# frozen_string_literal: true
require "foundation_rails_helper/form_builder"
module Decidim
# This custom FormBuilder adds fields needed to deal with translatable fields,
# following the conventions set on `Decidim::TranslatableAttributes`.
class FormBuilder < FoundationRailsHelper::FormBuilder
include ActionView::Context
include Decidim::TranslatableAttributes
# Public: generates a check boxes input from a collection and adds help
# text and errors.
# attribute - the name of the field
# collection - the collection from which we will render the check boxes
# value_attribute - a Symbol or a Proc defining how to find the value
# attribute
# text_attribute - a Symbol or a Proc defining how to find the text
# attribute
# options - a Hash with options
# html_options - a Hash with options
# Renders a collection of check boxes.
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
def collection_check_boxes(attribute, collection, value_attribute, text_attribute, options = {}, html_options = {})
super + error_and_help_text(attribute, options)
# rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists
# Public: generates a radio buttons input from a collection and adds help
# text and errors.
# attribute - the name of the field
# collection - the collection from which we will render the check boxes
# value_attribute - a Symbol or a Proc defining how to find the value attribute
# text_attribute - a Symbol or a Proc defining how to find the text attribute
# options - a Hash with options
# html_options - a Hash with options
# Renders a collection of radio buttons.
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
def collection_radio_buttons(attribute, collection, value_attribute, text_attribute, options = {}, html_options = {})
super + error_and_help_text(attribute, options)
# rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists
# Public: Generates an form field for each locale.
# type - The form field's type, like `text_area` or `text_input`
# name - The name of the field
# options - The set of options to send to the field
# Renders form fields for each locale.
def translated(type, name, options = {})
return translated_one_locale(type, name, locales.first, options.merge(label: (options[:label] || label_for(name)))) if locales.count == 1
tabs_id = sanitize_tabs_selector(options[:tabs_id] || "#{object_name}-#{name}-tabs")
label_tabs = content_tag(:div, class: "label--tabs") do
field_label = label_i18n(name, options[:label] || label_for(name))
tabs_panels = "".html_safe
if options[:label] != false
tabs_panels = content_tag(:ul, class: "tabs tabs--lang", id: tabs_id, data: { tabs: true }) do
locales.each_with_index.inject("".html_safe) do |string, (locale, index)|
string + content_tag(:li, class: tab_element_class_for("title", index)) do
title = I18n.with_locale(locale) { I18n.t("name", scope: "locale") }
element_class = nil
element_class = "is-tab-error" if error?(name_with_locale(name, locale))
tab_content_id = sanitize_tabs_selector "#{tabs_id}-#{name}-panel-#{index}"
content_tag(:a, title, href: "##{tab_content_id}", class: element_class)
safe_join [field_label, tabs_panels]
hashtaggable = options.delete(:hashtaggable)
tabs_content = content_tag(:div, class: "tabs-content", data: { tabs_content: tabs_id }) do
locales.each_with_index.inject("".html_safe) do |string, (locale, index)|
tab_content_id = "#{tabs_id}-#{name}-panel-#{index}"
string + content_tag(:div, class: tab_element_class_for("panel", index), id: tab_content_id) do
if hashtaggable
hashtaggable_text_field(type, name, locale, options.merge(label: false))
elsif type.to_sym == :editor
send(type, name_with_locale(name, locale), options.merge(label: false, hashtaggable: hashtaggable))
send(type, name_with_locale(name, locale), options.merge(label: false))
safe_join [label_tabs, tabs_content]
def translated_one_locale(type, name, locale, options = {})
return hashtaggable_text_field(type, name, locale, options) if options.delete(:hashtaggable)
"#{name}_#{locale.to_s.gsub("-", "__")}",
options.merge(label: options[:label] || label_for(name))
