module Padrino module Helpers module FormHelpers ## # Helpers to generate options list for select tag. # module Options def extract_option_tags!(options) state = extract_option_state!(options) option_tags = if options[:grouped_options] grouped_options_for_select(options.delete(:grouped_options), state) else options_for_select(extract_option_items!(options), state) end if prompt = options.delete(:include_blank) option_tags.unshift(blank_option(prompt)) end option_tags end private ## # Returns the blank option serving as a prompt if passed. # def blank_option(prompt) case prompt when nil, false nil when String content_tag(:option, prompt, :value => '') when Array content_tag(:option, prompt.first, :value => prompt.last) else content_tag(:option, '', :value => '') end end ## # Returns whether the option should be selected or not. # # @example # option_is_selected?("red", "Red", ["red", "blue"]) => true # option_is_selected?("red", "Red", ["green", "blue"]) => false # def option_is_selected?(value, caption, selected_values) Array(selected_values).any? do |selected| [value.to_s, caption.to_s].include?(selected.to_s) end end ## # Returns the options tags for a select based on the given option items. # def options_for_select(option_items, state = {}) return [] if option_items.blank? do |caption, value, attributes| html_attributes = { :value => value ||= caption }.merge(attributes||{}) html_attributes[:selected] ||= option_is_selected?(value, caption, state[:selected]) html_attributes[:disabled] ||= option_is_selected?(value, caption, state[:disabled]) content_tag(:option, caption, html_attributes) end end ## # Returns the optgroups with options tags for a select based on the given :grouped_options items. # def grouped_options_for_select(collection, state = {}) do |item| caption = item.shift attributes = item.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? item.pop : {} value = item.flatten(1) attributes = value.pop if value.last.kind_of?(Hash) html_attributes = { :label => caption }.merge(attributes||{}) content_tag(:optgroup, options_for_select(value, state), html_attributes) end end def extract_option_state!(options) { :selected => Array(options.delete(:value))|Array(options.delete(:selected))|Array(options.delete(:selected_options)), :disabled => Array(options.delete(:disabled_options)) } end def extract_option_items!(options) if options[:collection] collection, fields = options.delete(:collection), options.delete(:fields){ |item| [ item.send(fields.first), item.send(fields.last) ] } else options.delete(:options) || [] end end end end end end