include('const.js'); include('utils.js'); include('after.js'); include('dom.js'); include('geometry.js'); include('view/observable.js'); (function() { var self = uki.Attachment = uki.newClass(uki.view.Observable, /** @lends uki.Attachment.prototype */ { /** * Attachment serves as a connection between a uki view and a dom container. * It notifies its view with parentResized on window resize. * Attachment supports part of uki.view.Base API like #domForChild or #rectForChild * * @param {Element} dom Container element * @param {uki.view.Base} view Attached view * @param {uki.geometry.Rect} rect Initial size * * @see uki.view.Base#parentResized * @name uki.Attachment * @augments uki.view.Observable * @constructor */ init: function( dom, view, rect ) { uki.initNativeLayout(); this._dom = dom = dom || root; this._view = view; this._rect = Rect.create(rect) || this.rect(); uki.dom.offset.initialize(); view.parent(this); this.domForChild().appendChild(view.dom()); if (dom != root && dom.tagName != 'BODY') { var computedStyle = dom.runtimeStyle || dom.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(dom, null); if (!computedStyle.position || computedStyle.position == 'static') = 'relative'; } self.register(this); this.layout(); }, /** * Returns document.body if attached to window. Otherwise returns dom * uki.view.Base api * * @type Element */ domForChild: function() { return this._dom === root ? doc.body : this._dom; }, /** * uki.view.Base api * * @type uki.geometry.Rect */ rectForChild: function(child) { return this.rect(); }, /** * uki.view.Base api */ scroll: function() { // TODO: support window scrolling }, /** * uki.view.Base api */ scrollTop: function() { // TODO: support window scrolling return this._dom.scrollTop || 0; }, /** * uki.view.Base api */ scrollLeft: function() { // TODO: support window scrolling return this._dom.scrollLeft || 0; }, /** * uki.view.Base api */ parent: uki.F, /** * uki.view.Base api */ childResized: uki.F, /** * On window resize resizes and layout its child view * @fires event:layout */ layout: function() { var oldRect = this._rect; // if (rect.eq(this._rect)) return; var newRect = this._rect = this.rect(); this._view.parentResized(oldRect, newRect); if (this._view._needsLayout) this._view.layout(); this.trigger('layout', {source: this, rect: newRect}); }, /** * @return {Element} Container dom */ dom: function() { return this._dom; }, /** * @return {Element} Child view */ view: function() { return this._view; }, /** * @private * @return {uki.geometry.Rect} Size of the container */ rect: function() { var width = this._dom === root || this._dom === doc.body ? MAX(getRootElement().clientWidth, this._dom.offsetWidth || 0) : this._dom.offsetWidth, height = this._dom === root || this._dom === doc.body ? MAX(getRootElement().clientHeight, this._dom.offsetHeight || 0) : this._dom.offsetHeight; return new Rect(width, height); } }); function getRootElement() { return doc.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" && doc.documentElement || doc.body; } self.instances = []; /** * @memberOf uki.Attachment */ self.register = function(a) { if (self.instances.length == 0) { var timeout = false; uki.dom.bind(root, 'resize', function() { if (!timeout) { timeout = true; setTimeout(function(i,len) { uki.after.start(); timeout = false; for (i=0,len=self.instances.length;i