# Public: Generates a field for hashtaggable type.
# type - The form field's type, like `text_area` or `text_input`
# name - The name of the field
# handlers - The social handlers to be created
# options - The set of options to send to the field
# Renders form fields for each locale.
def hashtaggable_text_field(type, name, locale, options = {})
options[:hashtaggable] = true if type.to_sym == :editor
content_tag(:div, class: "hashtags__container") do
if options[:value]
send(type, name_with_locale(name, locale), options.merge(label: options[:label], value: options[:value][locale]))
send(type, name_with_locale(name, locale), options.merge(label: options[:label]))
# Public: Generates an form field for each social.
# type - The form field's type, like `text_area` or `text_input`
# name - The name of the field
# handlers - The social handlers to be created
# options - The set of options to send to the field
# Renders form fields for each locale.
def social_field(type, name, handlers, options = {})
tabs_id = sanitize_tabs_selector(options[:tabs_id] || "#{object_name}-#{name}-tabs")
label_tabs = content_tag(:div, class: "label--tabs") do
field_label = label_i18n(name, options[:label] || label_for(name))
tabs_panels = "".html_safe
if options[:label] != false
tabs_panels = content_tag(:ul, class: "tabs tabs--lang", id: tabs_id, data: { tabs: true }) do
handlers.each_with_index.inject("".html_safe) do |string, (handler, index)|
string + content_tag(:li, class: tab_element_class_for("title", index)) do
title = I18n.t(".#{handler}", scope: "activemodel.attributes.#{object_name}")
tab_content_id = sanitize_tabs_selector "#{tabs_id}-#{name}-panel-#{index}"
content_tag(:a, title, href: "##{tab_content_id}")
safe_join [field_label, tabs_panels]
tabs_content = content_tag(:div, class: "tabs-content", data: { tabs_content: tabs_id }) do
handlers.each_with_index.inject("".html_safe) do |string, (handler, index)|
tab_content_id = sanitize_tabs_selector "#{tabs_id}-#{name}-panel-#{index}"
string + content_tag(:div, class: tab_element_class_for("panel", index), id: tab_content_id) do
send(type, "#{handler}_handler", options.merge(label: false))
safe_join [label_tabs, tabs_content]
# Public: generates a hidden field and a container for WYSIWYG editor
# name - The name of the field
# options - The set of options to send to the field
# :label - The Boolean value to create or not the input label (optional) (default: true)
# :toolbar - The String value to configure WYSIWYG toolbar. It should be 'basic' or
# or 'full' (optional) (default: 'basic')
# :lines - The Integer to indicate how many lines should editor have (optional) (default: 10)
# :disabled - Whether the editor should be disabled
# Renders a container with both hidden field and editor container
def editor(name, options = {})
options[:disabled] ||= false
toolbar = options.delete(:toolbar) || "basic"
lines = options.delete(:lines) || 10
label_text = options[:label].to_s
label_text = label_for(name) if label_text.blank?
hashtaggable = options.delete(:hashtaggable)
hidden_options = extract_validations(name, options).merge(options)
content_tag(:div, class: "editor #{"hashtags__container" if hashtaggable}") do
template = ""
template += label(name, label_text + required_for_attribute(name)) if options.fetch(:label, true)
template += hidden_field(name, hidden_options)
template += content_tag(:div, nil, class: "editor-container #{"js-hashtags" if hashtaggable}", data: {
toolbar: toolbar,
disabled: options[:disabled]
}, style: "height: #{lines}rem")
template += error_for(name, options) if error?(name)
# Public: Generates a select field with the categories. Only leaf categories can be set as selected.
# name - The name of the field (usually category_id)
# collection - A collection of categories.
# options - An optional Hash with options:
# - prompt - An optional String with the text to display as prompt.
# - disable_parents - A Boolean to disable parent categories. Defaults to `true`.
# html_options - HTML options for the select
# Returns a String.
def categories_select(name, collection, options = {}, html_options = {})
options = {
disable_parents: true
disable_parents = options[:disable_parents]
selected = object.send(name)
selected = selected.first if selected.is_a?(Array) && selected.length > 1
categories = categories_for_select(collection)
disabled = if disable_parents
select(name, @template.options_for_select(categories, selected: selected, disabled: disabled), options, html_options)
