class PodcastBookClub::CLI def initialize welcome_message @today = Whirly.start(spinner: "pencil", color: false, remove_after_stop: true, status: "Loading Episodes") do @scraper = end call end def call until @input == "exit" menu_options puts "\n\nEnter your selection:" @input = gets.chomp.downcase case @input when "1", "this week" first_date = @today - @today.wday episodes = Episode.find_by_date(first_date, @today) select_episodes(episodes) when "2", "last week" first_date = @today - @today.wday - 7 last_date = @today - @today.wday episodes = Episode.find_by_date(first_date, last_date) select_episodes(episodes) when "3", "this month" first_date = @today - @today.mday + 1 episodes = Episode.find_by_date(first_date, @today) select_episodes(episodes) when "4", "last month" last_date = @today - @today.mday first_date = last_date - last_date.mday + 1 episodes = Episode.find_by_date(first_date, last_date) select_episodes(episodes) when "5", "this year" first_date = @today - @today.yday + 1 episodes = Episode.find_by_date(first_date, @today) select_episodes(episodes) when "6", "keyword" puts "\n\nEnter a keyword or phrase:" keyword = gets.chomp.downcase episodes = Episode.find_by_keyword(keyword) select_episodes(episodes) when "7", "author" if Book.count > 0 Author.sort_by_name.each { |author| output_author(author) } else no_books end when "8", "genre" if Book.count > 0 Genre.sort_by_name.each { |genre| output_genre(genre) } else no_books end when "9", "search" if Book.count > 0 puts "\n\nEnter a keyword or phrase:" keyword = gets.chomp.downcase books = Book.find_by_keyword(keyword) books.each_with_index do |book, i| episodes = { |ep| ep.title} output_book(book, i+1) puts "From the episode(s): #{episodes.join(", ")}\n\n" end else no_books end when "animal style" create_library(Episode.all) when "help" menu_options when "exit" break else unexpected_input end end end def create_library(episodes) episodes.each do |episode| @scraper.build_books(episode) unless episode.books != [] puts "\n\nHere are the recommendations from \"#{episode.title}\":\n\n" episode.books.each_with_index do |book, i| output_book(book, i+1) end end end def select_episodes(episodes) select_menu(episodes) @selection = gets.chomp.downcase case @selection when /\d/ unless @selection.to_i > episodes.count selected_episodes = [episodes[@selection.to_i - 1]] create_library(selected_episodes) else unexpected_input select_menu(episodes) @selection = gets.chomp.downcase end when "all" create_library(episodes) when "back" call when "exit" @input = "exit" else unexpected_input end end private def welcome_message puts Rainbow(" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __| | ___ __ _ ___| |_ | |__ ___ ___ | | __ ___| |_ _| |__ | '_ \\ / _ \\ / _` |/ __/ _` / __| __| | '_ \\ / _ \\ / _ \\| |/ / / __| | | | | '_ \\ | |_) | (_) | (_| | (_| (_| \\__ \\ |_ | |_) | (_) | (_) | < | (__| | |_| | |_) | | .__/ \\___/ \\__,_|\\___\\__,_|___/\\__| |_.__/ \\___/ \\___/|_|\\_\\ \\___|_|\\__,_|_.__/ |_| ").yellow.bright puts Rainbow(" The Ezra Klein Show ") + " brings you far-reaching conversations about hard problems, big ideas," puts "illuminating theories, and cutting-edge research.\n\n" puts Rainbow(" Podcast Book Club ") + " lets you climb around the guests' bookshelves." puts "Let's get started!\n\n" end def menu_options puts "\n\nList episodes:" puts "1. from 'this week'" puts "2. from 'last week'" puts "3. from 'this month'" puts "4. from 'last month'" puts "5. from 'this year'" puts "6. by 'keyword'" if Book.count > 0 puts "\n\n" + Rainbow("It looks like you've found some books!") puts "Explore bookshelf:" puts "7. by 'author'" puts "8. by 'genre'" puts "9. 'search'" end puts "\n\n'help' for options or 'exit'" end def unexpected_input puts "\n\nSorry, I did not understand your response." puts "What would you like to do?" end def puts_episodes(episodes) puts "\n\nI have found " + Rainbow(episodes.count).bg(:black).yellow.bright + " episode(s).\n\n" episodes.each.with_index { |episode, i| output_episode(episode, i+1) } end def select_menu(episodes) puts_episodes(episodes) puts "\n\nEnter the number of the episode to see recommended books or enter 'all' to create a library from all listed episodes." puts "Use 'back' for previous menu or 'exit' to close program." puts "\n\nWhat would you like to do?" end def output_book(book, number) authors = {|a|} unless == [] || == nil genres = {|g|} unless book.genre == [] || book.genre == nil puts Rainbow("#{number} - #{book.title}").bg(:black).yellow.bright puts Rainbow("Author(s): ").bg(:black).yellow.bright + authors.join(", ") unless authors == [] || authors == nil puts Rainbow("Genre: ").bg(:black).yellow.bright + genres.join(", ") unless genres == [] || genres == nil puts Rainbow("Synopsis: ").bg(:black).yellow.bright + "#{book.synopsis}" unless book.synopsis == "" puts Rainbow("URL: ").bg(:black).yellow.bright + "#{book.url}\n\n" end def output_episode(episode, number, display_description = false) puts "#{number} - " + Rainbow("#{episode.title}").bg(:black).yellow.bright + " - #{}" puts "#{episode.description}" if display_description == true end def output_author(author) puts "\n\n" + Rainbow("#{}").bg(:black).yellow.bright + Rainbow(" (#{author.books.count})").silver sorted_books = author.books.sort_by { |book| book.title} sorted_books.each do |book| puts " #{book.title}" end end def output_genre(genre) puts "\n\n" + Rainbow("#{}").bg(:black).yellow.bright + " (#{genre.books.count})" sorted_books = genre.books.sort_by { |book| book.title} sorted_books.each do |book| authors = [] { |author| authors <<} puts " #{book.title} by #{authors.join(", ")}" end end def no_books puts "Your library has no books! Find an episode to begin building your library." menu_options end end