require 'cloudfuji' require 'authlogic_cloudfuji' module FatFreeCRM module Cloudfuji class << self def enable_cloudfuji! load_observers! extend_user! setup_authentication! end def extend_user! puts "Extending the user model" User.instance_eval do include ::Cloudfuji::UserHelper validates_presence_of :ido_id validates_uniqueness_of :ido_id before_create :make_admin end User.class_eval do def make_admin self.admin = true end def cloudfuji_extra_attributes(extra_attributes) self.first_name = extra_attributes["first_name"] self.last_name = extra_attributes["last_name"] self.locale = extra_attributes["locale"] = extra_attributes["email"] self.username ||= extra_attributes["email"].split("@").first end end end def load_observers! Dir[File.expand_path("../cloudfuji/event_observers/*.rb", __FILE__)].each { |file| require file } end def setup_authentication! Authlogic::Cas.actor_model = User Authlogic::Cas.authentication_model = Authentication Authlogic::Cas.setup_authentication end end end end module ActionDispatch::Routing class RouteSet Mapper.class_eval do def cloudfuji_authentication_routes Rails.application.routes.draw do scope :module => :authlogic do scope :module => :cas do match "login" => "cas_authentication#new_cas_session", :as => :login match "logout" => "cas_authentication#destroy_cas_session", :as => :logout end end end end end end end if Cloudfuji::Platform.on_cloudfuji? class CloudfujiRailtie < Rails::Railtie # Enabling it via this hook means that it'll be reloaded on each # request in development mode, so you can make changes in here and # it'll be immeidately reflected config.to_prepare do puts "Enabling Cloudfuji" FatFreeCRM::Cloudfuji.enable_cloudfuji! puts "Finished enabling Cloudfuji" end end end