# Public: Generates a select field for areas.
# name - The name of the field (usually area_id)
# collection - A collection of areas or area_types.
# If it's areas, we sort the selectable options alphabetically.
# Returns a String.
def areas_select(name, collection, options = {}, html_options = {})
selectables = if collection.first.is_a?(Decidim::Area)
assemblies = collection
.map { |a| [a.name[I18n.locale.to_s], a.id] }
.sort_by { |arr| arr[0] }
selected: options[:selected]
selected: options[:selected]
select(name, selectables, options, html_options)
# Public: Generates a select field for resource types.
# name - The name of the field (usually resource_type)
# collection - A collection of resource types.
# The options are sorted alphabetically.
# Returns a String.
def resources_select(name, collection, options = {})
resources =
.map { |r| [I18n.t(r.split("::").last.underscore, scope: "decidim.components.component_order_selector.order"), r] }
select(name, @template.options_for_select(resources, selected: options[:selected]), options)
# Public: Generates a picker field for scope selection.
# attribute - The name of the field (usually scope_id)
# options - An optional Hash with options:
# - multiple - Multiple mode, to allow multiple scopes selection.
# - label - Show label?
# - checkboxes_on_top - Show checked picker values on top (default) or below the picker prompt
# Also it should receive a block that returns a Hash with :url and :text for each selected scope (and for null scope for prompt)
# Returns a String.
def scopes_picker(attribute, options = {})
id = "#{@object_name}_#{attribute}"
id = "#{self.options[:namespace]}_#{id}" if self.options.has_key?(:namespace)
picker_options = {
id: id,
class: "picker-#{options[:multiple] ? "multiple" : "single"}",
name: "#{@object_name}[#{attribute}]"
picker_options[:class] += " is-invalid-input" if error?(attribute)
prompt_params = yield(nil)
scopes = selected_scopes(attribute).map { |scope| [scope, yield(scope)] }
template = ""
template += "" unless options[:label] == false
template += @template.render("decidim/scopes/scopes_picker_input",
picker_options: picker_options,
prompt_params: prompt_params,
scopes: scopes,
checkboxes_on_top: options[:checkboxes_on_top])
template += error_and_help_text(attribute, options)
# Public: Generates a picker field for selection (either simple or multiselect).
# attribute - The name of the object's attribute.
# options - A Hash with options:
# - multiple: Multiple mode, to allow selection of multiple items.
# - label: Show label?
# - name: (optional) The name attribute of the input elements.
# prompt_params - Hash with options:
# - url: The url where the ajax endpoint that will fill the content of the selector popup (the prompt).
# - text: Text in the button to open the Data Picker selector.
# Also it should receive a block that returns a Hash with :url and :text for each selected scope
# Returns an html String.
def data_picker(attribute, options = {}, prompt_params = {})
picker_options = {
id: "#{@object_name}_#{attribute}",
class: "picker-#{options[:multiple] ? "multiple" : "single"}",
name: options[:name] || "#{@object_name}[#{attribute}]"
picker_options[:class] += " is-invalid-input" if error?(attribute)
picker_options[:class] += " picker-autosort" if options[:autosort]
items = object.send(attribute).collect { |item| [item, yield(item)] }
template = ""
template += label(attribute, label_for(attribute) + required_for_attribute(attribute)) unless options[:label] == false
template += @template.render("decidim/widgets/data_picker", picker_options: picker_options, prompt_params: prompt_params, items: items)
template += error_and_help_text(attribute, options)
