class Shoes class App include Mod2 def initialize args={} args.each do |k, v| instance_variable_set "@#{k}", v end win_title = @owner.instance_variable_get('@title') class << @owner; self end. class_eval do define_method :inspect do win_title or 'green shoes' end end if @owner App.class_eval do attr_accessor *(args.keys - [:width, :height, :title]) end init_app_vars @canvas, @win, @swin, @top_slot = nil @cslot = (@app ||= self) @width_pre, @height_pre = @width, @height @link_style, @linkhover_style = LINK_DEFAULT, LINKHOVER_DEFAULT @context_angle = @pixbuf_rotate = 0 (Shoes.APPS << self) unless @noapp end attr_accessor :cslot, :cmask, :top_slot, :contents, :canvas, :app, :mccs, :mrcs, :mmcs, :mhcs, :mlcs, :shcs, :mcs, :win, :swin, :width_pre, :height_pre, :order, :dics, :fronts, :backs, :focusables, :focus_ele attr_writer :mouse_button, :mouse_pos attr_reader :link_style, :linkhover_style, :animates, :owner, :textcursors, :textmarkers, :location, :pinning_elements def visit url if url =~ /^(http|https):\/\// do case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mingw/; system "start #{url}" when /linux/; system("/etc/alternatives/x-www-browser #{url} &") else puts "Sorry, your platform [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}] is not supported..." end end else timer 0.001 do $urls.each{|k, v| clear{init_app_vars; @location = url; self, $1} if k =~ url} end end end def stack args={}, &blk if args[:scroll] slot_with_scrollbar Stack, args, &blk else args[:app] = self (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click], &blk).tap{|s| &click_proc if click_proc} end end def flow args={}, &blk if args[:scroll] slot_with_scrollbar Flow, args, &blk else args[:app] = self (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click], &blk).tap{|s| &click_proc if click_proc} end end def slot_with_scrollbar slot, args={}, &blk args[:left] ||= 0 args[:top] ||= 0 args[:width] ||= 200 args[:height] ||= 200 app = noapp: true app.instance_variable_set :@_w, args[:width] app.instance_variable_set :@_h, args[:height] def app.width; @_w end def app.height; @_h end = win swin = swin.set_size_request args[:width], args[:height] swin.set_policy Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC swin.vadjustment.step_increment = 10 layout = swin.add layout = app.canvas = layout app.top_slot = app.slot_attributes(app: app, left: args[:left], top: args[:top], width: args[:width], height: args[:height], swin: swin) app.instance_eval &blk @canvas.put swin, args[:left], args[:top] app.top_slot end def mask &blk, &blk).tap{|m| @mcs << m} end def clear &blk mcs.each &:clear @top_slot.clear &blk end def textblock klass, font_size, *msg args = msg.last.class == Hash ? msg.pop : {} args = eval("#{klass.to_s[7..-1].upcase}_DEFAULT").merge args args = basic_attributes args args[:markup] = args[:markup] = fg(args[:markup], tr_color(args[:stroke])) if args[:stroke] args[:markup] = bg(args[:markup], tr_color(args[:fill])) if args[:fill] form = {} args.each{|k, v| form.merge!({k => v}) if SPAN_FORM[k]} args[:markup] = span(args[:markup], form) unless form.empty? SPAN_FORM.keys.+([:stroke, :fill]).each{|k| args.delete k} text, attr_list = make_pango_attr args[:markup] args[:size] ||= font_size (args[:size] = font_size * FONT_SIZE[args[:size]]) if FONT_SIZE[args[:size]] args[:font] ||= (@font_family or 'sans') args[:align] ||= 'left' line_height = args[:size] * 2 args[:links] = make_link_index(msg) unless args[:links] if !