require "statistics2" require "terminal-table" #require "report_html" #require 'bigdecimal' def search4HPO(info2predict, trainingData) #search if there are profile HPOs within the association file hpo_regions = {} info2predict.each do |hpo| regions = trainingData[hpo] if !regions.nil? hpo_regions[hpo] = regions end end return hpo_regions end def group_by_region(hpo_regions) #hpo_regions-> hpo => [[chr, start, stop, regID, score], [...]] region2hpo = {} regionAttributes = {} association_scores = {} hpo_regions.each do |hpo, regions| regions.each do |chr, start, stop, regionID, association_score| query = region2hpo[regionID] if query.nil? region2hpo[regionID] = [hpo] else query << hpo end query = regionAttributes[regionID] if query.nil? total_patients_in_region = regionID.split('.')[3].to_i region_length = stop - start regionAttributes[regionID] = [chr, start, stop, total_patients_in_region, region_length] end query = association_scores[regionID] if query.nil? association_scores[regionID] = {hpo => association_score} else query[hpo] = association_score end end end return region2hpo, regionAttributes, association_scores end def add_parentals_of_not_found_hpos_in_regions( patient_hpo_profile, trainingData, region2hpo, regionAttributes, association_scores, hpo_metadata # hpo_code => [phenotype, relations] ) new_hpos = [] region2hpo.each do |regionID, hpos| hpos_not_found = patient_hpo_profile - hpos parental_hpos = [] hpo_scores = {} hpos_not_found.each do |hpo| region, parental_hpo = get_region_with_parental_hpo(hpo, regionID, trainingData , hpo_metadata) if !region.nil? && !parental_hpos.include?(parental_hpo) && !patient_hpo_profile.include?(parental_hpo) parental_hpos << parental_hpo hpo_scores[parental_hpo] = region.last end end hpos.concat(parental_hpos) new_hpos.concat(parental_hpos) association_scores[regionID].merge!(hpo_scores) end patient_hpo_profile.concat(new_hpos.uniq) end def get_region_with_parental_hpo(hpo, regionID, trainingData , hpo_metadata) region = nil final_hpo = nil hpos = [hpo] while !hpos.empty? temp = [] hpos.each do |hp| hpo_data = hpo_metadata[hp] if !hpo_data.nil? main_hpo_code, phenotype, relations = hpo_data temp.concat({|rel| rel.first}) end end temp.each do |temp_hpo| regions = trainingData[temp_hpo] if !regions.nil? final_reg ={|reg| reg[3] == regionID} if !final_reg.empty? region = final_reg.first final_hpo = temp_hpo temp = [] break end end end hpos = temp end return region, final_hpo end def generate_hpo_region_matrix(region2hpo, association_scores, info2predict, null_value=0) # #method for creating the hpo to region matrix for plotting # #info2predict = hpo list from user # #hpo_associated_regions = [[chr, start, stop, [hpos_list], [weighted_association_scores]]] hpo_region_matrix = [] region2hpo.each do |regionID, hpos_list| row = [] info2predict.each do |user_hpo| value = association_scores[regionID][user_hpo] if value.nil? row << null_value else row << value end end hpo_region_matrix << row end return hpo_region_matrix end def scoring_regions(regionAttributes, hpo_region_matrix, scoring_system, pvalue_cutoff, freedom_degree, null_value=0) #hpo_associated_regions = [[chr, start, stop, [hpos_list], [weighted_association_scores]]] #hpo_region_matrix = [[0, 0.4, 0, 0.4], [0, 0, 0.5, 0.4]] # STDERR.puts "EH" regionAttributes_array = regionAttributes.values max_cluster_length ={|x| x.count {|i| i != 0}}.max if freedom_degree == 'maxnum' hpo_region_matrix.each_with_index do |associations, i| sample_length = nil if freedom_degree == 'prednum' sample_length = associations.length elsif freedom_degree == 'phennum' sample_length = associations.count{|s| s != 0} elsif freedom_degree == 'maxnum' sample_length = max_cluster_length else abort("Invalid freedom degree calculation method: #{freedom_degree}") end if scoring_system == 'mean' mean_association = associations.inject(0){|s,x| s + x } / sample_length regionAttributes_array[i] << mean_association elsif scoring_system == 'fisher' #hyper must be ln not log10 from net analyzer # # STDERR.puts associations.inspect lns ={|a| Math.log(10 ** -a)} #hyper values come as log10 values sum = lns.inject(0){|s, a| s + a} combined_pvalue = Statistics2.chi2_x(sample_length *2, -2*sum) regionAttributes_array[i] << combined_pvalue elsif scoring_system == 'stouffer' sum = associations.inject(0){|s,x| s + x} combined_z_score = sum/Math.sqrt(sample_length) regionAttributes_array[i] << combined_z_score elsif scoring_system == 'geommean' #NOTE: if troubles with number size, use BigDecimal geommean_mult = associations.inject(1){|s,x| s * x} geommean_association = geommean_mult.to_f ** ( sample_length ** -1 ) regionAttributes_array[i] << geommean_association elsif scoring_system == 'median' median_value = associations.length / 2 if median_value % 2 == 0 median_up = associations.sort[median_value] median_down = associations.sort[median_value - 1] pair_median = ( median_up + median_down ) / 2 median_association = associations.sort[pair_median.ceil] else median_association = associations.sort[median_value.ceil] end regionAttributes_array[i] << median_association elsif scoring_system == 'maxnum' max_association = associations.max regionAttributes_array[i] << max_association elsif scoring_system == 'minnum' min_association = associations.min regionAttributes_array[i] << min_association else abort("Invalid ranking method: #{scoring_system}") end end if scoring_system == 'mean' || scoring_system == 'geommean' || scoring_system == 'maxnum' || scoring_system == 'minnum'!{|regionID, attributes| attributes.last >= pvalue_cutoff} elsif scoring_system == 'fisher'!{|regionID, attributes| attributes.last <= pvalue_cutoff} end #Combined p-value: less value equals better association -> not due randomly. end def join_regions(regions) #[chr, start, stop, association_values.keys, association_values.values, score] merged_regions = [] sorted_regions = regions.sort_by{|reg | [reg[0], reg[1]]} ref_reg = sorted_regions.shift while !sorted_regions.empty? next_region = sorted_regions.shift if ref_reg[0] == next_region[0] && (ref_reg[2] - next_region[1]).abs <= 1 && (ref_reg[5] - next_region[5]).abs.fdiv([ref_reg[5], next_region[5]].max) <= 0.05 && ref_reg[3] == next_region[3] ref_reg[2] = next_region[2] ref_assoc_values = ref_reg[4] next_assoc_values = next_region[4] assoc_values = [] ref_assoc_values.each_with_index do |ref_val, i| #assoc_values << (ref_val + next_assoc_values[i]).fdiv(2) assoc_values << [ref_val, next_assoc_values[i]].max end ref_reg[4] = assoc_values #ref_reg[5] = (ref_reg[5] + next_region[5]).fdiv(2) ref_reg[5] = [ref_reg[5], next_region[5]].max else merged_regions << ref_reg ref_reg = next_region end end merged_regions << ref_reg return merged_regions end # def hpo_quality_control(prediction_data, hpo_metadata_file, information_coefficient_file) def hpo_quality_control(prediction_data, hpos_ci_values, hpo) characterised_hpos = [] ##information_coef_file= hpo_code, ci ##prediction_data = [hpo1, hpo2, hpo3...] # hpos_ci_values = load_hpo_ci_values(information_coefficient_file) prediction_data.each do |hpo_code| # names, rejected = hpo.translate_codes2names([hpo_code]) names, rejected = hpo.translate_ids([hpo_code]) tmp = [names.first, hpo_code] # col hpo name, col hpo code ci = hpos_ci_values[hpo_code] unless ci.nil? # col exists? and ci values tmp.concat(["yes", ci]) else tmp.concat(["no", "-"]) end # parent = prediction_data & hpo.get_parents(hpo_code) parent = prediction_data & hpo.get_ancestors(hpo_code, true) if parent.empty? parent << "-" else # n, r = hpo.translate_codes2names(parent) n, r = hpo.translate_ids(parent) parent = # Combine code ids with hpo names end tmp << parent # col parents specific_childs = hpo.get_childs_table([hpo_code], true) tmp << specific_childs.first.last characterised_hpos << tmp end return characterised_hpos end def calculate_hpo_recovery_and_filter(adjacent_regions_joined, patient_original_phenotypes, predicted_hpo_percentage, min_hpo_recovery_percentage, patient_number) records_to_delete = [] counter = 0 adjacent_regions_joined.each do |chr, start, stop, hpo_list, association_values, score| hpo_coincidences = patient_original_phenotypes & hpo_list original_hpo_recovery_percentage = hpo_coincidences.length / patient_original_phenotypes.length.to_f * 100 records_to_delete << counter if original_hpo_recovery_percentage < min_hpo_recovery_percentage query = predicted_hpo_percentage[patient_number] if query.nil? predicted_hpo_percentage[patient_number] = [original_hpo_recovery_percentage] else query << original_hpo_recovery_percentage end counter += 1 end records_to_delete.reverse_each do |record_number| adjacent_regions_joined.delete_at(record_number) end end def report_data(characterised_hpos, hpo_associated_regions, html_file, hpo, genes_with_kegg_data, pathway_stats) container = {:characterised_hpos => characterised_hpos, :merged_regions => hpo_associated_regions, :hpo => hpo, :genes_with_kegg_data => genes_with_kegg_data, :pathway_stats => pathway_stats } template =, 'patient_report.erb')).read report =, 'Patient HPO profile summary') report.write(html_file) end def save_patient_matrix(output, patient_hpo_profile, regionAttributes, hpo_region_matrix), "w") do |f| f.puts "Region\t#{patient_hpo_profile.join("\t")}" regionAttributes_array = regionAttributes.values hpo_region_matrix.each_with_index do |association_values, i| chr, start, stop = regionAttributes_array[i] f.puts "#{chr}:#{start}-#{stop}\t#{association_values.join("\t")}" end end end