require 'host_range' module Auger class Project attr_accessor :name, :connections, :servers def self.load(name, &block) project = new(name) project.instance_eval(&block) project end def initialize(name) @name = name @servers = [] @connections = [] self end ## set server, or list of server names, with optional roles and options ## e.g. server server1, server2, :roleA, :roleB, options => values ## servers can be any combination in: ## strings: passed through HostRange to make an array ## array: or expressions that returns an array ## block: returning an array (arrays will be flattened) ## roles are symbols ## options are hash members, must be last args def server(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} roles = { |arg| arg.class == Symbol } servers = { |arg| arg.class == String }.map { |arg| HostRange.parse(arg) } + { |arg| arg.class == Array } + (block_given? ? yield : []) @servers += do |name|, *roles, options) end end ## get list of server objects (optionally matching list of roles) def servers(*roles) if roles.empty? @servers else do |role| { |server| server.roles.include?(role) } end.flatten.uniq end end ## return all connections, or those matching list of roles; ## connections with no roles match all, or find intersection with roles list def connections(*roles) if roles.empty? @connections else { |c| c.roles.empty? or !(c.roles & roles).empty? } end end ## return list of all test objects for this project def tests do |connection| do |request| { |test| test } end end.flatten end end end