(args[:left].zero? and args[:top].zero?) and (args[:width].zero? or args[:height].zero?) args[:nocontrol], args[:add_mlcs], args[:width], args[:height] = true, true, self.width, self.height layout_control = false else layout_control = true end if args[:create_real] or !layout_control args[:width] = 1 if args[:width] <= 0 layout, context, surface = make_pango_layout args[:size], args[:width], args[:height], args[:align], args[:font], args[:justify], args[:leading], args[:wrap], text, attr_list context.show_pango_layout layout context.show_page make_link_pos args[:links], layout, line_height args[:height] = layout.line_count * line_height img = create_tmp_png surface @canvas.put img, args[:left], args[:top] img.show_now @canvas.remove img if args[:hidden] args[:real], args[:noorder] = img, layout_control else args[:real] = false end args[:app] = self args end def banner *msg; textblock Banner, 48, *msg; end def title *msg; textblock Title, 34, *msg; end def subtitle *msg; textblock Subtitle, 26, *msg; end def tagline *msg; textblock Tagline, 18, *msg; end def caption *msg; textblock Caption, 14, *msg; end def para *msg; textblock Para, 12, *msg; end def inscription *msg; textblock Para, 10, *msg; end def image name, args={} args = IMAGE_DEFAULT.merge args args = basic_attributes args args[:full_width] = args[:full_height] = 0 (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click] if name =~ /^(http|https):\/\// tmpname = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "__green_shoes_#{}.png") d = download name, save: tmpname img = File.join(DIR, '../static/downloading.png') downloading = true elsif name =~ /\.(png|jpg|gif|PNG|JPG|GIF)$/ img = name downloading = false else require 'rsvg2' img = RSVG::Handle.new_from_data(name).pixbuf downloading = false end if (!args[:width].zero? or !args[:height].zero?) and !downloading args[:full_width], args[:full_height] = imagesize(name) args[:width] = args[:full_width] if args[:width].zero? args[:height] = args[:full_height] if args[:height].zero? img = img.pixbuf.scale(args[:width], args[:height]) end @canvas.put img, args[:left], args[:top] img.show_now @canvas.remove img if args[:hidden] args[:real], args[:app], args[:path] = img, self, name do |s| @dics.push([s, d, tmpname]) if downloading &click_proc if click_proc end end def imagesize name end def button name, args={} args = basic_attributes args (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click] b = name b.set_size_request args[:width], args[:height] if args[:width] > 0 and args[:height] > 0 @canvas.put b, args[:left], args[:top] b.show_now args[:real], args[:text], args[:app] = b, name, self do |s| &click_proc if click_proc b.signal_connect "clicked" do yield s end if block_given? end end def check args={} args = basic_attributes args (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click] cb = = true if args[:checked] @canvas.put cb, args[:left], args[:top] cb.show_now args[:real], args[:app] = cb, self do |s| &click_proc if click_proc cb.signal_connect "clicked" do yield s end if block_given? end end def radio *attrs args = attrs.last.class == Hash ? attrs.pop : {} group = attrs.first unless attrs.empty? group = args[:group] if args[:group] group = group ? (@radio_groups[group] ||= : cslot.radio_group args = basic_attributes args (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click] rb = group = true if args[:checked] @canvas.put rb, args[:left], args[:top] rb.show_now args[:real], args[:app] = rb, self do |s| &click_proc if click_proc rb.signal_connect "clicked" do yield s end if block_given? end end def edit_line *attrs args = attrs.last.class == Hash ? attrs.pop : {} txt = attrs.first unless attrs.empty? args = basic_attributes args args[:width] = 200 