describe GDor::Indexer::ModsFields do let(:fake_druid) { 'oo000oo0000' } let(:ns_decl) { "xmlns='#{Mods::MODS_NS}'" } let(:mods_xml) { "gdor_mods_fields testing" } let(:mods_origin_info_start_str) { "" } let(:mods_origin_info_end_str) { '' } def sdb_for_mods(m) resource =, fake_druid) allow(resource).to receive(:public_xml).and_return(nil) allow(resource).to receive(:mods).and_return(Nokogiri::XML(m)) i = i.logger.level = Logger::WARN allow(resource).to receive(:indexer).and_return(i) lgr = lgr.level = Logger::WARN, lgr) end let(:sdb) { sdb_for_mods(mods_xml) } context 'publication date fields' do RSpec.shared_examples 'expected (dateIssued)' do |solr_field_sym, mods_field_val, exp_val| it "#{exp_val} for #{mods_field_val}" do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "#{mods_field_val}" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[solr_field_sym]).to eq exp_val end end RSpec.shared_examples 'pub year int (dateIssued)' do |solr_field_sym| it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '1945', 1945 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '945', 945 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '66', 66 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '5', 5 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '0', 0 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, 'blah blah 1945 blah blah', 1945 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '16--', 1600 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '9--', 900 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '19th century', 1800 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '9th century', 800 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, 'blah June 4, 1594; blah 1596', 1594 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, 'Aug. 3rd, 1886', 1886 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, 'Aug. 3rd, [18]86? foo bar', 1886 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, 'early 1890s', 1890 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '1865-6', 1865 end RSpec.shared_examples 'pub year int (dateIssued) for B.C. years' do |solr_field_sym| it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '-4', -4 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '-15', -15 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '-666', -666 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', solr_field_sym, '300 B.C.', -300 end context 'pub_year_isi' do it 'calls Stanford::Mods::Record instance pub_year_int(false)' do expect(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_int).with(false) allow(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_int).with(true) # pub_year_no_approx_isi sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_isi] end it 'includes approx dates' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1945" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_isi]).to eq 1945 end it 'will use dateCreated' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1904" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_isi]).to eq 1904 end it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued)', :pub_year_isi it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued) for B.C. years', :pub_year_isi end context 'pub_date_sort (DEPRECATED in favor of pub_year_isi)' do it 'calls Stanford::Mods::Record instance pub_year_sort_str(false)' do expect(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_sort_str).with(false) sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_date_sort] end it 'includes approx dates' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1945" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_date_sort]).to eq('1945') end it 'takes single dateCreated' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1904" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_date_sort]).to eq('1904') end it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '1945', '1945' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '945', '0945' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '66', '0066' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '5', '0005' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '0', '0000' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '16--', '1600' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '9--', '0900' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '19th century', '1800' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '9th century', '0800' # these negative values are for String lexical sorting as this is a string # -(1000 - |yyy|) for BC dates it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '-4', '-996' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '-15', '-985' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '-666', '-334' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_date_sort, '300 B.C.', '-700' end context 'pub_year_no_approx_isi' do it 'does not include approx dates' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1945" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_no_approx_isi]).to eq nil end it 'calls Stanford::Mods::Record instance pub_year_int(true)' do mods = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1500 2000" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(mods) expect(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_int).with(true).and_call_original allow(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_int).with(false) # for other flavor expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_no_approx_isi]).to eq 2000 end it 'will use dateCreated' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1904" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_no_approx_isi]).to eq 1904 end it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued)', :pub_year_no_approx_isi it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued) for B.C. years', :pub_year_no_approx_isi end context 'pub_year_w_approx_isi' do it 'includes approx dates' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1945" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_w_approx_isi]).to eq 1945 end it 'calls Stanford::Mods::Record instance pub_year_int(false)' do mods = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1500 2000" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(mods) expect(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_int).with(false).and_call_original allow(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_int).with(true) # for other flavor expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_w_approx_isi]).to eq 1500 end it 'will use dateCreated' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1904" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_w_approx_isi]).to eq 1904 end it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued)', :pub_year_w_approx_isi it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued) for B.C. years', :pub_year_w_approx_isi end context 'pub_year_tisim for date slider' do it 'should handle multiple pub dates (to be implemented - esp for date slider)' # FIXME: it should be using a method approp for date slider values, not single value it 'pub_year_tisim calls Stanford::Mods::Record instance pub_year_int(false)' do expect(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_int).with(false) allow(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_year_int).with(true) # for pub_year_no_approx_isi sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_tisim] end it 'includes approx dates' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1945" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_tisim]).to eq 1945 end it 'will use dateCreated' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1904" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:pub_year_tisim]).to eq 1904 end it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued)', :pub_year_tisim # nil for years before 0 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_year_tisim, '-4', nil it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_year_tisim, '-15', nil it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_year_tisim, '-666', nil it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_year_tisim, '300 B.C.', nil it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_year_tisim, 'blah June 4, 1594; blah 1596', 1594 # FIXME: should be both years it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :pub_year_tisim, '1865-6', 1865 # FIXME: should be both years end context 'creation_year_isi' do it 'creation_year_isi calls Stanford::Mods::Record year_int for dateCreated elements' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1500 2000" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:year_int).at_least(2).times.and_call_original expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:creation_year_isi]).to eq 1500 end RSpec.shared_examples 'expected (dateCreated)' do |mods_field_val, exp_val| it "#{exp_val} for #{mods_field_val}" do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "#{mods_field_val}" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:creation_year_isi]).to eq exp_val end end it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '1945', 1945 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '945', 945 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '66', 66 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '5', 5 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '0', 0 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '16--', 1600 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '9--', 900 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', 'blah blah 1945 blah blah', 1945 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '19th century', 1800 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '9th century', 800 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', 'blah June 4, 1594; blah 1596', 1594 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', 'Aug. 3rd, 1886', 1886 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', 'Aug. 3rd, [18]86? foo bar', 1886 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', 'early 1890s', 1890 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '1865-6', 1865 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '-4', -4 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '-15', -15 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '-666', -666 it_behaves_like 'expected (dateCreated)', '300 B.C.', -300 end context 'publication_year_isi' do it 'publication_year_isi calls Stanford::Mods::Record year_int for dateIssued elements' do m = mods_origin_info_start_str + "1500 2000" + mods_origin_info_end_str sdb = sdb_for_mods(m) expect(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:year_int).at_least(2).times.and_call_original expect(sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:publication_year_isi]).to eq 2000 end it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued)', :publication_year_isi it_behaves_like 'pub year int (dateIssued) for B.C. years', :publication_year_isi end end # publication date fields context 'imprint_display' do # FIXME: it should be using a method returning a better string than just year it 'imprint_display calls deprecated Stanford::Mods::Record instance pub_date_display' do expect(sdb.smods_rec).to receive(:pub_date_display) sdb.doc_hash_from_mods[:imprint_display] end it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '1945', '1945' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '945', '945' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '66', '66' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '5', '5' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '0', '0' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '-4', '-4' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '-15', '-15' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '-666', '-666' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '16--', '16--' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '9--', '9--' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '19th century', '19th century' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '9th century', '9th century' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, 'blah June 4, 1594; blah 1596', 'blah June 4, 1594; blah 1596' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, 'Aug. 3rd, 1886', 'Aug. 3rd, 1886' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, 'Aug. 3rd, [18]86?', 'Aug. 3rd, [18]86?' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, 'early 1890s', 'early 1890s' it_behaves_like 'expected (dateIssued)', :imprint_display, '1865-6', '1865-6' end end