes = v_datetimes.map { |date| DateTime.parse(date.to_s).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') } # File.write('C:/Users/hlee9/Documents/GitHub/OS-measures/occupant_centric_kpi_report/tests/hash_zone_pmv_v_ts.yml', hash_zone_pmv_v_ts.to_yaml) # File.write('C:/Users/hlee9/Documents/GitHub/OS-measures/occupant_centric_kpi_report/tests/hash_occ_v_ts.yml', hash_occ_v_ts.to_yaml) # Time-series occupant count hash_ts_occ_count_chart = {} hash_ts_occ_count_chart[:title] = 'Zone People Count' hash_ts_occ_count_chart[:chart_div] = 'thermal_KPI_1' hash_ts_occ_count_chart[:chart_data] = [] hash_ts_occ_count_chart[:date_range] = [v_datetimes[0], v_datetimes[-1]] # Time-series PMV hash_ts_pmv_chart = {} hash_ts_pmv_chart[:title] = 'Zone PMV' hash_ts_pmv_chart[:chart_div] = 'thermal_KPI_2' hash_ts_pmv_chart[:chart_data] = [] hash_ts_pmv_chart[:date_range] = [v_datetimes[0], v_datetimes[-1]] # Time-series PPD hash_ts_ppd_chart = {} hash_ts_ppd_chart[:title] = 'Zone PPD' hash_ts_ppd_chart[:chart_div] = 'thermal_KPI_3' hash_ts_ppd_chart[:chart_data] = [] hash_ts_ppd_chart[:yaxis_label] = '%' hash_ts_ppd_chart[:date_range] = [v_datetimes[0], v_datetimes[-1]] # Stacked bar plots hash_unsatisfied_occ_hour_chart = {} hash_unsatisfied_occ_hour_chart[:title] = 'Unsatisfied Occupant-hours by Month' hash_unsatisfied_occ_hour_chart[:chart_div] = 'unsatisfied_occ_hour' hash_unsatisfied_occ_hour_chart[:chart_data] = [] hash_unsatisfied_occ_hour_chart[:yaxis_label] = 'Occupant * Hour' hash_unsatisfied_occ_hour_chart[:KPI_description] = '* The unsatisfied hours are the sums of total number of occupants multiplied by percent of people unsatisfied for each timestep.' # Get daily adaptive comfort temperature ranges hash_past_n_daily_average = OsLib_Reporting.get_hash_past_n_daily_average(v_outdoor_t, v_datetimes, step_per_h, previous_n_days = 7) hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges = OsLib_Reporting.get_hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges(hash_past_n_daily_average) # hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_lower = hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges[0] # hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_upper = hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges[1] hash_zone_area.each do |zone_name, area| begin t_key_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_zone_t_v_ts) pmv_key_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_zone_pmv_v_ts) ppd_key_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_zone_ppd_v_ts) occ_key_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_occ_v_ts) overcondition_results = OsLib_Reporting.get_daily_overcondition_degree_hours(hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges, hash_zone_t_v_ts[t_key_name], v_outdoor_t, v_datetimes, step_per_h) v_overcooling_degree_hrs = overcondition_results[0] v_overheating_degree_hrs = overcondition_results[1] # KPIs in table thermal_kpi_table_01[:data] << [ zone_name, area.round(1), OsLib_Reporting.arr_conditional_mean(hash_zone_pmv_v_ts[pmv_key_name], hash_occ_v_ts[occ_key_name], false).round(2), OsLib_Reporting.arr_conditional_mean(hash_zone_pmv_v_ts[pmv_key_name], hash_occ_v_ts[occ_key_name], true).round(2), OsLib_Reporting.arr_conditional_mean(hash_zone_ppd_v_ts[ppd_key_name], hash_occ_v_ts[occ_key_name], true).round(1), OsLib_Reporting.exceedance_hour_count(hash_zone_ppd_v_ts[ppd_key_name], hash_occ_v_ts[occ_key_name], step_per_h, [0, 20]).round(1), OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(v_overcooling_degree_hrs).round(1), OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(v_overheating_degree_hrs).round(1), ] # KPIs in plots # Time-series hash_occ_v_ts[occ_key_name][0] hash_zone_pmv_v_ts[pmv_key_name][0] hash_zone_ppd_v_ts[ppd_key_name][0] hash_ts_occ_count_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( type: "scatter", mode: "lines", name: zone_name, x: v_datetimes, y: hash_occ_v_ts[occ_key_name] ) hash_ts_pmv_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( type: "scatter", mode: "lines", name: zone_name, x: v_datetimes, y: hash_zone_pmv_v_ts[pmv_key_name] ) hash_ts_ppd_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( type: "scatter", mode: "lines", name: zone_name, x: v_datetimes, y: hash_zone_ppd_v_ts[ppd_key_name] ) # Stacked-bar hash_unsatisfied_occ_hour_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( x: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], y: OsLib_Reporting.thermal_unsatisfied_occ_hour_by_month(hash_zone_ppd_v_ts[ppd_key_name], hash_occ_v_ts[occ_key_name], v_datetimes, step_per_h, [0, 20]), name: zone_name, type: 'bar' ) rescue runner.registerInfo("No Fanger thermal comfort time series data found for #{zone_name}.") end end # puts hash_ts_occ_count_chart @thermal_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_ts_charts] << hash_ts_occ_count_chart @thermal_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_ts_charts] << hash_ts_pmv_chart @thermal_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_ts_charts] << hash_ts_ppd_chart @thermal_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_stacked_bar_charts] << hash_unsatisfied_occ_hour_chart # add table to array of tables thermal_kpi_tables << thermal_kpi_table_01 # using helper method that generates table for second example return @thermal_kpi_section end def self.get_daily_overcondition_degree_hours(hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges, v_indoor_t, v_outdoor_t, v_datetimes, s_per_h) hash_daily_adaptive_t_lower = hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges[0] hash_daily_adaptive_t_upper = hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges[1] v_overheating_degree_hrs = [] v_overcooling_degree_hrs = [] v_indoor_t.each_with_index do |indoor_t, index| str_date = DateTime.parse(v_datetimes[index]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') outdoor_t = v_outdoor_t[index] comfort_adaptive_t_lower = hash_daily_adaptive_t_lower[str_date] comfort_adaptive_t_upper = hash_daily_adaptive_t_upper[str_date] # puts "Date is #{str_date}, comfort_adaptive_t_lower is #{comfort_adaptive_t_lower}, comfort_adaptive_t_upper is #{comfort_adaptive_t_upper}, outdoor_t is #{outdoor_t} " begin # Overcooling degree hours if indoor_t < comfort_adaptive_t_lower && outdoor_t > comfort_adaptive_t_upper v_overcooling_degree_hrs << (comfort_adaptive_t_lower - indoor_t) / s_per_h else v_overcooling_degree_hrs << 0 end # Overheating degree hours if indoor_t > comfort_adaptive_t_upper && outdoor_t < comfort_adaptive_t_lower v_overheating_degree_hrs << (indoor_t - comfort_adaptive_t_upper) / s_per_h else v_overheating_degree_hrs << 0 end rescue v_overcooling_degree_hrs << 0 v_overheating_degree_hrs << 0 end end return [v_overcooling_degree_hrs, v_overheating_degree_hrs] end def self.get_hash_daily_adaptive_comfort_t_ranges(hash_past_n_daily_average) hash_adpative_comfort_lower = {} hash_adpative_comfort_upper = {} hash_past_n_daily_average.each do |str_date, val| margins = OsLib_Reporting.adaptive_comfort_t_range(val) hash_adpative_comfort_lower[str_date] = margins[0] hash_adpative_comfort_upper[str_date] = margins[1] end return [hash_adpative_comfort_lower, hash_adpative_comfort_upper] end def self.geo_sequence(a, r, n) # Create a geometric sequence (n - 1).times.inject([a]) { |a| a << a.last * r } end def self.adaptive_comfort_t_range(arr_daily_t_out) # This method calculate the lower and upper margin of the comfort adaptive temperature # Ref: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109539 alpha = 0.8 v_constant = Vector.elements(OsLib_Reporting.geo_sequence(1, alpha, 7)) # arr_daily_t_out is an array of average daily outdoor temperature of the past seven days. v_daily_t_out = Vector.elements(arr_daily_t_out) t_rm = (1 - alpha) * v_constant.inner_product(v_daily_t_out) # t_rm: running mean temperature of previous seven days upper_margin = 0.09 * t_rm + 24.6 lower_margin = 0.09 * t_rm + 20.6 return [lower_margin, upper_margin] end def self.get_hash_daily_means(v_val, v_datetimes, s_per_h) str_current_date = 'init' current_day_sum = 0 v_daily_mean = [] hash_daily_mean = {} v_val.each_with_index do |val, index| if DateTime.parse(v_datetimes[index]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') != str_current_date v_daily_mean << current_day_sum / (24 * s_per_h) hash_daily_mean[str_current_date] = current_day_sum / (24 * s_per_h) current_day_sum = 0 str_current_date = DateTime.parse(v_datetimes[index]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else current_day_sum += val end end # Remove the empty first value hash_daily_mean.delete('init') hash_daily_mean end def self.get_hash_past_n_daily_average(v_val, v_datetimes, step_per_h = 6, previous_n_days = 7) # This method calculate the daily average of the past n days, v_val and v_datetimes should have the same length hash_daily_means = self.get_hash_daily_means(v_val, v_datetimes, step_per_h) hash_past_n_daily_averages = {} hash_daily_means.each do |str_date, val| arr_vals_of_previous_n_days = [] (1..previous_n_days).each do |n| nth_previous_daily_mean = hash_daily_means[(DateTime.parse(str_date) - n).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] if nth_previous_daily_mean.nil? # Append the current day value if the previous nth day's value is unavailable arr_vals_of_previous_n_days << hash_daily_means[str_date].to_f else # Append the previous nth day's value arr_vals_of_previous_n_days << nth_previous_daily_mean.to_f end end hash_past_n_daily_averages[str_date] = arr_vals_of_previous_n_days end hash_past_n_daily_averages end def self.get_hash_moving_daily_average(v_val, v_datetimes, step_per_h = 6, previous_n_days = 7) # This method calculate the moving daily average of the past n days, v_val and v_datetimes should have the same length hash_daily_means = self.get_hash_daily_means(v_val, v_datetimes, step_per_h) hash_moving_daily_averages = {} hash_daily_means.each do |str_date, val| arr_vals_of_previous_n_days = [] (1..previous_n_days).each do |n| begin # Append the previous nth day's value arr_vals_of_previous_n_days << hash_daily_means[(DateTime.parse(str_date) - n).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')].to_f rescue # Append the current day value if the previous nth day's value is unavailable arr_vals_of_previous_n_days << hash_daily_means[str_date].to_f end end hash_moving_daily_averages[str_date] = OsLib_Reporting.arr_mean(arr_vals_of_previous_n_days) end hash_moving_daily_averages end def self.air_quality_kpi_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, args = nil, is_ip_units = true) # Prepare tables and chart hashes @air_quality_kpi_section = {} @air_quality_kpi_section[:title] = 'Air Quality KPIs' @air_quality_kpi_section[:tables] = [] @air_quality_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_ts_charts] = [] @air_quality_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_stacked_bar_charts] = [] # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @air_quality_kpi_section end # gather data for section freq = 'Zone Timestep' s_per_h = model.getTimestep.numberOfTimestepsPerHour.to_f hash_zone_area = OsLib_Reporting.get_zone_area(model, runner) var_k_name = 'Zone People Occupant Count' hash_occ_v_ts, v_datetimes = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq, true) v_datetimes = v_datetimes.map { |date| DateTime.parse(date.to_s).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') } var_k_name = 'Zone Air CO2 Concentration' hash_zone_co2_v_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume' hash_zone_ventilation_v_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate' hash_zone_ventilation_m3s_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Fan Electric Power' hash_fan_electric_w_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) ref_co2_ppm = 400 # File.write('C:/Users/hlee9/Documents/GitHub/OS-measures/occupant_centric_kpi_report/tests/hash_zone_ventilation_v_ts.yml', hash_zone_ventilation_v_ts.to_yaml) # File.write('C:/Users/hlee9/Documents/GitHub/OS-measures/occupant_centric_kpi_report/tests/hash_fan_electric_w_ts.yml', hash_fan_electric_w_ts.to_yaml) # File.write('C:/Users/hlee9/Documents/GitHub/OS-measures/occupant_centric_kpi_report/tests/hash_zone_ventilation_m3s_ts.yml', hash_zone_ventilation_m3s_ts.to_yaml) # File.write('C:/Users/hlee9/Documents/GitHub/OS-measures/occupant_centric_kpi_report/tests/hash_zone_co2_v_ts.yml', hash_zone_co2_v_ts.to_yaml) # Create tables aq_kpi_table_01 = {} aq_kpi_table_01[:title] = 