[](https://imageboss.me) # ImageBoss Helper for Ruby [](https://travis-ci.org/imageboss/imageboss-rb) [](https://badge.fury.io/rb/imageboss-rb) Official Gem for Generating ImageBoss URLs. [https://imageboss.me/](https://imageboss.me/) **Table of Contents** - [ImageBoss Helper for Ruby](#imageboss-helper-for-ruby) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Example `Image Resizing With Cover Operation`](#example-image-resizing-with-cover-operation) - [Example `Image Resizing With Height Operation`](#example-image-resizing-with-height-operation) - [Example `Image Resizing With Extra Options`](#example-image-resizing-with-extra-options) - [All operations and options for Image Resizing](#all-operations-and-options-for-image-resizing) - [Disabling URL generation](#disabling-url-generation) - [Signing your URLs](#signing-your-urls) - [Tested on](#tested-on) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ``` bundle add imageboss-rb ``` Or install it yourself as: ``` gem install imageboss-rb ``` ## Usage ### Example `Image Resizing With Cover Operation` ```ruby client = ImageBoss::Client.new(source: 'mywebsite') image_url = client.path('/images/img01.jpg') .operation(:cover, width: 100, height: 100) #=> https://img.imageboss.me/mywebsite/cover/100x100/images/img01.jpg ``` ### Example `Image Resizing With Height Operation` ```ruby client = ImageBoss::Client.new(source: 'mywebsite') image_url = client.path('/images/img01.jpg') .operation(:height, height: 100) #=> https://img.imageboss.me/mywebsite/height/100/images/img01.jpg ``` ### Example `Image Resizing With Extra Options` ```ruby client = ImageBoss::Client.new(source: 'mywebsite') image_url = client.path('/images/img01.jpg') .operation(:width, width: 100, options: { grayscale: true }) #=> https://img.imageboss.me/width/100/grayscale:true/images/img01.jpg ``` ### All operations and options for Image Resizing It's all available on our [Official Docs](https://imageboss.me/docs). ### Disabling URL generation If you are coding on `test`, `development` environments and don't want to send any image to ImageBoss you can always disable the URL generation and the client will just fallback to the original path provided. ```ruby client = ImageBoss::Client.new(source: 'mywebsite', disabled: true) image_url = client.path('/images/img01.jpg') .operation(:width, width: 100, options: { grayscale: true }) #=> /images/img01.jpg ``` This will give you the ability to see your image without adding extra code to handle this situation. ### Signing your URLs Read more about this feature here: https://www.imageboss.me/docs/security ```ruby client = ImageBoss::Client.new(source: 'mywebsite', secret: '<MY_SECRET>') image_url = client.path('/images/img01.jpg') .operation(:width, width: 100) #=> https://img.imageboss.me/width/100/images/img01.jpg?bossToken=ff74a46c7228ee4262c39b8d501c488293c5be9d433bb9ca957f32c9c3d844ab ``` This will give you the ability to see your image without adding extra code to handle this situation. ## Tested on Ruby - 2.6.3 - 2.5.1 - 2.4.4 - 2.3.7 - 2.2.7 - 2.1.10 jRuby - jruby- Rubinius - rbx-3.100