# # Author:: John Keiser () # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/chef_fs/command_line" require "chef/chef_fs/file_system/chef_server/rest_list_dir" require "chef/chef_fs/file_system/chef_server/cookbook_subdir" require "chef/chef_fs/file_system/chef_server/cookbook_file" require "chef/chef_fs/file_system/exceptions" require "chef/cookbook_version" require "chef/cookbook_uploader" class Chef module ChefFS module FileSystem module ChefServer # Unversioned cookbook. # # /cookbooks/NAME # # Children look like: # # - metadata.rb # - attributes/ # - libraries/ # - recipes/ # class CookbookDir < BaseFSDir def initialize(name, parent, options = {}) super(name, parent) @exists = options[:exists] @cookbook_name = name @version = root.cookbook_version # nil unless --cookbook-version specified in download/diff end attr_reader :cookbook_name, :version COOKBOOK_SEGMENT_INFO = { :attributes => { :ruby_only => true }, :definitions => { :ruby_only => true }, :recipes => { :ruby_only => true }, :libraries => { :recursive => true }, :templates => { :recursive => true }, :files => { :recursive => true }, :resources => { :ruby_only => true, :recursive => true }, :providers => { :ruby_only => true, :recursive => true }, :root_files => {}, } def add_child(child) @children << child end def api_path "#{parent.api_path}/#{cookbook_name}/#{version || "_latest"}" end def make_child_entry(name) # Since we're ignoring the rules and doing a network request here, # we need to make sure we don't rethrow the exception. (child(name) # is not supposed to fail.) children.find { |child| child.name == name } rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError nil end def can_have_child?(name, is_dir) # A cookbook's root may not have directories unless they are segment directories return name != "root_files" && COOKBOOK_SEGMENT_INFO.keys.include?(name.to_sym) if is_dir true end def children if @children.nil? @children = [] manifest = chef_object.manifest COOKBOOK_SEGMENT_INFO.each do |segment, segment_info| next unless manifest.has_key?(segment) # Go through each file in the manifest for the segment, and # add cookbook subdirs and files for it. manifest[segment].each do |segment_file| parts = segment_file[:path].split("/") # Get or create the path to the file container = self parts[0, parts.length - 1].each do |part| old_container = container container = old_container.children.find { |child| part == child.name } if !container container = CookbookSubdir.new(part, old_container, segment_info[:ruby_only], segment_info[:recursive]) old_container.add_child(container) end end # Create the file itself container.add_child(CookbookFile.new(parts[parts.length - 1], container, segment_file)) end end @children = @children.sort_by { |c| c.name } end @children end def dir? exists? end def delete(recurse) if recurse begin rest.delete(api_path) rescue Timeout::Error => e raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::OperationFailedError.new(:delete, self, e, "Timeout deleting: #{e}") rescue Net::HTTPServerException if $!.response.code == "404" raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError.new(self, $!) else raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::OperationFailedError.new(:delete, self, e, "HTTP error deleting: #{e}") end end else raise NotFoundError.new(self) if !exists? raise MustDeleteRecursivelyError.new(self, "#{path_for_printing} must be deleted recursively") end end # In versioned cookbook mode, actually check if the version exists # Probably want to cache this. def exists? if @exists.nil? @exists = parent.children.any? { |child| child.name == name } end @exists end def compare_to(other) if !other.dir? return [ !exists?, nil, nil ] end are_same = true Chef::ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_entries(self, other, nil, :name_only).each do |type, old_entry, new_entry| if [ :directory_to_file, :file_to_directory, :deleted, :added, :modified ].include?(type) are_same = false end end [ are_same, nil, nil ] end def copy_from(other, options = {}) parent.upload_cookbook_from(other, options) end def rest parent.rest end def chef_object # We cheat and cache here, because it seems like a good idea to keep # the cookbook view consistent with the directory structure. return @chef_object if @chef_object # The negative (not found) response is cached if @could_not_get_chef_object raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError.new(self, @could_not_get_chef_object) end begin # We want to fail fast, for now, because of the 500 issue :/ # This will make things worse for parallelism, a little, because # Chef::Config is global and this could affect other requests while # this request is going on. (We're not parallel yet, but we will be.) # Chef bug http://tickets.opscode.com/browse/CHEF-3066 old_retry_count = Chef::Config[:http_retry_count] begin Chef::Config[:http_retry_count] = 0 @chef_object ||= Chef::CookbookVersion.from_hash(root.get_json(api_path)) ensure Chef::Config[:http_retry_count] = old_retry_count end rescue Timeout::Error => e raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::OperationFailedError.new(:read, self, e, "Timeout reading: #{e}") rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e if e.response.code == "404" @could_not_get_chef_object = e raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError.new(self, @could_not_get_chef_object) else raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::OperationFailedError.new(:read, self, e, "HTTP error reading: #{e}") end # Chef bug http://tickets.opscode.com/browse/CHEF-3066 ... instead of 404 we get 500 right now. # Remove this when that bug is fixed. rescue Net::HTTPFatalError => e if e.response.code == "500" @could_not_get_chef_object = e raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError.new(self, @could_not_get_chef_object) else raise Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::OperationFailedError.new(:read, self, e, "HTTP error reading: #{e}") end end end end end end end end