'Air Quality KPIs' aq_kpi_table_01[:header] = [ 'Zone', 'Annual ventilation volume per area', 'Average ventilation volume per person hour', 'Average electric power to ventilation rate ratio*', 'Average indoor and outdoor CO2 concentration difference during occupant hours**' ] aq_kpi_table_01[:units] = ['', 'm^3/m^2', 'm^3/(occupant hour)', 'W/cfm', 'ppm'] aq_kpi_table_01[:data] = [] aq_kpi_table_01[:KPI_descriptions] = [ '* Fan energy electricity consumption is considered.', '** Default outdoor CO2 concentration is 400ppm.' ] # Time-series CO2 concentration hash_ts_co2_chart = {} hash_ts_co2_chart[:title] = 'Zone CO2 concentration' hash_ts_co2_chart[:chart_div] = 'aq_KPI_1' hash_ts_co2_chart[:chart_data] = [] hash_ts_co2_chart[:date_range] = [v_datetimes[0], v_datetimes[-1]] # Stacked bar plots hash_co2_exceedance_occ_hour_chart = {} hash_co2_exceedance_occ_hour_chart[:title] = 'Weighted CO2 Exceedance Occupant-hours by Month' hash_co2_exceedance_occ_hour_chart[:chart_div] = 'co2_exceedance_occ_hour' hash_co2_exceedance_occ_hour_chart[:chart_data] = [] hash_co2_exceedance_occ_hour_chart[:yaxis_label] = 'Occupant * Hour' hash_co2_exceedance_occ_hour_chart[:KPI_description] = %q( * The exceedance occupant hour is the sum of weighted occupant*hours. The weight is zero when the indoor CO2 concentration is below 1000ppm, the weight is 1 when the indoor CO2 concentration is between 1000ppm and 5000ppm, The weight is 5 when the indoor CO2 concentration is above 5000ppm. ) hash_zone_area.each do |zone_name, area| begin ventilation_zone_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_zone_ventilation_v_ts) fan_zone_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_fan_electric_w_ts) occ_zone_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_occ_v_ts) co2_zone_name = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(zone_name, hash_zone_co2_v_ts) # KPIs in table row_data = [ zone_name, (hash_zone_ventilation_v_ts.length > 0 ? (OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_zone_ventilation_v_ts[ventilation_zone_name]) / area).round(1) : 'N.A.'), (hash_zone_ventilation_v_ts.length > 0 ? (OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_zone_ventilation_v_ts[ventilation_zone_name]) / (OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_occ_v_ts[occ_zone_name]) / s_per_h)).round(1) : 'N.A.'), (hash_fan_electric_w_ts.length > 0 ? (OsLib_Reporting.get_non_zero_avg_2ts(hash_fan_electric_w_ts[fan_zone_name], hash_zone_ventilation_m3s_ts[ventilation_zone_name], 1, $M3S_to_CFM)).round(1) : 'N.A.'), (hash_zone_co2_v_ts.length > 0 ? OsLib_Reporting.arr_mean_diffs(hash_zone_co2_v_ts[co2_zone_name], hash_occ_v_ts[occ_zone_name], ref_co2_ppm).round(1) : 'N.A.') #TODO: calculate average CO2 concentration difference ] aq_kpi_table_01[:data] << row_data # KPIs in plots # Time-series hash_ts_co2_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( type: "scatter", mode: "lines", name: zone_name, x: v_datetimes, y: hash_zone_co2_v_ts[occ_zone_name] ) # Stacked-bar y_stack = OsLib_Reporting.co2_exceedance_by_month(hash_zone_co2_v_ts[co2_zone_name], hash_occ_v_ts[occ_zone_name], v_datetimes, s_per_h) hash_co2_exceedance_occ_hour_chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate( x: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], y: y_stack, name: zone_name, type: 'bar' ) rescue runner.registerInfo("No air quality time series data found for #{zone_name}.") end end @air_quality_kpi_section[:tables] << aq_kpi_table_01 @air_quality_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_ts_charts] << hash_ts_co2_chart @air_quality_kpi_section[:hash_KPI_stacked_bar_charts] << hash_co2_exceedance_occ_hour_chart return @air_quality_kpi_section end ############################################################################## # create other_kpi_section def self.other_kpi_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, args = nil, is_ip_units = true) # Initial setup other_kpi_tables = [] @other_system_kpi_section = {} @other_system_kpi_section[:title] = 'Other KPIs' @other_system_kpi_section[:tables] = other_kpi_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only return @other_system_kpi_section