- title "Application" .form-success .success_message %p#notice= notice - if @questionnaire.can_rsvp? - if @questionnaire.did_rsvp? %p Below is a copy of your information for #{Rails.configuration.hackathon['name']}. = link_to "Back to RSVP page »".html_safe, rsvp_path - else %p You have not RSVP'd yet! %br %br = link_to "RSVP NOW »".html_safe, rsvp_path - else - if Rails.configuration.hackathon['registration_is_open'] %p Thanks for applying! You will be notified of your acceptance via email. - else %p Thanks for applying! .participant_info %p Below is a copy of your application. = render partial: 'questionnaire_summary' %p = btn_link_to ' Edit Application'.html_safe, edit_questionnaires_path - if !@questionnaire.user.provider = btn_link_to ' Edit Account'.html_safe, edit_user_registration_path %p Unhappy? #{link_to "Revoke my application", user_registration_path, data: { confirm: "Are you sure? Your account and application will be permanently erased." }, method: :delete}