import { omit } from 'lodash' import { camelToSnakeCase } from './text' import { BitValues, Binary, Display, DisplaySizes, None, Sizes, } from '../types' type Alignment = "start" | "end" | "center" type AlignContent = { alignContent?: Alignment & Space } type AlignItems = { alignItems?: Alignment | ("flexStart" | "flexEnd" | "stretch" | "baseline") } type AlignSelf = { alignSelf?: Alignment & ("auto" | "stretch" | "baseline") } type AllSizes = None | Sizes | "auto" | "initial" | "inherit" type BorderRadius = { borderRadius?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "rounded", } type Cursor = { cursor?: "auto" | "default" | "none" | "contextMenu" | "help" | "pointer" | "progress" | "wait" | "cell" | "crosshair" | "text" | "verticalText" | "alias" | "copy" | "move" | "noDrop" | "notAllowed" | "grab" | "grabbing" | "eResize" | "nResize" | "neResize" | "nwResize" | "sResize" | "seResize" | "swResize" | "wResize" | "ewResize" | "nsResize" | "neswResize" | "nwseResize" | "colResize" | "rowResize" | "allScroll" | "zoomIn" | "zoomOut", } type Dark = { dark?: boolean, } type Flex = { flex?: "auto" | "initial" | "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | "10" | "11" | "12" | "none", } type FlexDirection = { flexDirection?: "row" | "column" | "rowReverse" | "columnReverse" } type FlexGrow = { flexGrow?: Binary } type FlexShrink = { flexShrink?: Binary } type FlexWrap = { flexWrap?: "wrap" | "nowrap" | "wrapReverse" } type Hover = Shadow & { background?: string, color?: string, scale?: "sm" | "md" | "lg", visibility?: boolean, } type GroupHover = { groupHover?: boolean, } type JustifyContent = { justifyContent?: Alignment & Space } type JustifySelf = { justifySelf?: Alignment & ("auto" | "stretch") } type LineHeight = { lineHeight?: "loosest" | "looser" | "loose" | "normal" | "tight" | "tighter" | "tightest", } type Margin = { marginRight?: AllSizes, marginLeft?: AllSizes, marginTop?: AllSizes, marginBottom?: AllSizes, marginX?: AllSizes, marginY?: AllSizes, margin?: AllSizes, break?: string, default?: string } type Width = { width?: string } type MaxWidth = { maxWidth?: string, } type MinWidth = { minWidth?: string, } type NumberSpacing = { numberSpacing?: "tabular", } type Order = { order?: None| "first" | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 } type Padding = { paddingRight?: AllSizes, paddingLeft?: AllSizes, paddingTop?: AllSizes, paddingBottom?: AllSizes, paddingX?: AllSizes, paddingY?: AllSizes, padding?: AllSizes, break?: string, default?: string } type Position = { position?: "relative" | "absolute" | "fixed" | "sticky" | "static", } type Top = { top?: Sizes | {value: string, inset: boolean}, } type Right = { right?: Sizes | {value: string, inset: boolean}, } type Bottom = { bottom?: Sizes | {value: string, inset: boolean}, } type Left = { left?: Sizes | {value: string, inset: boolean}, } type Shadow = { shadow?: "none" | "deep" | "deeper" | "deepest", } type Space = "spaceBetween" | "spaceAround" | "spaceEvenly" type TextAlign = { textAlign?: "start" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify" | "justifyAll" | "matchParent", } type OverflowTypes = "scroll" | "visible" | "hidden" | "auto" type Overflow = { overflowX?: OverflowTypes, overflowY?: OverflowTypes, overflow?: OverflowTypes } type TruncateType = None | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 type Truncate = { truncate?: TruncateType } type VerticalAlign = { verticalAlign?: "baseline" | "super" | "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "sub" | "text-top" | "text-bottom" } type ZIndexType = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 type ZIndexResponsiveType = {[key: string]: ZIndexType} type ZIndex = { zIndex?: ZIndexType, } | ZIndexResponsiveType type Height = { height?: string } type MaxHeight = { maxHeight?: string } type MinHeight = { minHeight?: string } // keep this as the last type definition export type GlobalProps = AlignContent & AlignItems & AlignSelf & BorderRadius & Cursor & Dark & Display & DisplaySizes & Flex & FlexDirection & FlexGrow & FlexShrink & FlexWrap & JustifyContent & JustifySelf & LineHeight & Margin & Width & MinWidth & MaxWidth & NumberSpacing & Order & Overflow & Padding & Position & Shadow & TextAlign & Truncate & VerticalAlign & ZIndex & { hover?: string } & Top & Right & Bottom & Left & Height & MaxHeight & MinHeight; const getResponsivePropClasses = (prop: {[key: string]: string}, classPrefix: string) => { const keys: string[] = Object.keys(prop) return Sizes) => { const propValue: string = typeof(prop[size]) === 'string' ? camelToSnakeCase(prop[size]) : prop[size] return `${classPrefix}_${size}_${propValue}` }).join(" ") } //reusable function for top, bottom, right and left props const getPositioningPropsClasses = (position: string, value: Sizes | {value: string, inset: boolean} ) => { let css = ""; if (typeof value === 'string') { css += `${position}_${value}`; } else if (typeof value === 'object' && value.inset) { css += `${position}_${value.value}_inset`; } else if (typeof value === 'object') { css += `${position}_${value.value}`; } return css; }; const filterClassName = (value: string): string => { if (value.includes("%")) { return value.replace("%", "_percent"); } else { return value; } }; // Prop categories const PROP_CATEGORIES: {[key:string]: (props: {[key: string]: any}) => string} = { groupHoverProps: ({ groupHover }: GroupHover ) => groupHover ? 'group_hover ' : '', hoverProps: ({ hover }: { hover?: Hover }) => { let css = ''; if (!hover) return css; css += hover.shadow ? `hover_shadow_${hover.shadow} ` : ''; css += hover.background ? `hover_background-${hover.background } ` : ''; css += hover.scale ? `hover_scale_${hover.scale} ` : ''; css += hover.color ? `hover_color-${hover.color } ` : ''; css += hover.visibility ? `hover_visibility` : ''; return css; }, spacingProps: ({ marginRight, marginLeft, marginTop, marginBottom, marginX, marginY, margin, paddingRight, paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingBottom, paddingX, paddingY, padding, }: Margin & Padding) => { let css = '' const spacingProps = { marginRight, marginLeft, marginTop, marginBottom, marginX, marginY, margin, paddingRight, paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingBottom, paddingX, paddingY, padding, }; const screenSizeValues = ["xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl"] function handleObjectValue(properties: Margin | Padding, prefix: string) { let classResult = ''; const breakValue = properties.break || "on"; const defaultValue = properties.default || null; Object.entries(properties).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (screenSizeValues.includes(key)) { classResult += `break_${breakValue}_${key}:${prefix}_${value} `; } }); if (defaultValue) { classResult += `${prefix}_${defaultValue} `; } return classResult; } function getPrefix(key: string) { const prefixes: Record = { marginRight: 'mr', marginLeft: 'ml', marginTop: 'mt', marginBottom: 'mb', marginX: 'mx', marginY: 'my', margin: 'm', paddingRight: 'pr', paddingLeft: 'pl', paddingTop: 'pt', paddingBottom: 'pb', paddingX: 'px', paddingY: 'py', padding: 'p', }; return prefixes[key]; } Object.entries(spacingProps).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (value) { if (typeof value === 'object') { css += handleObjectValue(value, getPrefix(key)); } else { const prefix = getPrefix(key); css += `${prefix}_${value} `; } } }); return css.trim(); }, borderRadiusProps: ({ borderRadius }: BorderRadius) => { let css = '' css += borderRadius ? `border_radius_${borderRadius} ` : '' return css }, overflowProps: ({ overflow, overflowX, overflowY }: Overflow) => { let css = '' css += overflow ? `overflow_${overflow}` : '' css += overflowX ? `overflow_x_${overflowX}` : '' css += overflowY ? `overflow_y_${overflowY}` : '' return css }, truncateProps: ({ truncate }: Truncate) => { if (typeof truncate === 'object') { return '' } else { return truncate ? `truncate_${truncate}` : '' } }, darkProps: ({ dark }: Dark) => dark ? 