# Public: Override so checkboxes are rendered before the label.
def check_box(attribute, options = {}, checked_value = "1", unchecked_value = "0")
custom_label(attribute, options[:label], options[:label_options], true) do
@template.check_box(@object_name, attribute, objectify_options(options), checked_value, unchecked_value)
end + error_and_help_text(attribute, options)
# Public: Override so the date fields are rendered using foundation
# datepicker library
def date_field(attribute, options = {})
value = object.send(attribute)
data = { datepicker: "" }
data[:startdate] = I18n.localize(value, format: :decidim_short) if value.present? && value.is_a?(Date)
datepicker_format = ruby_format_to_datepicker(I18n.t("date.formats.decidim_short"))
data[:"date-format"] = datepicker_format
template = text_field(
options.merge(data: data)
help_text = I18n.t("decidim.datepicker.help_text", datepicker_format: datepicker_format)
template += error_and_help_text(attribute, options.merge(help_text: help_text))
# Public: Generates a timepicker field using foundation
# datepicker library
def datetime_field(attribute, options = {})
value = object.send(attribute)
data = { datepicker: "", timepicker: "" }
data[:startdate] = I18n.localize(value, format: :decidim_short) if value.present? && value.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)
datepicker_format = ruby_format_to_datepicker(I18n.t("time.formats.decidim_short"))
data[:"date-format"] = datepicker_format
template = text_field(
options.merge(data: data)
help_text = I18n.t("decidim.datepicker.help_text", datepicker_format: datepicker_format)
template += error_and_help_text(attribute, options.merge(help_text: help_text))
# Public: Generates a file upload field and sets the form as multipart.
# If the file is an image it displays the default image if present or the current one.
# By default it also generates a checkbox to delete the file. This checkbox can
# be hidden if `options[:optional]` is passed as `false`.
# attribute - The String name of the attribute to buidl the field.
# options - A Hash with options to build the field.
# * optional: Whether the file can be optional or not.
# rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
# rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
def upload(attribute, options = {})
self.multipart = true
options[:optional] = options[:optional].nil? ? true : options[:optional]
alt_text = label_for(attribute)
file = object.send attribute
template = ""
template += label(attribute, label_for(attribute) + required_for_attribute(attribute))
template += upload_help(attribute, options)
template += @template.file_field @object_name, attribute
template += extension_whitelist_help(options[:extension_whitelist]) if options[:extension_whitelist].present?
template += image_dimensions_help(options[:dimensions_info]) if options[:dimensions_info].present?
if file_is_image?(file)
template += if file.present?
@template.content_tag :label, I18n.t("current_image", scope: "decidim.forms")
@template.content_tag :label, I18n.t("default_image", scope: "decidim.forms")
template += @template.link_to @template.image_tag(file.url, alt: alt_text), file.url, target: "_blank", rel: "noopener"
elsif file_is_present?(file)
template += @template.label_tag I18n.t("current_file", scope: "decidim.forms")
template += @template.link_to file.file.filename, file.url, target: "_blank", rel: "noopener"
if file_is_present?(file)
if options[:optional]
template += content_tag :div, class: "field" do
@template.check_box(@object_name, "remove_#{attribute}"),
label("remove_#{attribute}", I18n.t("remove_this_file", scope: "decidim.forms"))
if object.errors[attribute].any?
template += content_tag :p, class: "is-invalid-label" do
safe_join object.errors[attribute], "
# rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
# rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
def upload_help(attribute, _options = {})
file = object.send attribute
content_tag(:div, class: "help-text") do
file_size_validator = object.singleton_class.validators_on(
).find { |validator| validator.is_a?(::ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator) }
if file_size_validator
lte = file_size_validator.options[:less_than_or_equal_to]
max_file_size = lte.call(nil) if lte && lte.lambda?