if args[:width].zero? args[:height] = 28 if args[:height].zero? (change_proc = args[:change]; args.delete :change) if args[:change] el = el.visibility = false if args[:secret] el.text = txt || args[:text].to_s el.set_size_request args[:width], args[:height] @canvas.put el, args[:left], args[:top] el.show_now args[:real], args[:app] = el, self do |s| s.change &change_proc el.signal_connect "changed" do yield s end if block_given? end end def edit_box *attrs args = attrs.last.class == Hash ? attrs.pop : {} txt = attrs.first unless attrs.empty? args = basic_attributes args args[:width] = 200 if args[:width].zero? args[:height] = 108 if args[:height].zero? (change_proc = args[:change]; args.delete :change) if args[:change] tv = tv.wrap_mode = Gtk::TextTag::WRAP_WORD tv.buffer.text = txt || args[:text].to_s tv.modify_font([:font])) if args[:font] tv.accepts_tab = args[:accepts_tab] args.delete :accepts_tab eb = eb.set_size_request args[:width], args[:height] eb.set_policy Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC eb.set_shadow_type Gtk::SHADOW_IN eb.add tv @canvas.put eb, args[:left], args[:top] eb.show_all args[:real], args[:app], args[:textview] = eb, self, tv do |s| s.change &change_proc tv.buffer.signal_connect "changed" do yield s end if block_given? end end def list_box args={} args = basic_attributes args args[:width] = 200 if args[:width].zero? args[:height] = 28 if args[:height].zero? (change_proc = args[:change]; args.delete :change) if args[:change] cb = args[:entry] ? : args[:items] ||= [] args[:items].each{|item| cb.append_text item.to_s} cb.set_size_request args[:width], args[:height] = args[:items].index(args[:choose]) if args[:choose] @canvas.put cb, args[:left], args[:top] cb.show_now args[:real], args[:app] = cb, self do |s| s.change &change_proc cb.signal_connect("changed") do yield s end if block_given? end end def animate n=10, repaint=true, &blk n, i = 1000 / n, 0 a = @animates << a GLib::Timeout.add n do if a.continue? blk[i = a.pause? ? i : i+1] Shoes.repaint_all_by_order self if repaint end a.continue? end a end def every n=1, &blk animate 1.0/n, &blk end def timer n=1, &blk GLib::Timeout.add 1000*n do Shoes.repaint_all_by_order self false end end def motion &blk @mmcs << blk end def keypress &blk win.signal_handler_disconnect @key_press_handler if @key_press_handler win.set_events Gdk::Event::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk::Event::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk::Event::POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk::Event::KEY_PRESS_MASK @key_press_handler = win.signal_connect("key_press_event") do |w, e| k = Gdk::Keyval.to_name e.keyval k = case when Shoes::KEY_NAMES.include?(k); e.keyval.chr when k == 'Return'; "\n" when k == 'Tab'; "\t" else k end blk[k] end end def mouse [@mouse_button, @mouse_pos[0], @mouse_pos[1]] end def oval *attrs args = attrs.last.class == Hash ? attrs.pop : {} case attrs.length when 0, 1 when 2; args[:left], args[:top] = attrs when 3; args[:left], args[:top], args[:radius] = attrs else args[:left], args[:top], args[:width], args[:height] = attrs end args = basic_attributes args (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click] args[:width].zero? ? (args[:width] = args[:radius] * 2) : (args[:radius] = args[:width]/2.0) args[:height] = args[:width] if args[:height].zero? args[:strokewidth] = ( args[:strokewidth] or strokewidth or 1 ) args[:angle1] ||= 0 args[:angle2] ||= 2*Math::PI w, h, mx, my = set_rotate_angle(args) my *= args[:width]/args[:height].to_f surface = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h