// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Classes for doing animations and visual effects. * * (Based loosly on my animation code for 13thparallel.org, with extra * inspiration from the DojoToolkit's modifications to my code) */ goog.provide('goog.fx.Animation'); goog.provide('goog.fx.Animation.EventType'); goog.provide('goog.fx.Animation.State'); goog.provide('goog.fx.AnimationEvent'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.events.Event'); goog.require('goog.fx.Transition'); // Unreferenced: interface goog.require('goog.fx.Transition.EventType'); goog.require('goog.fx.TransitionBase.State'); goog.require('goog.fx.anim'); goog.require('goog.fx.anim.Animated'); // Unreferenced: interface /** * Constructor for an animation object. * @param {Array.} start Array for start coordinates. * @param {Array.} end Array for end coordinates. * @param {number} duration Length of animation in milliseconds. * @param {Function=} opt_acc Acceleration function, returns 0-1 for inputs 0-1. * @constructor * @implements {goog.fx.anim.Animated} * @implements {goog.fx.Transition} * @extends {goog.fx.TransitionBase} */ goog.fx.Animation = function(start, end, duration, opt_acc) { goog.base(this); if (!goog.isArray(start) || !goog.isArray(end)) { throw Error('Start and end parameters must be arrays'); } if (start.length != end.length) { throw Error('Start and end points must be the same length'); } /** * Start point. * @type {Array.} * @protected */ this.startPoint = start; /** * End point. * @type {Array.} * @protected */ this.endPoint = end; /** * Duration of animation in milliseconds. * @type {number} * @protected */ this.duration = duration; /** * Acceleration function, which must return a number between 0 and 1 for * inputs between 0 and 1. * @type {Function|undefined} * @private */ this.accel_ = opt_acc; /** * Current coordinate for animation. * @type {Array.} * @protected */ this.coords = []; /** * Whether the animation should use "right" rather than "left" to position * elements in RTL. This is a temporary flag to allow clients to transition * to the new behavior at their convenience. At some point it will be the * default. * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.useRightPositioningForRtl_ = false; }; goog.inherits(goog.fx.Animation, goog.fx.TransitionBase); /** * Sets whether the animation should use "right" rather than "left" to position * elements. This is a temporary flag to allow clients to transition * to the new component at their convenience. At some point "right" will be * used for RTL elements by default. * @param {boolean} useRightPositioningForRtl True if "right" should be used for * positioning, false if "left" should be used for positioning. */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.enableRightPositioningForRtl = function(useRightPositioningForRtl) { this.useRightPositioningForRtl_ = useRightPositioningForRtl; }; /** * Whether the animation should use "right" rather than "left" to position * elements. This is a temporary flag to allow clients to transition * to the new component at their convenience. At some point "right" will be * used for RTL elements by default. * @return {boolean} True if "right" should be used for positioning, false if * "left" should be used for positioning. */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.isRightPositioningForRtlEnabled = function() { return this.useRightPositioningForRtl_; }; /** * Events fired by the animation. * @enum {string} */ goog.fx.Animation.EventType = { /** * Dispatched when played for the first time OR when it is resumed. * @deprecated Use goog.fx.Transition.EventType.PLAY. */ PLAY: goog.fx.Transition.EventType.PLAY, /** * Dispatched only when the animation starts from the beginning. * @deprecated Use goog.fx.Transition.EventType.BEGIN. */ BEGIN: goog.fx.Transition.EventType.BEGIN, /** * Dispatched only when animation is restarted after a pause. * @deprecated Use goog.fx.Transition.EventType.RESUME. */ RESUME: goog.fx.Transition.EventType.RESUME, /** * Dispatched when animation comes to the end of its duration OR stop * is called. * @deprecated Use goog.fx.Transition.EventType.END. */ END: goog.fx.Transition.EventType.END, /** * Dispatched only when stop is called. * @deprecated Use goog.fx.Transition.EventType.STOP. */ STOP: goog.fx.Transition.EventType.STOP, /** * Dispatched only when animation comes to its end naturally. * @deprecated Use goog.fx.Transition.EventType.FINISH. */ FINISH: goog.fx.Transition.EventType.FINISH, /** * Dispatched when an animation is paused. * @deprecated Use goog.fx.Transition.EventType.PAUSE. */ PAUSE: goog.fx.Transition.EventType.PAUSE, /** * Dispatched each frame of the animation. This is where the actual animator * will listen. */ ANIMATE: 'animate', /** * Dispatched when the animation is destroyed. */ DESTROY: 'destroy' }; /** * @deprecated Use goog.fx.anim.TIMEOUT. */ goog.fx.Animation.TIMEOUT = goog.fx.anim.TIMEOUT; /** * Enum for the possible states of an animation. * @deprecated Use goog.fx.Transition.State instead. * @enum {number} */ goog.fx.Animation.State = goog.fx.TransitionBase.State; /** * @deprecated Use goog.fx.anim.setAnimationWindow. * @param {Window} animationWindow The window in which to animate elements. */ goog.fx.Animation.setAnimationWindow = function(animationWindow) { goog.fx.anim.setAnimationWindow(animationWindow); }; /** * Current frame rate. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.fps_ = 0; /** * Percent of the way through the animation. * @type {number} * @protected */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.progress = 0; /** * Timestamp for when last frame was run. * @type {?number} * @protected */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.lastFrame = null; /** * Starts or resumes an animation. * @param {boolean=} opt_restart Whether to restart the * animation from the beginning if it has been paused. * @return {boolean} Whether animation was started. * @override */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.play = function(opt_restart) { if (opt_restart || this.isStopped()) { this.progress = 0; this.coords = this.startPoint; } else if (this.isPlaying()) { return false; } goog.fx.anim.unregisterAnimation(this); var now = /** @type {number} */ (goog.now()); this.startTime = now; if (this.isPaused()) { this.startTime -= this.duration * this.progress; } this.endTime = this.startTime + this.duration; this.lastFrame = this.startTime; if (!this.progress) { this.onBegin(); } this.onPlay(); if (this.isPaused()) { this.onResume(); } this.setStatePlaying(); goog.fx.anim.registerAnimation(this); this.cycle(now); return true; }; /** * Stops the animation. * @param {boolean=} opt_gotoEnd If true the animation will move to the * end coords. * @override */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.stop = function(opt_gotoEnd) { goog.fx.anim.unregisterAnimation(this); this.setStateStopped(); if (!!opt_gotoEnd) { this.progress = 1; } this.updateCoords_(this.progress); this.onStop(); this.onEnd(); }; /** * Pauses the animation (iff it's playing). * @override */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.pause = function() { if (this.isPlaying()) { goog.fx.anim.unregisterAnimation(this); this.setStatePaused(); this.onPause(); } }; /** * @return {number} The current progress of the animation, the number * is between 0 and 1 inclusive. */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.getProgress = function() { return this.progress; }; /** * Sets the progress of the animation. * @param {number} progress The new progress of the animation. */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.setProgress = function(progress) { this.progress = progress; if (this.isPlaying()) { var now = goog.now(); // If the animation is already playing, we recompute startTime and endTime // such that the animation plays consistently, that is: // now = startTime + progress * duration. this.startTime = now - this.duration * this.progress; this.endTime = this.startTime + this.duration; } }; /** * Disposes of the animation. Stops an animation, fires a 'destroy' event and * then removes all the event handlers to clean up memory. * @override * @protected */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.disposeInternal = function() { if (!this.isStopped()) { this.stop(false); } this.onDestroy(); goog.base(this, 'disposeInternal'); }; /** * Stops an animation, fires a 'destroy' event and then removes all the event * handlers to clean up memory. * @deprecated Use dispose() instead. */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.destroy = function() { this.dispose(); }; /** @override */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.onAnimationFrame = function(now) { this.cycle(now); }; /** * Handles the actual iteration of the animation in a timeout * @param {number} now The current time. */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.cycle = function(now) { this.progress = (now - this.startTime) / (this.endTime - this.startTime); if (this.progress >= 1) { this.progress = 1; } this.fps_ = 1000 / (now - this.lastFrame); this.lastFrame = now; this.updateCoords_(this.progress); // Animation has finished. if (this.progress == 1) { this.setStateStopped(); goog.fx.anim.unregisterAnimation(this); this.onFinish(); this.onEnd(); // Animation is still under way. } else if (this.isPlaying()) { this.onAnimate(); } }; /** * Calculates current coordinates, based on the current state. Applies * the accelleration function if it exists. * @param {number} t Percentage of the way through the animation as a decimal. * @private */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.updateCoords_ = function(t) { if (goog.isFunction(this.accel_)) { t = this.accel_(t); } this.coords = new Array(this.startPoint.length); for (var i = 0; i < this.startPoint.length; i++) { this.coords[i] = (this.endPoint[i] - this.startPoint[i]) * t + this.startPoint[i]; } }; /** * Dispatches the ANIMATE event. Sub classes should override this instead * of listening to the event. * @protected */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.onAnimate = function() { this.dispatchAnimationEvent(goog.fx.Animation.EventType.ANIMATE); }; /** * Dispatches the DESTROY event. Sub classes should override this instead * of listening to the event. * @protected */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.onDestroy = function() { this.dispatchAnimationEvent(goog.fx.Animation.EventType.DESTROY); }; /** @override */ goog.fx.Animation.prototype.dispatchAnimationEvent = function(type) { this.dispatchEvent(new goog.fx.AnimationEvent(type, this)); }; /** * Class for an animation event object. * @param {string} type Event type. * @param {goog.fx.Animation} anim An animation object. * @constructor * @extends {goog.events.Event} */ goog.fx.AnimationEvent = function(type, anim) { goog.base(this, type); /** * The current coordinates. * @type {Array.} */ this.coords = anim.coords; /** * The x coordinate. * @type {number} */ this.x = anim.coords[0]; /** * The y coordinate. * @type {number} */ this.y = anim.coords[1]; /** * The z coordinate. * @type {number} */ this.z = anim.coords[2]; /** * The current duration. * @type {number} */ this.duration = anim.duration; /** * The current progress. * @type {number} */ this.progress = anim.getProgress(); /** * Frames per second so far. */ this.fps = anim.fps_; /** * The state of the animation. * @type {number} */ this.state = anim.getStateInternal(); /** * The animation object. * @type {goog.fx.Animation} */ // TODO(arv): This can be removed as this is the same as the target this.anim = anim; }; goog.inherits(goog.fx.AnimationEvent, goog.events.Event); /** * Returns the coordinates as integers (rounded to nearest integer). * @return {Array.} An array of the coordinates rounded to * the nearest integer. */ goog.fx.AnimationEvent.prototype.coordsAsInts = function() { return goog.array.map(this.coords, Math.round); };