help_scope = begin
if file.is_a?(Decidim::ImageUploader)
help_messages = %w(message_1 message_2)
inner = "
#{I18n.t("explanation", scope: help_scope)}
".html_safe inner + content_tag(:ul) do messages = help_messages.each.map { |msg| I18n.t(msg, scope: help_scope) } if max_file_size file_size_mb = (((max_file_size / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100).round messages << I18n.t( "max_file_size", megabytes: file_size_mb, scope: "decidim.forms.file_validation" ) end if file.respond_to?(:extension_whitelist, true) allowed_extensions = file.send(:extension_whitelist) messages << I18n.t( "allowed_file_extensions", extensions: allowed_extensions.join(" "), scope: "decidim.forms.file_validation" ) end messages.map { |msg| content_tag(:li, msg) }.join("\n").html_safe end.html_safe end end # Public: Returns the translated name for the given attribute. # # attribute - The String name of the attribute to return the name. def label_for(attribute) if object.class.respond_to?(:human_attribute_name) object.class.human_attribute_name(attribute) else attribute.to_s.humanize end end def form_field_for(attribute, options = {}) if attribute == :body text_area(attribute, options.merge(rows: 10)) else text_field(attribute, options) end end # Discard the pattern attribute which is not allowed for textarea elements. def text_area(attribute, options = {}) field(attribute, options) do |opts| opts.delete(:pattern) @template.send( :text_area, @object_name, attribute, objectify_options(opts) ) end end private # Private: Override from FoundationRailsHelper in order to render # inputs inside the label and to automatically inject validations # from the object. # # attribute - The String name of the attribute to buidl the field. # options - A Hash with options to build the field. # html_options - An optional Hash with options to pass to the html element. # # Returns a String def field(attribute, options, html_options = nil, &block) label = options.delete(:label) label_options = options.delete(:label_options) custom_label(attribute, label, label_options) do field_with_validations(attribute, options, html_options, &block) end end # Private: Builds a form field and detects validations from # the form object. # # attribute - The String name of the attribute to build the field. # options - A Hash with options to build the field. # html_options - An optional Hash with options to pass to the html element. # # Returns a String. def field_with_validations(attribute, options, html_options) class_options = html_options || options if error?(attribute) class_options[:class] = class_options[:class].to_s class_options[:class] += " is-invalid-input" end help_text = options.delete(:help_text) prefix = options.delete(:prefix) postfix = options.delete(:postfix) class_options = extract_validations(attribute, options).merge(class_options) content = yield(class_options) content += abide_error_element(attribute) if class_options[:pattern] || class_options[:required] content = content.html_safe html = wrap_prefix_and_postfix(content, prefix, postfix) html + error_and_help_text(attribute, options.merge(help_text: help_text)) end # Private: Builds a Hash of options to be injected at the HTML output as # HTML5 validations. # # attribute - The String name of the attribute to extract the validations. # options - A Hash of options to extract validations. # # Returns a Hash. def extract_validations(attribute, options) min_length = options.delete(:minlength) || length_for_attribute(attribute, :minimum) || 0 max_length = options.delete(:maxlength) || length_for_attribute(attribute, :maximum) validation_options = {} validation_options[:pattern] = "^(.|[\n\r]){#{min_length},#{max_length}}$" if min_length.to_i.positive? || max_length.to_i.positive? validation_options[:required] = options[:required] || attribute_required?(attribute) validation_options[:minlength] ||= min_length if min_length.to_i.positive? validation_options[:maxlength] ||= max_length if max_length.to_i.positive? validation_options end # Private: Tries to find if an attribute is required in the form object. # # Returns Boolean. def attribute_required?(attribute) validator = find_validator(attribute, ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator) || find_validator(attribute, TranslatablePresenceValidator) return unless validator # Check if the if condition is present and it evaluates to true if_condition = validator.options[:if] validator_if_condition = if_condition.nil? || (string_or_symbol?(if_condition) ? object.send(if_condition) : if_condition.call(object)) # Check if the unless condition is present and it evaluates to false unless_condition = validator.options[:unless] validator_unless_condition = unless_condition.nil? || (string_or_symbol?(unless_condition) ? !object.send(unless_condition) : !unless_condition.call(object)) validator_if_condition && validator_unless_condition end def string_or_symbol?(obj) obj.is_a?(String) || obj.is_a?