'dark' : '', numberSpacingProps: ({ numberSpacing }: NumberSpacing) => { let css = '' css += numberSpacing ? `ns_${numberSpacing} ` : '' return css }, widthProps: ({ width }: Width) => { let css = '' css += width ? `width_${filterClassName(width)} ` : '' return css.trimEnd() }, minWidthProps: ({ minWidth }: MinWidth) => { let css = '' css += minWidth ? `min_width_${filterClassName(minWidth)} ` : '' return css.trimEnd() }, maxWidthProps: ({ maxWidth }: MaxWidth) => { let css = '' css += maxWidth ? `max_width_${filterClassName(maxWidth)} ` : '' return css.trimEnd() }, minHeightProps: ({ minHeight }: MinHeight) => { const heightValues = ["auto", "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", "xxl", "xxxl"] if (heightValues.includes(minHeight)) { let css = '' css += minHeight ? `min_height_${filterClassName(minHeight)} ` : '' return css.trimEnd() } }, maxHeightProps: ({ maxHeight }: MaxHeight) => { const heightValues = ["auto", "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", "xxl", "xxxl"] if (heightValues.includes(maxHeight)) { let css = '' css += maxHeight ? `max_height_${filterClassName(maxHeight)} ` : '' return css.trimEnd() } }, heightProps: ({ height }: Height) => { const heightValues = ["auto", "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", "xxl", "xxxl"] if (heightValues.includes(height)) { let css = '' css += height ? `height_${filterClassName(height)} ` : '' return css.trimEnd() } }, zIndexProps: (zIndex: ZIndex) => { let css = '' Object.entries(zIndex).forEach((zIndexEntry) => { if (zIndexEntry[0] == "zIndex") { if (typeof zIndexEntry[1] == "number") { css += `z_index_${zIndexEntry[1]} ` } else if (typeof zIndexEntry[1] == "object") { Object.entries(zIndexEntry[1]).forEach((zIndexObj) => { css += `z_index_${zIndexObj[0]}_${zIndexObj[1]} ` }) } } }) return css }, shadowProps: ({ shadow }: Shadow) => { let css = '' css += shadow ? `shadow_${shadow} ` : '' return css }, lineHeightProps: ({ lineHeight }: LineHeight) => { let css = '' css += lineHeight ? `line_height_${lineHeight} ` : '' return css }, displayProps: (display: Display ) => { let css = '' Object.entries(display).forEach((displayEntry) => { if (displayEntry[0] == "display") { if (typeof displayEntry[1] == "string") { css += `display_${displayEntry[1]} ` } else if (typeof displayEntry[1] == "object") { Object.entries(displayEntry[1]).forEach((displayObj) => { css += `display_${displayObj[0]}_${displayObj[1]} ` }) } else { ' ' } } }) return css }, cursorProps: ({ cursor }: Cursor) => { let css = '' css += cursor ? `cursor_${camelToSnakeCase(cursor)}` : '' return css }, alignContentProps: ({ alignContent }: AlignContent) => { if (typeof alignContent === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(alignContent, 'align_content') } return alignContent ? `align_content_${camelToSnakeCase(alignContent)}` : '' }, alignItemsProps: ({ alignItems }: AlignItems) => { if (typeof alignItems === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(alignItems, 'align_items') } else { return alignItems ? `align_items_${camelToSnakeCase(alignItems)}` : '' } }, alignSelfProps: ({ alignSelf }: AlignSelf) => { if (typeof alignSelf === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(alignSelf, 'align_self') } else { return alignSelf ? `align_self_${alignSelf}` : '' } }, flexDirectionProps: ({ flexDirection }: FlexDirection) => { if (typeof flexDirection == 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(flexDirection, 'flex_direction') } else { return flexDirection ? `flex_direction_${camelToSnakeCase(flexDirection)}` : '' } }, flexWrapProps: ({ flexWrap }: FlexWrap) => { if (typeof flexWrap == 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(flexWrap, 'flex_wrap') } else { return flexWrap ? `flex_wrap_${camelToSnakeCase(flexWrap)}` : '' } }, flexProps: ({ flex }: Flex) => { if (typeof flex === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(flex, 