describe Commander do before :each do @input = @output = $terminal = @input, @output create_test_command end it "should allow access to all commands using #commands" do commands.length.should eql(2) # our test command as well as help default end it "should set program information using #program" do program :name, "test" program :version, "1.2.3" program :description, "just a test." program(:name).should eql("test") program(:version).should eql("1.2.3") program(:description).should eql("just a test.") end it "should allow arbitrary blocks of global help documentation" do program :help, 'Copyright', 'TJ Holowaychuk' program(:help)['Copyright'].should eql('TJ Holowaychuk') end it "should raise an error when crutial program info is not set" do new_command_runner '--help' program :name, '' lambda { run! }.should raise_error(Commander::Runner::CommandError) end it "should output program version using --version switch" do new_command_runner '--version' program :help_formatter, Commander::HelpFormatter::Base! @output.string.should eql("test 1.2.3\n") end it "should get command instances using #get_command" do get_command(:test).name.should eql('test') end it "should assign options" do get_command(:test).options.length.should eql(2) end it "should invoke #when_called with arguments properly" do get_command(:test).call([1, 2]).should eql("test 12") end it "should output invalid option message when invalid options passed to command" do new_command_runner 'test', '--invalid-option'! @output.string.should eql("invalid option: --invalid-option\n") end it "should output invalid command message when help sub-command does not exist" do new_command_runner 'help', 'does_not_exist'! @output.string.should eql("invalid command. Use --help for more information\n") end it "should locate command within arbitrary arguments passed" do new_command_runner '--help', '--arbitrary', 'test' command_runner.command_name_from_args.should eql('test') end it "should resolve active command from global options passed" do new_command_runner '--help', 'test' command_runner.active_command.should be_instance_of(Commander::Command) end it "should distinguish between switches and descriptions passed to #option" do get_command(:test).options[0][:description].should eql("trace description") get_command(:test).options[0][:switches].should eql(["-t", "--trace"]) get_command(:test).options[1][:description].should eql("verbose description") get_command(:test).options[1][:switches].should eql(["--verbose"]) get_command(:test).option "--test" get_command(:test).options[2][:description].should be_nil get_command(:test).options[2][:switches].should eql(["--test"]) end it "should generate a symbol from switches" do get_command(:test).sym_from_switch("--trace").should eql(:trace) get_command(:test).sym_from_switch("--foo-bar").should eql(:foo_bar) get_command(:test).sym_from_switch("--[no]-feature").should eql(:feature) get_command(:test).sym_from_switch("--[no]-feature ARG").should eql(:feature) get_command(:test).sym_from_switch("--file [ARG]").should eql(:file) get_command(:test).sym_from_switch("--colors colors").should eql(:colors) end it "should resolve active command from invalid options passed" do new_command_runner '--help', 'test', '--arbitrary' command_runner.active_command.should be_instance_of(Commander::Command) end it "should raise invalid command error when the command is not found in the arguments passed"do new_command_runner '--help' lambda { command_runner.active_command }.should raise_error(Commander::Runner::InvalidCommandError) end it "should add options to previously created commands" do get_command(:test).option("--recursive") {} get_command(:test).options.length.should eql(3) end it "should call command option procs" do recursive = false get_command(:test).option("--recursive") { recursive = true } get_command(:test).run ['--recursive'] recursive.should be_true end it "should call the #when_called proc when #run" do result = nil get_command(:test).when_called { |args, options| result = args.join(' ') } get_command(:test).run ['--trace', 'just', 'some', 'args'] result.should eql("just some args") end it "should handle boolean options" do opts = nil get_command(:test).when_called { |args, options| opts = options } get_command(:test).run ['--trace', 'foo', 'bar'] opts.trace.should be_true end it "should handle toggle options" do options = nil get_command(:test).when_called { |args, opts| options = opts } get_command(:test).option "--[no-]toggle" get_command(:test).run ['--no-toggle'] options.toggle.should be_false end it "should handle manditory arg options" do options = nil get_command(:test).when_called { |args, opts| options = opts } get_command(:test).option "--manditory ARG" get_command(:test).run ['--manditory', "foo"] options.manditory.should eql("foo") lambda { get_command(:test).run ['--manditory'] }.should raise_error(OptionParser::MissingArgument) end it "should handle optional arg options" do options = nil get_command(:test).when_called { |args, opts| options = opts } get_command(:test).option "--optional [ARG]" get_command(:test).run ['--optional', "foo"] options.optional.should eql("foo") get_command(:test).run ['--optional'] options.optiona.should be_nil end it "should handle list options" do options = nil get_command(:test).when_called { |args, opts| options = opts } get_command(:test).option "--list words", Array get_command(:test).run ['--list', "im,a,list"] options.list.should eql(["im", "a", "list"]) end it "should initialize and call object when a class is passed to #when_called" do $_when_called_value = nil class HandleWhenCalled1 def initialize(args, options) $_when_called_value = args.join('-') end end get_command(:test).when_called HandleWhenCalled1 get_command(:test).call(["hello", "world"]) $_when_called_value.should eql("hello-world") end it "should initialize and call object when a class is passed to #when_called with an arbitrary method" do class HandleWhenCalled2 def arbitrary_method(args, options) args.join('-') end end get_command(:test).when_called HandleWhenCalled2, :arbitrary_method get_command(:test).call(["hello", "world"]).should eql("hello-world") end it "should call object when passed to #when_called " do class HandleWhenCalled3 def arbitrary_method(args, options) args.join('-') end end get_command(:test).when_called, :arbitrary_method get_command(:test).call(["hello", "world"]).should eql("hello-world") end it "should populate options when passed before command name" do options = nil new_command_runner '--foo', 'test', 'some', 'args' get_command(:test).option "--foo" get_command(:test).when_called { |args, opts| options = opts }! be_true end it "should populate options when passed after command name" do options = nil new_command_runner 'test', '--foo', 'some', 'args' get_command(:test).option "--foo" get_command(:test).when_called { |args, opts| options = opts }! be_true end it "should allow multi-word strings as command names to be called correctly" do arguments = nil options = nil new_command_runner 'foo', 'bar', 'something', 'i', 'like', '--i-like', 'cookies', 'bar' command 'foo bar something' do |c| c.option '--i-like WHAT' c.when_called { |args, opts| arguments, options = args, opts } end command_runner.command_name_from_args.should eql('foo bar something') command_runner.args_without_command.should eql(['i', 'like', '--i-like', 'cookies', 'bar'])! arguments.should eql(['i', 'like', 'bar']) options.i_like.should eql('cookies') end it "should allow multi-word strings as command names to be called correctly, with options before command name" do arguments = nil options = nil new_command_runner '--something', 'foo', 'bar', 'random_arg' command 'foo bar' do |c| c.option '--something' c.when_called { |args, opts| arguments, options = args, opts } end command_runner.command_name_from_args.should eql('foo bar') command_runner.args_without_command.should eql(['--something', 'random_arg'])! arguments.should eql(['random_arg']) options.something.should be_true end end