module Fog module Storage class InternetArchive class Real # Get a hash of hidden fields for form uploading to S3, in the form {:field_name => :field_value} # Form should look like:
# These hidden fields should then appear, followed by a field named 'file' which is either a textarea or file input. # # @param options Hash: # @option options acl [String] access control list, in ['private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write', 'authenticated-read', 'bucket-owner-read', 'bucket-owner-full-control'] # @option options Cache-Control [String] same as REST header # @option options Content-Type [String] same as REST header # @option options Content-Disposition [String] same as REST header # @option options Content-Encoding [String] same as REST header # @option options Expires same as REST header # @option options key key for object, set to '${filename}' to use filename provided by user # @option options policy security policy for upload # @option options success_action_redirect url to redirct to upon success # @option options success_action_status status code to return on success, in [200, 201, 204] # @option options x-amz-security token devpay security token # @option options x-amz-meta... meta data tags # # @see # def post_object_hidden_fields(options = {}) if options['policy'] options['policy'] = Base64.encode64(Fog::JSON.encode(options['policy'])).gsub("\n", "") options['AWSAccessKeyId'] = @ia_access_key_id options['Signature'] = Base64.encode64(@hmac.sign(options['policy'])).gsub("\n", "") end options end end end end end