////////////////////////////// // Enable ligatures ////////////////////////////// @mixin enable-ligatures($extend: null) { $extend: if($extend != null, $extend, toolkit-get('ligature extend')); @if $extend { @include dynamic-extend('enable ligatures') { @include enable-ligatures; } } @else { -webkit-font-feature-settings:"liga","dlig"; -moz-font-feature-settings:"liga=1, dlig=1"; -moz-font-feature-settings:"liga","dlig"; -ms-font-feature-settings:"liga","dlig"; -o-font-feature-settings:"liga","dlig"; font-feature-settings: "liga","dlig"; } } ////////////////////////////// // Font Face ////////////////////////////// @mixin font-face($name, $files, $weight: null, $style: null, $inline-woff: null) { $weight: if($weight != null, $weight, toolkit-get('font face weight')); $style: if($style != null, $style, toolkit-get('font face style')); $inline-woff: if($inline-woff != null, $inline-woff, toolkit-get('font face inline woff')); $font-stack: (); $font-src: ''; $eot: false; $font-extensions: ('eot': 'embedded-opentype', 'woff2': 'woff2', 'woff': 'woff', 'ttf': 'truetype', 'svg': 'svg'); @each $ext, $format in $font-extensions { @if map-has-key($files, $ext) { @if function-exists(inline-font-files) and $inline-woff == true and ($ext == 'woff' or $ext == 'woff2') { $font-src: inline-font-files(map-get($files, $ext)); } @else if function-exists(font-url) { $font-src: font-url(map-get($files, $ext)) format($format); @if $ext == 'eot' { $eot: $font-src; $font-src: font-url(map-get($files, $ext) + '#iefix') format($format); } } @else { $font-src: url(map-get($files, $ext)) format($format); @if $ext == 'eot' { $eot: $font-src; $font-src: url(map-get($files, $ext) + '#iefix') format($format); } } $font-stack: append($font-stack, $font-src, 'comma'); } } @font-face { font-family: $name; font-weight: $weight; font-style: $style; @if $eot { src: $eot; } @if length($font-stack) > 0 { src: $font-stack; } } } ////////////////////////////// // Icon Font // From http://icomoon.io ////////////////////////////// @mixin icon-font($font-stack, $speak: null, $extend: null) { $speak: if($speak != null, $speak, toolkit-get('icon font speak')); $extend: if($extend != null, $extend, toolkit-get('icon font extend')); font-family: $font-stack; @if $speak == false { speak: none; } @include icon-font--core($extend); } @mixin icon-font--core($extend: null) { $extend: if($extend != null, $extend, toolkit-get('icon font extend')); @if $extend { @include dynamic-extend('icon font core') { @include icon-font--core(false); } } @else { font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; text-transform: none; line-height: 1; @include enable-ligatures($extend); -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } } ////////////////////////////// // Font Fade In ////////////////////////////// @mixin content-fade-in($duration: null, $loading: null, $extend: null) { $duration: if($duration != null, $duration, toolkit-get('fade in duration')); $loading: if($loading != null, $loading, toolkit-get('fade in loading class')); $extend: if($extend != null, $extend, toolkit-get('fade in extend')); @if $extend == true and $duration == toolkit-get('fade in duration') and $loading == toolkit-get('fade in loading class') { @include dynamic-extend('content fade in') { @include content-fade-in($extend: false); } } @else { opacity: 1; @if not mixin-exists('single-transition') { -webkit-transition: opacity $duration; transition: opacity $duration; } @else { @include single-transition(opacity $duration); } #{$loading} & { opacity: 0; } } }