#include #include #include "ioserver.h" using namespace LCBTest; using std::list; extern "C" { static void server_runfunc(void *arg) { TestServer *server = (TestServer *)arg; server->run(); } } void TestServer::run() { if (closed) { return; } fd_set fds; struct timeval tmout = { 1, 0 }; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(*lsn, &fds); while (!closed) { struct sockaddr_in newaddr; socklen_t naddr = sizeof(newaddr); if (select(*lsn + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tmout) == 1) { int newsock = accept(*lsn, (struct sockaddr *)&newaddr, &naddr); if (newsock == -1) { break; } TestConnection *newconn = new TestConnection(this, factory(newsock)); startConnection(newconn); } } } void TestServer::startConnection(TestConnection *conn) { mutex.lock(); if (isClosed()) { conn->close(); delete conn; } else { conns.push_back(conn); } mutex.unlock(); } TestServer::TestServer() { lsn = SockFD::newListener(); closed = false; factory = plainSocketFactory; // Now spin up a thread to start the accept loop thr = new Thread(server_runfunc, this); } TestServer::~TestServer() { close(); mutex.lock(); std::list::iterator iter = conns.begin(); for (; iter != conns.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->close(); delete *iter; } mutex.unlock(); // We don't want to explicitly call join() here since that // gets called in the destructor. This is unncessary // and broken on musl. // thr->join(); delete thr; mutex.close(); delete lsn; } std::string TestServer::getPortString() { char buf[4096]; sprintf(buf, "%d", lsn->getLocalPort()); return std::string(buf); } TestConnection * TestServer::findConnection(uint16_t port) { TestConnection *ret = NULL; list::iterator iter; while (ret == NULL) { sched_yield(); mutex.lock(); iter = conns.begin(); for (; iter != conns.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->getPeerPort() == port) { ret = *iter; break; } } mutex.unlock(); }; return ret; }