context = surface context.rotate @context_angle context.scale(1, args[:height]/args[:width].to_f) if pat = (args[:fill] or fill) gp = gradient pat, args[:width], args[:height], args[:angle] context.set_source gp context.arc args[:radius]+mx, args[:radius]-my, args[:radius], args[:angle1], args[:angle2] context.fill end pat = (args[:stroke] or stroke) gp = gradient pat, args[:width], args[:height], args[:angle] context.set_source gp context.set_line_width args[:strokewidth] context.arc args[:radius]+mx, args[:radius]-my, args[:radius]-args[:strokewidth]/2.0, args[:angle1], args[:angle2] context.set_line_cap(LINECAP[args[:cap]] || cap) context.stroke img = create_tmp_png surface img = img.pixbuf.rotate(ROTATE[@pixbuf_rotate]) @canvas.put img, args[:left], args[:top] img.show_now @canvas.remove img if args[:hidden] args[:real], args[:app] = img, self{|s| &click_proc if click_proc} end def arc l, t, w, h, a1, a2, args={} args.merge!({angle1: a1, angle2: a2}) oval l, t, w, h, args end def rect *attrs args = attrs.last.class == Hash ? attrs.pop : {} case attrs.length when 0, 1 when 2; args[:left], args[:top] = attrs when 3; args[:left], args[:top], args[:width] = attrs else args[:left], args[:top], args[:width], args[:height] = attrs end args[:height] = args[:width] unless args[:height] sw = args[:strokewidth] = ( args[:strokewidth] or strokewidth or 1 ) w, h, mx, my = set_rotate_angle(args) args = basic_attributes args (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click] surface = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h context = surface context.rotate @context_angle if pat = (args[:fill] or fill) gp = gradient pat, args[:width], args[:height], args[:angle] context.set_source gp context.rounded_rectangle sw/2.0+mx, sw/2.0-my, args[:width]-sw, args[:height]-sw, args[:curve] context.fill end pat = (args[:stroke] or stroke) gp = gradient pat, args[:width], args[:height], args[:angle] context.set_source gp context.set_line_width sw context.rounded_rectangle sw/2.0+mx, sw/2.0-my, args[:width]-sw, args[:height]-sw, args[:curve] context.stroke img = create_tmp_png surface img = img.pixbuf.rotate(ROTATE[@pixbuf_rotate]) @canvas.put img, args[:left], args[:top] img.show_now @canvas.remove img if args[:hidden] args[:real], args[:app] = img, self{|s| &click_proc if click_proc} end def line *attrs args = attrs.last.class == Hash ? attrs.pop : {} case attrs.length when 0, 1, 2 when 3; args[:sx], args[:sy], args[:ex] = attrs; args[:ey] = args[:ex] else args[:sx], args[:sy], args[:ex], args[:ey] = attrs end sx, sy, ex, ey = args[:sx], args[:sy], args[:ex], args[:ey] sw = args[:strokewidth] = ( args[:strokewidth] or strokewidth or 1 ) cw = hsw = sw*0.5 args[:width], args[:height] = (sx - ex).abs, (sy - ey).abs args[:width] += cw args[:height] += cw args = basic_attributes args (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click] surface = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, args[:width]+sw, args[:height]+sw context = surface pat = (args[:stroke] or stroke) gp = gradient pat, args[:width], args[:height], args[:angle] context.set_source gp context.set_line_width args[:strokewidth] if ((sx - ex) < 0 and (sy - ey) < 0) or ((sx - ex) > 0 and (sy - ey) > 0) context.move_to cw+hsw, cw+hsw context.line_to args[:width]+hsw, args[:height]+hsw args[:left] = (sx - ex) < 0 ? sx - hsw : ex - hsw args[:top] = (sy - ey) < 0 ? sy - hsw : ey - hsw elsif ((sx - ex) < 0 and (sy - ey) > 0) or ((sx - ex) > 0 and (sy - ey) < 0) context.move_to cw+hsw, args[:height]+hsw context.line_to args[:width]+hsw, cw+hsw args[:left] = (sx - ex) < 0 ? sx - hsw : ex - hsw args[:top] = (sy - ey) < 0 ? sy - hsw : ey - hsw elsif !