= acts_as_solr Rails plugin This plugin adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache's Solr[http://lucene.apache.org/solr/] to any Rails model. It was based on the first draft by Erik Hatcher. == Current Release There is no numbered release yet, but the master branch is always considered stable. == Support Check the project website[http://mattmatt.github.com/acts_as_solr] or stop by the Google Group[http://groups.google.com/group/acts_as_solr]. Send bug reports through GitHub[http://github.com/mattmatt/acts_as_solr/issues]. == Changes Please refer to the CHANGELOG[http://github.com/mattmatt/acts_as_solr/blob/master/CHANGE_LOG] == Installation For Rails >= 2.1: script/plugin install git://github.com/mattmatt/acts_as_solr.git For Rails < 2.1: cd vendor/plugins git clone git://github.com/mattmatt/acts_as_solr.git rm -rf acts_as_solr/.git Make sure you copy vendor/plugins/acts_as_solr/config/solr.yml to your Rails application's config directory, when you install via git clone. Here is an example solr.yml configuration: # Config file for the acts_as_solr plugin. # # If you change the host or port number here, make sure you update # them in your Solr config file development: url: production: url: jvm_options: -server -d64 -Xmx1024M -Xms64M test: url: == Requirements * Java Runtime Environment(JRE) 1.5 aka 5.0 [http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp](http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp) * If you have libxml-ruby installed, make sure it's at least version 0.7 == Configuration If you are using acts_as_solr as a Rails plugin, everything is configured to work out of the box. You can use `rake solr:start` and `rake solr:stop` to start and stop the Solr web server (an embedded Jetty). If the default JVM options aren't suitable for your environment, you can configure them in solr.yml with the option `jvm_options`. There is a default set for the production environment to have some more memory available for the JVM than the defaults, but feel free to change them to your liking. If you are using acts_as_solr as a gem, create a file named lib/tasks/acts_as_solr.rake: require "acts_as_solr/tasks" == Basic Usage # Just include the line below to any of your ActiveRecord models: acts_as_solr # Or if you want, you can specify only the fields that should be indexed: acts_as_solr :fields => [:name, :author] # Then to find instances of your model, just do: Model.find_by_solr(query) #query is a string representing your query # Please see ActsAsSolr::ActsMethods for a complete info == acts_as_solr in your tests To test code that uses acts_as_solr you must start a Solr server for the test environment. You can do that with rake solr:start RAILS_ENV=test However, if you would like to mock out Solr calls so that a Solr server is not needed (and your tests will run much faster), just add this to your `test_helper.rb` or similar: class ActsAsSolr::Post def self.execute(request) true end end (via[http://www.subelsky.com/2007/10/actsassolr-capistranhttpwwwbloggercomim.html#c1646308013209805416]) == Authors Erik Hatcher: First draft Thiago Jackiw: Previous developer Luke Francl: Current developer Mathias Meyer: Current developer == Release Information Released under the MIT license.