# direct to Google API window.translate = (text, element, from, to) -> $.ajax url: "https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2" dataType: "jsonp" data: key: 'www' q: text source: from target: to success: (result) -> translated = result.data.translations[0].translatedText element.inputVal $.unescape(translated) error: (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) -> alert "Error translate " + text + " message " + textStatus # throught Rack endpoint window.google_t = (text, element, from, to) -> return '' unless $.trim(text) opts = {q: text, from: from, to: to} $.post '/admin/translate', opts, ((data) => element.inputVal $.unescape(data.text)), 'json' # get value of text field or CKEDITOR area $.fn.inputVal = (v = null) -> $el = $(this) el_id = $el.attr('id') ck_obj = CKEDITOR?.instances[el_id] if ck_obj if v ck_obj.setData(v) else ck_obj.getData() else if $el.data('wysihtml5') if v $el.data('wysihtml5').editor.setValue(v, true) else $el.val() else if v $el.val(v) else $el.val() class window.GoogleLocaleTabs constructor: -> @locales = $('.locale_tabs:first .nav-tabs a').map(-> $(this).attr('href').replace('#', '') ).get() @limit = 10000 html = '
' for l in @locales html += "
" html += '
' @html = $(html) $('.locale_tabs:not(".no_translate") .tab-pane').prepend(@html) @initHandlers() initHandlers: -> _.each $('form .locale_tabs:not(".no_translate")'), (tabs) => $tabs = $(tabs) return if $tabs.hasClass('locale_tabs_done') $tabs.addClass('locale_tabs_done') _.each @locales, (to) => _.each @locales, (from) => $cont_to = $tabs.find(".tab_#{to}") $el = $cont_to.find(".t_locale_#{from}") $el.click => for el_to in $cont_to.find("input.string, textarea") $el_to = $(el_to) regexp = RegExp("#{to}$") el_from_id = $el_to.attr('id').replace(regexp, from) $el_from = $("##{el_from_id}") if $el_from.inputVal().length < @limit google_t($el_from.inputVal(), $el_to, from, to) $ -> if $('.locale_tabs')[0] window.locale_tabs = new GoogleLocaleTabs()