(Symbol) end # Private: Tries to find a length validator in the form object. # # attribute - The attribute to look for the validations. # type - A Symbol for the type of length to fetch. Currently only :minimum & :maximum are supported. # # Returns an Integer or Nil. def length_for_attribute(attribute, type) length_validator = find_validator(attribute, ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator) return length_validator.options[type] if length_validator length_validator = find_validator(attribute, ProposalLengthValidator) if length_validator length = length_validator.options[type] return length.call(object) if length.respond_to?(:call) return length end nil end # Private: Finds a validator. # # attribute - The attribute to validate. # klass - The Class of the validator to find. # # Returns a klass object. def find_validator(attribute, klass) return unless object.respond_to?(:_validators) object._validators[attribute].find { |validator| validator.class == klass } end # Private: Override method from FoundationRailsHelper to render the text of the # label before the input, instead of after. # # attribute - The String name of the attribute we're build the label. # text - The String text to use as label. # options - A Hash to build the label. # # Returns a String. # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def custom_label(attribute, text, options, field_before_label = false, show_required = true) return block_given? ? yield.html_safe : "".html_safe if text == false text = default_label_text(object, attribute) if text.nil? || text == true text += required_for_attribute(attribute) if show_required text = if field_before_label && block_given? safe_join([yield, text.html_safe]) elsif block_given? safe_join([text.html_safe, yield]) end label(attribute, text, options || {}) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # Private: Builds a span to be shown when there's a validation error in a field. # It looks for the text that will be the content in a similar way `human_attribute_name` # does it. # # attribute - The name of the attribute of the field. # # Returns a String. def abide_error_element(attribute) defaults = [] defaults << :"decidim.forms.errors.#{object.class.model_name.i18n_key}.#{attribute}" defaults << :"decidim.forms.errors.#{attribute}" defaults << :"forms.errors.#{attribute}" defaults << :"decidim.forms.errors.error" options = { count: 1, default: defaults } text = I18n.t(defaults.shift, options) content_tag(:span, text, class: "form-error") end def categories_for_select(scope) sorted_main_categories = scope.first_class.includes(:subcategories).sort_by do |category| [category.weight, translated_attribute(category.name, category.participatory_space.organization)] end sorted_main_categories.flat_map do |category| parent = [[translated_attribute(category.name, category.participatory_space.organization), category.id]] sorted_subcategories = category.subcategories.sort_by do |subcategory| [subcategory.weight, translated_attribute(subcategory.name, subcategory.participatory_space.organization)] end sorted_subcategories.each do |subcategory| parent << ["- #{translated_attribute(subcategory.name, subcategory.participatory_space.organization)}", subcategory.id] end parent end end def disabled_categories_for(scope) scope.first_class.joins(:subcategories).pluck(:id) end def tab_element_class_for(type, index) element_class = "tabs-#{type}" element_class += " is-active" if index.zero? element_class end def locales @locales ||= if @template.respond_to?(:available_locales) Set.new([@template.current_locale] + @template.available_locales).to_a else Decidim.available_locales end end def name_with_locale(name, locale) "#{name}_#{locale.to_s.gsub("-", "__")}" end def label_i18n(attribute, text = nil, options = {}) errored = error?(attribute) || locales.any? { |locale| error?(name_with_locale(attribute, locale)) } if errored options[:class] ||= "" options[:class] += " is-invalid-label" end text += required_for_attribute(attribute) label(attribute, (text || "").html_safe, options) end # Private: Returns whether the file is an image or not. def file_is_image?(file) return unless file && file.respond_to?(:url) return file.content_type.start_with? "image" if file.content_type.present? Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(File.extname(file.url)[1..-1]).to_s.start_with? "image" if file.url.present? end # Private: Returns whether the file exists or not. def file_is_present?(file) return unless file && file.respond_to?(:url) file.present? end def required_for_attribute(attribute) if attribute_required?(attribute) visible_title = content_tag(:span, "*", "aria-hidden": true) screenreader_title = content_tag( :span, I18n.t("required", scope: "forms"), class: "show-for-sr" ) return content_tag( :span, visible_title + screenreader_title, title: I18n.t("required", scope: "forms"), data: { tooltip: true, disable_hover: false, keep_on_hover: true }, "aria-haspopup": true, class: "label-required" ).html_safe end "".html_safe end # Private: Returns an array of scopes related to object attribute def selected_scopes(attribute) selected = object.send(attribute) || [] selected = selected.values if selected.is_a?(Hash) selected = [selected] unless selected.is_a?(Array) selected = Decidim::Scope.where(id: selected.map(&:to_i)) unless selected.first.is_a?(Decidim::Scope) selected end # Private: Returns the help text and error tags at the end of the field. # Modified to change the tag to a valid HTML tag inside the