$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('lib', __dir__) require 'bundler' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |spec| spec.rspec_opts = %w[--color --require fuubar --format Fuubar] spec.pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' spec.exclude_pattern = 'spec/unit/**/*_spec.rb' end require 'rubocop/rake_task' RuboCop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |t| t.options = ['--display-cop-names'] end namespace :spec do RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:html) do |spec| spec.rspec_opts = "--format html --out #{ENV['SPEC_REPORT'] || 'specs.html'}" spec.pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' end end { html: 'https://www.w3.org/TR/html52/single-page.html', svg: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/single-page.html' }.each do |type, spec_uri| namespace type do spec_path = "support/#{type}.html" task generator_lib: :lib do require 'watir/generator' end desc "Download #{type.upcase} spec from #{spec_uri}" task :download do require 'open-uri' mv spec_path, "#{spec_path}.old" if File.exist?(spec_path) downloaded_bytes = 0 File.open(spec_path, 'w') do |io| io << "<!-- downloaded from #{spec_uri} on #{Time.now} -->\n" io << data = URI.parse(spec_uri).read downloaded_bytes = data.bytesize end puts "#{spec_uri} => #{spec_path} (#{downloaded_bytes} bytes)" end desc "Print IDL parts from #{spec_uri}" task print: :generator_lib do extractor = Watir::Generator.const_get("#{type.upcase}::SpecExtractor").new(spec_path) extractor.process.each do |tag_name, interface_definitions| puts "#{tag_name.ljust(10)} => #{interface_definitions.map(&:name)}" end extractor.print_hierarchy if extractor.errors.any? puts "\n\n<======================= ERRORS =======================>\n\n" puts extractor.errors.join("\n#{'=' * 80}\n") end end desc 'Re-generate the base Watir element classes from the spec' task generate: :generator_lib do old_file = "lib/watir/elements/#{type}_elements.rb" generator = Watir::Generator.const_get(type.upcase).new File.open("#{old_file}.new", 'w') do |file| generator.generate(spec_path, file) end system "diff -Naut #{old_file} #{old_file}.new" if File.exist?(old_file) end desc "Move #{type}.rb.new to #{type}.rb" task :overwrite do file = "lib/watir/elements/#{type}_elements.rb" mv "#{file}.new", file end desc "download spec -> generate -> #{type}.rb" task update: %i[download generate overwrite] end end require 'yard' YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |task| task.options = %w[--debug] # this is pretty slow, so nice with some output end require 'yard/doctest/rake' YARD::Doctest::RakeTask.new do |task| task.doctest_opts = ['-v'] end namespace :changes do task :differ do require './support/version_differ' end desc 'Update CHANGES.md' task update: :differ do VersionDiffer.new.update('CHANGES.md') end desc 'Generate CHANGES.md from scratch' task generate: :differ do VersionDiffer.new.generate('CHANGES.md') end desc 'Print latest diff' task print: :differ do VersionDiffer.new.print_latest($stdout) end end task default: [:spec, 'yard:doctest'] namespace :spec do require 'selenium-webdriver' desc 'Run specs in all browsers' task all_browsers: %i[browsers remote_browsers] desc 'Run specs locally for all browsers' task browsers: [:chrome, :firefox, (:safari if Selenium::WebDriver::Platform.mac?), (:ie if Selenium::WebDriver::Platform.windows?), (:edge if Selenium::WebDriver::Platform.windows?)].compact desc 'Run specs remotely for all browsers' task remote_browsers: [:remote_chrome, :remote_firefox, (:remote_safari if Selenium::WebDriver::Platform.mac?), (:remote_ie if Selenium::WebDriver::Platform.windows?), (:remote_edge if Selenium::WebDriver::Platform.windows?)].compact %w[firefox chrome safari ie edge].each do |browser| desc "Run specs in #{browser}" task browser do ENV['WATIR_BROWSER'] = browser Rake::Task[:spec].execute end desc "Run specs in Remote #{browser}" task "remote_#{browser}" do ENV['WATIR_BROWSER'] = browser ENV['USE_REMOTE'] = 'true' Rake::Task[:spec].execute end end desc 'Run the Unit tests' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:unit) do |spec| spec.pattern = 'spec/unit/**/**_spec.rb' end desc 'Run element location specs and report wire calls' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:stats) do |spec| ENV['SELENIUM_STATS'] = 'true' spec.pattern = 'spec/**/**_spec.rb' spec.exclude_pattern = '**/window_switching_spec.rb, **/browser_spec.rb, **/after_hooks_spec.rb, ' \ '**/alert_spec.rb, **/wait_spec.rb, **/screenshot_spec.rb' end end