if RUBY_PLATFORM != "java" raise "Only JRuby is supported" end Gem::Specification.new do |spec| files = %x{git ls-files}.split("\n") spec.name = "logstash-devutils" spec.version = "0.0.18" spec.summary = "logstash-devutils" spec.description = "logstash-devutils" spec.license = "Apache 2.0" spec.files = files spec.require_paths << "lib" spec.authors = ["Jordan Sissel"] spec.email = ["jls@semicomplete.com"] spec.homepage = "https://github.com/elasticsearch/logstash-devutils" spec.add_runtime_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.1.0" # MIT License spec.add_runtime_dependency "rspec-wait" # MIT License spec.platform = "java" spec.add_runtime_dependency "rake" # MIT License spec.add_runtime_dependency "gem_publisher" # MIT License spec.add_runtime_dependency "minitar" # GPL2|Ruby License # Should be removed as soon as the plugins are using insist by their # own, and not relying on being required by the spec helper. # (some plugins does it, some use insist throw spec_helper) spec.add_runtime_dependency "insist", "1.0.0" # (Apache 2.0 license) spec.add_runtime_dependency "kramdown" spec.add_runtime_dependency "stud", " >= 0.0.20" end