module Jets::Commands class Deploy extend Memoist include StackInfo include Jets::Timing def initialize(options) @options = options end def run deployment_env = Jets.config.project_namespace.colorize(:green) puts "Deploying to Lambda #{deployment_env} environment..." return if @options[:noop] check_dev_mode validate_routes! # Delete existing rollback stack from previous bad minimal deploy delete_minimal_stack if minimal_rollback_complete? exit_unless_updateable! # Stack could be in a weird rollback state or in progress state ship(stack_type: :minimal) if first_run? # Build code after the minimal stack because need s3 bucket for assets # on_aws? and s3_base_url logic build_code # deploy full nested stack when stack already exists ship(stack_type: :full, s3_bucket: s3_bucket) end time :run def delete_minimal_stack puts "Existing stack is in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state from a previous failed minimal deploy. Deleting stack and continuing." cfn.delete_stack(stack_name: stack_name) status.wait status.reset end def check_dev_mode if File.exist?("#{Jets.root}dev.mode") puts "The dev.mode file exists. Please removed it and run bundle update before you deploy.".colorize(:red) exit 1 end end def build_code end time :build_code # Checks that all routes are validate and have corresponding lambda functions def validate_routes! return if Jets::Router.all_routes_valid puts "Deploy fail: The jets application contain invalid routes.".colorize(:red) puts "Please double check the routes below map to valid controllers:" Jets::Router.invalid_routes.each do |route| puts " /#{route.path} => #{route.controller_name}##{route.action_name}" end exit 1 end def ship(stack_options) options = @options.merge(stack_options) # includes stack_type and s3_bucket end time :ship def status end memoize :status def stack_name Jets::Naming.parent_stack_name end # Checks for a few things before deciding to delete the parent stack # # * Parent stack status status is ROLLBACK_COMPLETE # * Parent resources are in the DELETE_COMPLETE state # def minimal_rollback_complete? stack = find_stack(stack_name) return false unless stack return false unless stack.stack_status == 'ROLLBACK_COMPLETE' # Finally check if all the minimal resources in the parent template have been deleted resp = cfn.describe_stack_resources(stack_name: stack_name) resource_statuses = resource_statuses == ['DELETE_COMPLETE'] end def find_stack(stack_name) resp = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: stack_name) resp.stacks.first rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError => e # example: Stack with id demo-dev does not exist if e.message =~ /Stack with/ && e.message =~ /does not exist/ nil else raise end end # All CloudFormation states listed here: def exit_unless_updateable! stack_name = Jets::Naming.parent_stack_name exists = stack_exists?(stack_name) return unless exists # continue because stack could be updating stack = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: stack_name).stacks.first status = stack["stack_status"] if status =~ /^ROLLBACK_/ || status =~ /_IN_PROGRESS$/ region = `aws configure get region`.strip rescue "us-east-1" url = "{region}#/stacks" puts "The parent stack of the #{Jets.config.project_name.colorize(:green)} project is not in an updateable state." puts "Stack name #{stack_name.colorize(:yellow)} status #{stack["stack_status"].colorize(:yellow)}" puts "Here's the CloudFormation url to check for more details #{url}" exit 1 end end end end