'flex') } else { return flex ? `flex_${flex}` : '' } }, flexGrowProps: ({ flexGrow }: FlexGrow) => { if (typeof flexGrow == 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(flexGrow, 'flex_grow') } else if (BitValues.includes(flexGrow)) { return `flex_grow_${flexGrow}` } else { return '' } }, flexShrinkProps: ({ flexShrink }: FlexShrink) => { if (typeof flexShrink == 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(flexShrink, 'flex_shrink') } else if (BitValues.includes(flexShrink)) { return `flex_shrink_${flexShrink}` } else { return '' } }, justifyContentProps: ({ justifyContent }: JustifyContent) => { if (typeof justifyContent === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(justifyContent, 'justify_content') } else { return justifyContent ? `justify_content_${camelToSnakeCase(justifyContent)}` : '' } }, justifySelfProps: ({ justifySelf }: JustifySelf) => { if (typeof justifySelf === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(justifySelf, 'justify_self') } else { return justifySelf ? `justify_self_${justifySelf}` : '' } }, orderProps: ({ order }: Order) => { if (typeof order === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(order, 'flex_order') } else { return order ? `flex_order_${order}` : '' } }, positionProps: ({ position }: Position) => { let css = '' css += position && position !== 'static' ? `position_${position}` : '' return css }, topProps: ({top}) => getPositioningPropsClasses('top', top), rightProps: ({right}) => getPositioningPropsClasses('right', right), bottomProps:({bottom}) => getPositioningPropsClasses('bottom', bottom), leftProps: ({left}) => getPositioningPropsClasses('left', left), textAlignProps: ({ textAlign }: TextAlign) => { if (typeof textAlign === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(textAlign, 'text_align') } else { return textAlign ? `text_align_${textAlign} ` : '' } }, verticalAlignProps: ({ verticalAlign }: VerticalAlign) => { if (typeof verticalAlign === 'object') { return getResponsivePropClasses(verticalAlign, 'vertical_align') } else { return verticalAlign ? `vertical_align_${verticalAlign} ` : '' } }, } const PROP_INLINE_CATEGORIES: {[key:string]: (props: {[key: string]: any}) => {[key: string]: any}} = { heightProps: ({ height }: Height) => { return height ? { height } : {}; }, maxHeightProps: ({ maxHeight }: MaxHeight) => { return maxHeight ? { maxHeight } : {}; }, minHeightProps: ({ minHeight }: MinHeight) => { return minHeight ? { minHeight } : {}; }, } type DefaultProps = {[key: string]: string} | Record export const globalProps = (props: GlobalProps, defaultProps: DefaultProps = {}): string => { const allProps = { ...props, ...defaultProps } return Object.keys(PROP_CATEGORIES).map((key) => { return PROP_CATEGORIES[key](allProps) }).filter((value) => value?.length > 0).join(" ") } // New function for inline styles export const globalInlineProps = (props: GlobalProps): React.CSSProperties => { const styles = Object.keys(PROP_INLINE_CATEGORIES).reduce((acc, key) => { const result = PROP_INLINE_CATEGORIES[key](props); return { ...acc, ...(typeof result === 'object' ? result : {}) }; // Ensure result is an object before spreading }, {}); return styles; // Return the styles object directly } export const deprecatedProps = (): void => { // if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { // /* eslint no-console: ["error", { allow: ["warn", "error"] }] */ // props.forEach((prop) => { // console.warn(`${kit} Kit: The prop '${prop}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release!`) // }) // } } export const domSafeProps = (props: {[key: string]: string}): {[key: string]: string} => { const notSafeProps = [ 'marginRight', 'marginLeft', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'marginX', 'marginY', 'margin', 'paddingRight', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom', 'paddingX', 'paddingY', 'padding', 'dark', 'enableDrag', ] return omit(props, notSafeProps) }