end ############################################################################ # Get raw space information and timeseries results freq = 'Zone Timestep' s_per_h = model.getTimestep.numberOfTimestepsPerHour.to_f hash_zone_area = OsLib_Reporting.get_zone_area(model, runner) var_k_name = 'Electric Equipment Electric Energy' hash_elec_j_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Electric Equipment Electric Power' hash_elec_w_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) var_k_name = 'Zone People Occupant Count' hash_occ_ts = OsLib_Reporting.get_ts_by_var_key(runner, sqlFile, var_k_name, freq) ############################################################################ # Occupant related KPIs runner.registerInfo("-" * 50) runner.registerInfo("---> Calculating occupant-related mels system KPIs.") other_kpi_table_02 = {} other_kpi_table_02[:title] = 'Occupant-related mels System KPIs' other_kpi_table_02[:header] = ['Zone', 'Annual MELs Electricity Consumption Per Max Occupants', 'Annual MELs Electricity Consumption Per Occupant Hour', 'Peak Electric Power Per Max Occupants'] other_kpi_table_02[:units] = ['', 'kWh/(max occupants)', 'kWh/(occupant hour)', 'W/(max occupants)'] other_kpi_table_02[:data] = [] hash_zone_area.each do |key, area| begin j_key = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(key, hash_elec_j_ts) w_key = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(key, hash_elec_w_ts) o_key = OsLib_Reporting.get_true_key(key, hash_occ_ts) v_temp = [key, (OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_elec_j_ts[j_key]) * $J_to_KWH / hash_occ_ts[o_key].max).to_i, (OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_elec_j_ts[j_key]) * $J_to_KWH / OsLib_Reporting.arr_sum(hash_occ_ts[o_key]) / s_per_h).round(3), (hash_elec_w_ts[w_key].max / hash_occ_ts[o_key].max).round(1)] other_kpi_table_02[:data] << v_temp rescue runner.registerInfo("No mels electricity consumption time series data found for #{key}.") end end ############################################################################ # add table to array of tables other_kpi_tables << other_kpi_table_02 return @other_system_kpi_section end ############################################################################## # create template section def self.template_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, args = nil, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables template_tables = [] # gather data for section @template_section = {} @template_section[:title] = 'Tasty Treats' @template_section[:tables] = template_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @template_section end # notes: # The data below would typically come from the model or simulation results # You can loop through objects to make a table for each item of that type, such as air loops # If a section will only have one table you can leave the table title blank and just rely on the section title # these will be updated later to support graphs # create table template_table_01 = {} template_table_01[:title] = 'Fruit' template_table_01[:header] = ['Definition', 'Value'] template_table_01[:units] = ['', '$/pound'] template_table_01[:data] = [] # add rows to table template_table_01[:data] << ['Banana', 0.23] template_table_01[:data] << ['Apple', 0.75] template_table_01[:data] << ['Orange', 0.50] # add table to array of tables template_tables << template_table_01 # using helper method that generates table for second example template_tables << OsLib_Reporting.template_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) return @template_section end # create template section def self.template_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # create a second table template_table = {} template_table[:title] = 'Ice Cream' template_table[:header] = ['Definition', 'Base Flavor', 'Toppings', 'Value'] template_table[:units] = ['', '', '', 'scoop'] template_table[:data] = [] # add rows to table template_table[:data] << ['Vanilla', 'Vanilla', 'NA', 1.5] template_table[:data] << ['Rocky Road', 'Chocolate', 'Nuts', 1.5] template_table[:data] << ['Mint Chip', 'Mint', 'Chocolate Chips', 1.5] return template_table end end