module ClassMethods def default_accounted_type_id Card::UserID end end def account Account[ id ] end def accountable? Card.toggle( rule(:accountable) ) and fetch( :trait=>:account, :new=>{} ).permitted?( :create) #don't use #ok? here because we don't want to check part permissions end def parties @parties ||= (all_roles << end def among? card_with_acct card_with_acct.each do |auth| return true if parties.member? auth end card_with_acct.member? Card::AnyoneID end def read_rules @read_rules ||= begin rule_ids = [] unless id==Card::WagnBotID # always_ok, so not needed ( [ Card::AnyoneID ] + parties ).each do |party_id| if rule_ids_for_party = self.class.read_rule_cache[ party_id ] rule_ids += rule_ids_for_party end end end rule_ids end end def all_roles @all_roles ||= if id == Card::AnonID [] else Account.as_bot do role_trait = fetch :trait=>:roles [ Card::AuthID ] + ( role_trait ? role_trait.item_ids : [] ) end end end format :html do view :invitation_fields do |args| email_params = params[:email] || {} subject = email_params[:subject] || Card.setting('*invite+*subject') || '' message = email_params[:message] || Card.setting('*invite+*message') || '' success = Card.setting "#{ Card[:invite].name }+#{ Card[:thanks].name }" args[:buttons] = %{ #{ submit_tag 'Invite' } #{ link_to 'Cancel', previous_location } } %{ #{ hidden_field_tag :success, "REDIRECT: #{success}" if success } #{ fieldset :subject, text_field( :email, :subject, :value=>subject, :size=>60 ) } #{ fieldset :message, text_area( :email, :message, :value=>message, :rows=>10, :cols => 60 ), :help => "We'll create a password and attach it to the email." } #{ _optional_render :button_fieldset, args } } end view :account, :perms=> lambda { |r| r.card.update_account_ok? } do |args| frame_and_form :update, args, 'notify-success'=>'account details updated' do %{ #{ render_account_detail } #{ _optional_render :button_fieldset, args } } end end def default_account_args args default_new_account_args args args[:buttons] = submit_tag 'Save Changes' end view :account_detail, :perms=>lambda { |r| r.card.update_account_ok? } do |args| account = args[:account] || card.account %{ #{ fieldset :email, text_field( 'card[account_args]', :email, :autocomplete => :off, :value=> ), :editor => 'content' } #{ fieldset :password, password_field( 'card[account_args]', :password ), :help => (args[:setup] ? nil : 'no change if blank'), :editor => 'content' } #{ fieldset 'confirm password', password_field( 'card[account_args]', :password_confirmation ), :editor => 'content' } #{ if !args[:setup] && != fieldset :block, check_box_tag( 'card[account][blocked]', '1', account.blocked? ), :help=>'prevents sign-ins' end } } end view :new_account, :perms=> lambda { |r| r.card.accountable? && !r.card.account } do |args| frame_and_form :update, args do %{ #{ _render_email_fieldset } #{ _render_invitation_field } } end end def default_new_account_args args args[:hidden] = { :success => { :id=>'_self', :view=>'account' } } end view :email_fieldset do |args| fieldset :email, text_field( 'card[account_args]', :email ), :editor=>'content' end view :signin_and_forgot_password, :perms=>:none do |args| %{
#{ _render_signin args }
#{ _render_forgot_password args }
} end view :signin, :perms=>:none do |args| args.merge!( { :title=>'Sign In', :optional_help=>:show, :optional_menu=>:never, :hidden=>{ :success=>'REDIRECT:*previous' }, :buttons=> submit_tag( 'Sign in' ) }) if>Card::AccountRequestID).ok? :create args[:buttons] += link_to( '...or sign up!', wagn_path("new/:account_request")) end frame_and_form 'account/signin', args, :recaptcha=>:off do [ fieldset( :email, text_field_tag( 'login', params[:login], :id=>'login_field' ) ), fieldset( :password, password_field_tag( 'password' ) ), _optional_render( :button_fieldset, args ) ] end end view :forgot_password, :perms=>:none do |args| args.merge!( { :title=>'Forgot Password', :optional_help=>:show, :optional_menu=>:never, :hidden => { :success => { :view=>:forgot_password }}, :buttons => submit_tag( 'Reset my password' ) } ) frame_and_form 'account/forgot_password', args, :recaptcha=>:off, 'notify-success'=>"Check your email for your new temporary password" do [ fieldset( :email, text_field_tag( 'email', params[:email] ) ), _optional_render( :button_fieldset, args ) ] end end end event :set_stamper, :before=>:approve do self.updater_id = Account.current_id self.creator_id = self.updater_id if new_card? end event :create_account, :after=>:store, :on=>:save do if @account_args && !account && Card.toggle( rule :accountable ) # note - following must be done here because subcard handling happens later (after mods loaded) # and account card must be created before user entry # when all are cards, neither the as_bot nor the special treatment should be necessary. account_card = Account.as_bot do Card.create! :name=>"#{ name }+#{ Card[:account].name }" end @account_args[:status] = 'pending' unless accountable? @account_args.reverse_merge! :card_id =>, :status => 'active', :account_id => user = @account_args handle_user_save user @newly_activated_account = user if end end event :update_account, :after=>:store, :on=>:update do if @account_args && account && update_account_ok? @account_args[:blocked] = account_args[:blocked] == '1' if Account.as_id == id and account_args[:blocked] raise Wagn::Oops, "can't block own account" end user = account user.attributes = @account_args handle_user_save user end end def handle_user_save user unless user.errors.each do |key,err| errors.add key,err end raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end activation_ready = proc do |c| Wagn::Env.params[:activate] and c.accountable? and c.account end event :activate_account, :after=>:store, :on=>:update, :when=>activation_ready do account.update_attributes :status=>'active' @newly_activated_account = account end event :notify_accounted, :after=>:extend do if @newly_activated_account && email_args = Wagn::Env.params[:email] || {} email_args[:message] ||= Card.setting('*signup+*message') || "Thanks for signing up to #{Card.setting('*title')}!" email_args[:subject] ||= Card.setting('*signup+*subject') || "Account info for #{Card.setting('*title')}!" @newly_activated_account.send_account_info email_args end end event :block_deleted_user, :after=>:store, :on=>:delete do if account = Account[ ] account.update_attributes :status=>'blocked' end end