(sx - ex).zero? and (sy - ey).zero? context.move_to cw, cw+hsw context.line_to args[:width], cw+hsw args[:left] = (sx - ex) < 0 ? sx : ex args[:top] = (sy - ey) < 0 ? sy - hsw : ey - hsw elsif (sx - ex).zero? and !(sy - ey).zero? context.move_to cw+hsw, cw context.line_to cw+hsw, args[:height] args[:left] = (sx - ex) < 0 ? sx - hsw : ex - hsw args[:top] = (sy - ey) < 0 ? sy : ey else context.move_to 0, 0 context.line_to 0, 0 args[:left] = sw args[:top] = sy end context.set_line_cap(LINECAP[args[:cap]] || cap) context.stroke img = create_tmp_png surface @canvas.put img, (args[:left]-=cw), (args[:top]-=cw) img.show_now @canvas.remove img if args[:hidden] args[:real], args[:app] = img, self{|s| &click_proc if click_proc} end def shapebase klass, args blk = args[:block] args[:width] ||= 300 args[:height] ||= 300 w, h, mx, my = set_rotate_angle(args) args = basic_attributes args (click_proc = args[:click]; args.delete :click) if args[:click] surface = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h context = surface args[:strokewidth] = ( args[:strokewidth] or strokewidth or 1 ) context.set_line_width args[:strokewidth] context.set_line_cap(LINECAP[args[:cap]] || cap) context.rotate @context_angle mk_path = proc do |pat| gp = gradient pat, args[:width], args[:height], args[:angle] context.set_source gp context.move_to 0, 0 klass == Shoes::Star ? context.instance_eval{blk[self, mx, -my]} : context.instance_eval(&blk) end if pat = (args[:fill] or fill) pat context.fill end (args[:stroke] or stroke) context.stroke img = create_tmp_png surface img = img.pixbuf.rotate(ROTATE[@pixbuf_rotate]) @canvas.put img, args[:left], args[:top] img.show_now @canvas.remove img if args[:hidden] args[:real], args[:app] = img, self{|s| &click_proc if click_proc} end def shape args={}, &blk args[:left] ||= 0 args[:top] ||= 0 args[:block] = blk shapebase Shape, args end def star *attrs args = attrs.last.class == Hash ? attrs.pop : {} case attrs.length when 2; args[:left], args[:top] = attrs when 5; args[:left], args[:top], args[:points], args[:outer], args[:inner] = attrs else end args[:points] ||= 10; args[:outer] ||= 100.0; args[:inner] ||= 50.0 args[:width] = args[:height] = args[:outer]*2.0 x = y = outer = args[:outer] points, inner = args[:points], args[:inner] args[:block] = proc do |s, mx, my| x += mx; y += my s.move_to x, y + outer (1..points*2).each do |i| angle = i * Math::PI / points r = (i % 2 == 0) ? outer : inner s.line_to x + r * Math.sin(angle), y + r * Math.cos(angle) end end shapebase Star, args end def arrow *attrs args = attrs.last.class == Hash ? attrs.pop : {} w = attrs[2] args.merge!({left: attrs[0], top: attrs[1], width: w, height: w}) shape args do move_to 0, w*0.5*0.6 line_to w*0.58, w*0.5*0.6 line_to w*0.58, w*0.5*0.2 line_to w, w*0.5 line_to w*0.58, w*(1-0.5*0.2) line_to w*0.58, w*(1-0.5*0.6) line_to 0, w*(1-0.5*0.6) line_to 0, w*0.5*0.6 end end def rotate angle @pixbuf_rotate, angle = angle.divmod(90) @pixbuf_rotate %= 4 @context_angle = Math::PI * angle / 180 end def rgb r, g, b, l=1.0 (r <= 1 and g <= 1 and b <= 1) ? [r, g, b, l] : [r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, l] end %w[fill stroke strokewidth].each do |name| eval "def #{name} #{name}=nil; #{name} ? @#{name}=#{name} : @#{name} end" end def nostroke strokewidth 0 end def nofill @fill = false end def gradient *attrs case attrs.length when 1, 2 pat1, pat2 = attrs pat2 = pat1 unless pat2 return tr_color(pat1)..tr_color(pat2) when 3, 4 pat, w, h, angle = attrs angle = 0 unless angle else return end pat = tr_color pat color = case pat when Range; [tr_color(pat.first), tr_color(pat.last)] when Array; [pat, pat] when String sp = Cairo::ImageSurface.from_png(pat) return sp.set_extend(Cairo::Extend::REPEAT) else [black, black] end dx, dy = w*angle/180.0, h*angle/180.0 lp = w*0.5-dx, dy, w*0.5+dx, h-dy lp.add_color_stop_rgba 0, *color[0] lp.add_color_stop_rgba 1, *color[1] lp end def tr_color pat if pat.is_a?