class Sfp::Module::Machine include Sfp::Resource def update_state to_model load_kernel_modules(['acpiphp']) @state['sfpAddress'] = @model['sfpAddress'] @state['sfpPort'] = @model['sfpPort'] @state['created'] = true data = `dmidecode | grep -i product`.strip if data.length <= 0 @state['hypervisor'] = 'N/A' else @state['hypervisor'] = data.split("\n")[0].split(":", 2)[1].to_s.strip.downcase end @state["cpus"] = (File.exist?('/proc/cpuinfo') ? `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l`.strip.to_i : -1) @state['memory'] = (`which free`.strip != '' ? `free`.split("\n")[1].split(" ")[1] : -1) @state['disk'] = get_disk_state end ############################## # # Helper methods # ############################## protected def load_kernel_modules(modules=[]) loaded = [] `lsmod`.each_line do |line| next if line.strip.length <= 0 name, size, used, by = line.split(' ', 4) next if name.to_s.downcase == 'module' loaded << name end unloaded = modules - loaded unloaded.each do |name| shell "modprobe #{name}" end end # generate the disks' state, try to automatically mount the disk to target directory # def get_disk_state def generate_state disk = {} # get disks UUID uuids = {} `blkid`.each_line do |line| line.strip! next if line.length <= 0 device, info = line.split(':', 2) info = info.split(' ') uuids[device] = info[0].split('=', 2)[1].gsub(/"/, '') end # read fstab `df -l`.each_line do |line| line.strip! next if line.length <= 0 data = line.split(' ') if data[0][0..4] == '/dev/' name = 'root' if data[5] != '/' model = (@model['disk'].is_a?(Hash) ? @model['disk'].select { |k,v| v['mount'] == data[5] if k[0] != '_' } : {}) name = (model.length > 0 ? model.keys.first : "uuid_#{uuids[data[0]]}") end disk[name] = { 'size' => (data[1].to_f / 1000.0).to_i, 'mount' => data[5], 'uuid' => uuids[data[0]] } end end disk end disk = generate_state if @model['disk'].is_a?(Hash) names = @model['disk'].keys.sort { |x,y| x <=> y } device = "/dev/vdb" # format unformatted disks, mount unmount disks names.each { |name| next if name[0] == '_' or disk.has_key?(name) spec = @model['disk'][name] status = `file -s #{device}` if not (status =~ /ERROR/) target = spec['mount'].to_s.strip # format the disk if not yet formatted system "mkfs.ext4 #{device}" if not (status =~ /.+ filesystem data/) # create target directory if not exist system "mkdir -p #{target}" if !File.exist? target # add fstab record system "sed -i '/^#{device}/d' /etc/fstab" system "echo '#{device} #{target} ext4 defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab" end device = } system 'mount -a' end generate_state end end