(String) and pat[0] == '#' color = pat[1..-1] color = color.gsub(/(.)/){$1 + '0'} if color.length == 3 rgb *color.gsub(/(..)/).map{$1.hex} else pat end end def background pat, args={} pat = eval(pat) if pat.is_a?(String) and pat[0] != '#' and !((File.extname(pat).downcase) =~ /\.[png|jpg|gif|PNG|JPG|GIF]/) args[:pattern] = pat args = basic_attributes args if args[:create_real] and !args[:height].zero? args[:width] = 1 if args[:width] <= 0 surface = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, args[:width], args[:height] context = surface context.rounded_rectangle 0, 0, args[:width], args[:height], args[:curve] gp = gradient pat, args[:width], args[:height], args[:angle] context.set_source gp context.fill img = create_tmp_png surface @canvas.put img, args[:left], args[:top] img.show_now args[:real] = img else args[:real] = false end args[:app] = self args end def border pat, args={} args[:pattern] = pat args = basic_attributes args sw = args[:strokewidth] = ( args[:strokewidth] or strokewidth or 1 ) if args[:create_real] and !args[:height].zero? surface = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, args[:width], args[:height] context = surface gp = gradient pat, args[:width], args[:height], args[:angle] context.set_source gp context.set_line_width sw context.rounded_rectangle sw/2.0, sw/2.0, args[:width]-sw, args[:height]-sw, args[:curve] context.stroke img = create_tmp_png surface @canvas.put img, args[:left], args[:top] img.show_now args[:real] = img else args[:real] = false end args[:app] = self args end def progress args={} args = basic_attributes args args[:width] = 150 if args[:width] < 150 pb = pb.text = ' ' * (args[:width] / 4 - 2) @canvas.put pb, args[:left], args[:top] pb.show_now args[:real], args[:app], args[:noorder], args[:nocontrol] = pb, self, true, true args end def download name, args={}, &blk name, args, &blk end def nolayout @nolayout = true end # Resize the app window. def resize new_width, new_height win.resize new_width, new_height end def scroll_top @swin.vscrollbar.value end def scroll_top=(n) @swin.vscrollbar.value = n end def scrolled? @_scroll_top ||= 0 d = scroll_top - @_scroll_top @_scroll_top = scroll_top ? false : d end def scrolled=(n) @_scroll_top = n end def pinning *eles eles.each do |ele| ele.is_a?(Basic) ? (@pinning_elements << ele) : ele.contents.each{|e| (@pinning_elements << e) if e.is_a? Basic} end @pinning_elements.uniq! end def gutter @swin.vscrollbar.size_request.first end def clipboard Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD).wait_for_text end def clipboard=(str) Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD).text = str end def close win.destroy Shoes.APPS.delete app end def window args={}, &blk args.merge! owner: self args, &blk end def flush Shoes.call_back_procs self end [:append, :prepend, :after, :before, :click, :hover, :leave, :release].each do |m| define_method m do |*args, &blk| top_slot.send m, *args, &blk end end def gray *attrs g, a = attrs g ? rgb(g*255, g*255, g*255, a) : rgb(128, 128, 128)[0..2] end def cap *line_cap @line_cap = case line_cap.first when :curve, :rect, :project LINECAP[line_cap.first] else @line_cap ||= LINECAP[:rect] end end end end